The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 063, Bai Lan appeared

Although Japanese sake is weak, it has plenty of stamina.

Nie Kong looked helplessly at Bi Yangqi, who was dangling in his arms. At this time, his beautiful face was even more because of drinking alcohol. His cheeks were blushing, his eyes were misty, and his mouth kept whispering. Are talking nonsense.

"Bi Yangqi? Can you still stand up?"

Nie Kong whispered about the situation of the beauty in his arms, but saw that Bi Yangqi was confused and very drunk except for calling out her name from time to time.

"This is really difficult!"

Nie Kong sighed lightly, his complexion didn't seem inconvenient, he was still elegant and calm.

Because of being dragged by Bi Yangqi, Nie Kong couldn't get up to check out, so he called the wine shop owner softly.

"Ah, this is the first time I have seen Miss Biyangqi become so drunk! You kid really has a hand!"

The owner of the restaurant is very familiar, and while calling his wife to collect the bill, he still didn't forget to chat with Nie Zizi.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Nie Kong was curious about what the owner of the restaurant had said. Although he had some premonitions in his heart, he still wanted to prove it.

Nie Kong never liked ambiguous statements and feelings.

"I remember, the old man once sighed about Bi Yangqi's drinking capacity, and even tried it with Miss Bi Yangqi, and finally lost shamefully!"

At this time, before the wine shop owner could speak, the lady proprietress took the change to Nie Kong and leaned forward.

Originally, they were about to close the door, so they had time to chat.

"At that time, even though this old man was already drunk and almost unconscious, he still reluctantly grabbed Ms. Bi Yangqi and asked her how she got such a drink at a young age."

"I remember when she said--"

The owner of the wine shop was not willing to be left out, and hurriedly continued the conversation, "She has appeared at various banquets since she was a little girl. It seems that she can't get drunk because of family reasons, so she deliberately practiced drinking!"

"What do you remember, you obviously fell asleep at that time, and the rest of the matter was obviously you dragged me and asked me to tell you!"

The proprietress glanced at the wine shop owner with a look of disgust.

Nie Kong just soothed the drunk Bi Yangqi, and smiled at the "flirting" young couple in front of him. Nie Kong felt very warm about the way the two get along.

People who can make Bi Yangqi treat this way can also tell that these two are good people. Otherwise, as a member of the Mafia, Bi Yangqi would never disclose her information at will.

Rather than saying that Biyangqi likes here, it is better to say that Biyangqi likes the way of getting along between the two people in the bar.

Nie Kong knew that Bi Yangqi had always wanted to have a good relationship with the Jail Temple Falcon, but because of the shadow of the prison temple’s heart and the problems of his childhood, Bi Yangqi had been shut out of the door, although he did not show it, but Nie Kong But it was obvious that Bi Yangqi felt anxious.

Nie Kong was thoughtful, presumably, Kyoko would want Bi Yangqi to stay, like it is one aspect, but also hope that his family members can get along well with their loved ones.

For someone like Kyoko who has no relatives, family affection is an emotion she desires very much.

Nie Kong had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but the lady boss didn't realize it, and she enthusiastically went about Bi Yangqi's past with Nie Kong.

Nie Kong nodded to the two elders opposite, took off his jacket, and put it on Bi Yangqi's body, then picked up Bi Yangqi, nodded to the owner of the restaurant as a goodbye, and then walked out. Up the wine house.

Nie Kong, who was planning to go straight home, suddenly felt something, frowned slightly, and quickly carried Bi Yangqi home.

In order to save time, Nie Kong directly put Bi Yangqi on the bed in his room, and then went out.

If you don’t feel wrong, the direction the breath approaches is...

Haru Miura's home!"

"This world really surprised me!"

Just as Nie Kong was surprised by the person who appeared, the smiling guy on the opposite side was also quite surprised by Nie Kong's appearance.

The broken white hair is naturally curly, the end is upturned, messy but in a strange harmony, there is a strange mark on the left cheek under the eyes, a purple inverted crown mark.

At this moment, he looked curiously at the sudden appearance of Nie Kong with those purple-blue eyes with a trace of evil charm.

Nie Kong recognized his outfit.

The final boss in the future chapter, the leader of Mirófiore, Bran Jessor.

Can easily defeat Liu Dao Mukuro ten years later, don't know how powerful is the power now?

"Mr. Bran Jessop, why does it appear in such a place?"

Nie Kong didn't bother to deal with nonsense, but directly asked with a chuckle.

Although Bai Lan was originally the leader of the Jessor family, she has become the leader of Mirófiore ten years later and naturally changed her surname accordingly.

Nie Kong wasn't sure when Bai Lan became the leader of Mirufiore, so Nie Kong called out his full name specially.

"This is really unfair, you know my name, but I don't know it!"

Bai Lan did not answer directly, but instead used a somewhat shameless tone, intending to make Nie Kong report his name.

"Nie Kong."

Nie Kong did not refuse either, and generously reported his name.

He will appear here because of the power of time and space, but Nie Kong was not sure whether he exists in other worlds, but from Bai Lan's reaction, he seems to be unique!

"Ah, just report your name so simply, aren't you afraid that I will trouble you?"

Bai Lan didn't seem to have expected that Nie Kong would answer his question so simply. From Nie Kong's easy expression, he also knew that the other party was not easy to deal with.

Bai Lan felt that it didn't matter. Bai Lan, who was able to travel freely in parallel worlds, didn't think that anyone could defeat such a self.

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