The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0253, come to the demon field

"It shouldn't be too late, Master, let's hurry over. If you delay, Sister Xiludi will be in danger." Although Youludi was seriously injured, she insisted on saving her sister.

The elder sister who has been sullen and has not treated her well since childhood, and the elder sister who has been chasing since childhood, turned out to be in love with her sister.In prison, she thought that Youludi would die, but she was rescued by her sister, and the ups and downs flooded her heart.

"You have been seriously injured now, so don't force it. My brother will rescue Shiludi, so you can just wait here." The kind-hearted Qianqiu forgot to be jealous early on the matter of life.

"It's okay, I...I can still teleport the master...Master, there is not much time to waste now." You Ludi struggled to stand up, her eyes full of determination.

"It's too reluctant to teleport based on your current physical condition. Just tell me the address. I see if I can take you there!" Since breaking through the first layer of the Imperial Girl Cultivation Technique, Nie Kong has the teleport ability.

Within the scope of spiritual consciousness, he can use his soul power to break the space barrier to achieve the purpose of teleportation.But the speed is too slow to start freely at any time.In the case of short distances, the speed is not as fast as it is.

It takes too long for soul power to break the barrier, so short-range teleportation is now a tasteless skill.Only soul condensing is more powerful, that is teleport can send and receive freely.Even to a certain extent, the power of faith is no longer needed to break the dimensional barriers.

"Is that so? Tell the master about the location first! The headquarters of the Behmot Division is located in the Demon Field Academy. It is said that it was an academy built by the original Ishiya Demon. The establishment of this academy by Behmet was all for the King of Flames. Stationed there by the way. The Behmot Division has 394 powerful demons, ten princes, and twenty-four princes! The above is the basic information of the Behmot Division. If the master is past, be careful when you go. Right." You Ludi said all the information she knew.After recognizing the Lord, she has already positioned herself.

"It's too much, why do they occupy our Ishiya Demon College? My brother will take me by the way, Qianqiu can teach them by himself!" The school full of good memories is occupied by others, and no one will be angry.

"Don't talk, wait until I see the situation!" Now that I know the location, it's easy to handle, and the spiritual consciousness that covers a kilometer spreads towards the stone arrow demon.Since the apartment is very close to the Shishi Demon, Nie Kong's Spiritual Consciousness just noticed the Demon Wild Academy.

After successfully positioning, Nie Kong began to mobilize the soul power of the consciousness space.The horrible pressure spread, and even Griffia felt his soul trembled in horror.

Because of the use of the power of the soul, the red pupils began to transform into golden ruthlessness.In the eyes of the three women, Nie Kong seemed to be a god who came to the mortal world!

"Teleport!" Motivated by the powerful soul power, Nie Kong tore the space in front of him with a two-meter-wide hole.

"You stay at home first, and we will go back. It's too easy to deal with a few demons." Before Griffia and Qianqiu could react, Nie Kong and You Ludi in front of them disappeared in front of them.

As a high-level space demon, Yuludi was still shocked when she saw the master's method of teleportation.What kind of dimensional power is this, it is simply breaking barriers with force.I'm not mistaken, are there such powerful people in the world?

The round moon illuminates, except for the night wind on the empty streets.Except for homelessness such as stray cats and puppies, not many people remain in the streets now.In the whole city, except for the street lights at night, almost all fell into darkness, and there was an indescribable silence.

Only in the chaotic original stone arrow demon territory, the crackling sound has not stopped from evening to now.The cry of pain and the cry of killing added a beautiful symphony to the silent night.

At this time, the circular black hole abruptly appeared in front of the gate of the Demon Wild School.Two people jumped out of the black hole, of course they were Nie Kong and the maid demon Youludi.

"Hiludi should be right here, I have already noticed her unique magic power." The spiritual sense covers the huge campus in front of it, and discovered the magic of Xiludi.Of course, Nie Kong was surprised, he also found many familiar auras.

"Master...Master, it's right here. Hurry in, and Chi will change." You Ludi, who was seriously injured, staggered towards the teaching building enduring pain.

"Don't be far-fetched, I'll carry you in." Walking up to Xiludi at your speed, I'm afraid they would have been killed long ago.You Ludi exclaimed, still leaning against the master's back before he knew it.

"As a waitress... the maid let the master carry this... how decent, will you let me down, master?" The master's tender concern penetrated deep into her heart, and You Ludi felt that this life is for such a master. what.

"What a small matter, please give me peace of mind to rest." Since You Ludi is wearing a gothic dress, Nie Kong's big hands did not stop her holding the skin of her warm thighs.

Straight, slender and full of elasticity, I really want to put black stockings on Yuludi.The two sisters are exactly the same figure, don't you know what it's like to serve him in bed together?

Although the sister flower has tried it, it is the first time that the twins have come to the second element for so long, so you must taste it.

You Ludi was startled first, and she could see her reddish cheeks through the moonlight.She suddenly laughed in a low voice, like a delicate face carved in marble, instantly stained with a gorgeous halo!

An Xin lay on his master's back and pointed to the way forward. Nie Kong followed Xiludi's guidance and walked quickly towards the teaching building.Almost a second later, they appeared ten meters away.

Before half a minute, Nie Kong, carrying the two girls, walked from the school gate to the teaching building.There are many unconscious students in the dark building.

The faces of these students are very familiar. They were formerly assigned to students from various colleges by the original Ishiya Ma.There were even dozens of classmates, half of their bodies sunk into the wall.

Nie Kong was slightly relieved that he could find a lot of demons killed in the crowd, and there were even more than a dozen of the pillar generals.It shows that the students of Shi Shi Demon have become stronger, and they can kill such powerful demons.

MK5, Mipo, Abe, the killing machine, the more I walked inside, the more familiar student faces I found.Hasn't Behmoto really learned his lesson, dare to take the demon army to the world so boldly.

At this time, Nie Kong had a murderous intent in his heart.

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