The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 6 050, xanxus struck

A white-haired and long-haired Squaro chased Bagir with a Pengley ring all the way to Japan. He was about to catch someone. Unexpectedly, a nosy girl suddenly appeared on the way, and The girl is so careless, not afraid of herself.

"Although thank you for saving me, he is not an ordinary person. Run away!"

The injured Bagir looked weak, but still responsibly persuaded the single ponytail girl in front of her to leave.

"Who do you think is rubbish! An adult chasing a child to fight and kill, you are rubbish!"

Miura Haru, who was full of justice, realized that her situation was very dangerous. She only knew that if she didn't stand up, then this young man would definitely be bullied by the fierce man in front of her.

Squalo originally didn't want to involve ordinary people, but when he was scolded by the strange girl in front of him, he immediately rose up in anger, waved the long sword in his hand, and slashed towards Bagir.

"Xiaochun! Be careful!"

Miura Haru never thought that the man in front of him would dare to commit a crime in broad daylight. Under the conditioned reflex, he turned around and hugged the injured Bagir tightly, closed his eyes tightly, and looked scared. Waiting for the pain to come.

However, between the flashing lights, Xiaochun heard a beautiful female voice, and then felt a person rushing in front of him.

"Little... Jing?"

After opening her eyes, Xiaochun opened her eyes wide, looking at the person who resisted her.

"Nie Kong... Teacher..."


Xiaochun stared at the white blade in his hand dumbfounded. Apart from surprise, his eyes were full of admiration.

Is it the man she has been looking for to give herself a sense of security!

"Teacher Nie Kong, I want to be your wife!"

When love comes, nothing can be resisted, Xiaochun has always been a carefree young girl, no matter what the situation is now, Xiaochun directly expresses her heart straightforwardly.

However, this sentence instantly made a black line at the end of the Prison Temple and Yamamoto who rushed to it.

No matter how big your nerves are, you should also look at the situation at the scene, girl!

Even the hearty boy Yamamoto was embarrassed by Xiaochun's words, although he quickly returned to normal.

However, the Prison Temple Hayato, who was Kyoko's chief follower, refused.

"Hey-where did you come from! Sister Jingzi kindly saved you, but you still want to snatch the boss of Nie Kong from Sister Jingzi!"

On the spot, the Hayato at the Prison Temple shouted loudly at Xiaochun, his face full of discomfort.

"Well, let's wait until the enemy in front of you is resolved first..."

Takeshi Yamamoto had no choice but to come out quickly to be a peacemaker. Although his expression was very laid-back, he was always wary of the man who took the initiative to attack the fierce look on the opposite side.

Originally they were walking while Kyoko was introducing the girl named Haru Miura who was about to meet. However, Kyoko's originally cheerful expression suddenly became tense, and then speeded up and rushed towards the front, their reaction slowed a step. , And rushed over later.

But one thing is certain. Following Jingzi and Teacher Nie Kong, you will encounter many interesting things!

"You guy..." Squalo stared at Nie Kong with an angry face, and scenes of unbearable past events flashed in his mind, which made the anger on his face even stronger.

"Long time no see, Mr. Squairo."

Nie Kong didn't seem to see the anger of the other party at all, with a faint smile on his lips, and a leisurely greeting to the person in front of him.

"Teacher, you know?"

Kyoko was initially shocked by Xiaochun's declaration, but after hearing Nie Kong's greeting, he couldn't help but become more confused about the status quo.

"I don't know him, it's just one of my defeated men."

Nie Kong took it casually, not caring at all.

I don’t know if it’s the phrase "the enemy is defeated", or because Nie Kong’s indifferent attitude directly stimulated Squaro’s nerves. He was still cautiously vigilant, and the volcano erupted immediately, waving his hands desperately. The long sword dashed towards Nie Kong.

"Trash—I'm going to kill you!"

He is an arrogant sword emperor with victorious battles. Wherever he has been insulted like that, he will not avenge his revenge, nor will he be a man!

"If you can, you can try it."

Nie Kong was indifferent to Squaro's rage.

"Square Impact--" Squaro used one of his unique tricks as soon as he arrived, which was enough to see his anger towards Nie Kong and his importance.

"If your power is strong enough, it will indeed affect me, but it's a pity that the current trick is just a bit noisy to me."

Even if Squaro's tricks were fierce, he could not shake Nie Kong in the slightest.

The shark's impact is a shock sword that uses a powerful shock wave to stimulate the opponent's nerves and paralyzes it. Then, when the opponent is paralyzed and slows down, it is a deadly trick.

However, Nie Kong was not affected at all.

"This is the first time we have seen Teacher Nie Kong take action..."

Now that Nie Kong took the shot, naturally there was nothing else to do. Yamamoto and others gathered around Kyoko, protecting them while observing the battle at the scene.

They were also more or less affected by the shock wave of Squaro's shark impact, but after Nie Kong shot, they magically lost the sense of oppressive nerve shock.


After failing a single move, Squaro immediately changed his tactics and used the "Hawker Tooth Spike". With a powerful impact and incomparable speed, he used his sword to stagger the attack trajectory and continuously stabbed his opponent. It seemed as if countless swords were piercing Nie Kong.

And Sora also took back the blood whip of sin, as if he hadn't reacted, standing still, without any movement.


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