The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 084. Family expansion problem

Nie Kong chuckled lightly, and took out a delicately packaged gift box from the drawer of the desk.

"Xiao Jing, look, what is this?"

Jingzi's eyes lit up, and she was pleasantly surprised to accept the gift Nie Kong had given him. After looking up at Nie Kong in embarrassment, she carefully opened the gift box with her red face and ears.

"so beautiful……"

When Kyoko opened the gift box, her eyes were immediately attracted by the blue gems in the gift box.

The very clear blue, like the look of the sea, like the sky, is so beautiful that people can't look away.


The gem necklace made by Nie Kong himself is very clear, and even has a deceptive feeling.

"I like it very much!"

Kyoko couldn't wait to take out the necklace, put it in her palm, and dazed her lovingly. From the unreserved liking, you can see that she really liked the gift.

"Xiao Jing, I'll help you put it on."

Seeing Jingzi's reluctance to let go, Nie Kong smiled lightly, took the necklace from Jingzi's hand, walked around behind Jingzi, and gently helped her wear the necklace.

Kyoko's neck is very white and delicate, matched with pure blue gemstones.

"It's really pretty."

After wearing it, Nie Kong took a look, and then smiled, "It matches Xiao Jing's temperament very well!"

"Thank you... thank you teacher."

"Xie can't just say it."

Kyoko closed her eyes and hugged Nie Kong because her cheeks were stained scarlet.

Jingzi's shy and timid appearance was very pleasant. Nie Kong didn't hold it for a while, and couldn't help but kissed Jingzi's pink lips a few times, like cotton candy, soft.

If it wasn't because Jingzi's blush was not decent, I'm afraid Nie Kong would not stop.

"Let's go, we should go home."

Nie Kong sorted out the handouts, gently took Jingzi's hand, and left the school together.

When he got home, Kulom happened to be in the hall, and when he saw Nie Kong, he hurriedly got up.

"Brother, something went wrong with a file that was processed last time."

Kulom also just learned of the news, just in time, Nie Kong returned.

"Don't worry, go back to the room and explain the situation to me in general."

Nie Kong didn't rush, and after asking Kyoko to prepare dinner, he returned to the room with Kulom.

In the past, many things were done by himself. After successfully gaining certain prestige in the Italian Mafia family, Nie Kong delegated most of his official duties to trusted people he chose to complete.

However, in the execution of the acceptance of other families, because of an impulse of one family member, the whole plan was led to an unexpected direction by the butterfly effect.

The people below were busy and negligent at first, and after discovering the problem, they have developed to the point where they cannot return to their homes.

"Colom, what do you think should be done with this question?"

At this time, the important thing is not how to deal with the impulsive Mafia member, but how to rearrange the situation and take the situation in your own hands.


Kulom frowned, thinking hard about the countermeasures.

"Since the situation has occurred, there is no other way but to drain the second squad as far as possible to make up for the vacancy of the first squad, fill the loopholes as soon as possible, and keep all losses to a minimum, and redirect the situation to the original plan. "

"It doesn't matter if there is no way to fully achieve the initial effect. As long as the result is beneficial to us, we can grasp the first opportunity."

After dealing with things by Nie Kong's side, Kulom made great progress, and gradually looked at things comprehensively. However, after all, his experience is still relatively shallow, and there will inevitably be omissions.

"What you said is really correct. If you let the second team out, you can effectively control the situation and return the situation to what you want."

Nie Kong nodded thoughtfully, looking at the information in his hand for a moment.

"It's just that, I have also said that none of our plans are allowed to make any mistakes. Otherwise, it will be easy for someone to take advantage of the loopholes."

"And we are far away from Italy. Some things cannot be verified face to face in time. People's hearts are unpredictable, and there are always times when they will be overcast."

"Well, it is indeed like this..." If Kulom realized something, "Then, this situation can only be handled by the previous team alone..."

Regardless of whether it is external or internal, it can only be handled by the previous team. Otherwise, if a precedent is set, it will inevitably have a bad impact later.

"This person, Colom, do you have any impression?"

Nie Kong turned over the information on a person's personal information, spread it out, and passed it to Kulom, motioning her to take a look.

The people in the special advisor were all personally selected by Nie Kong, and occasionally he would take Kulom behind him and select them together.

"Um...I am a little impressed."

Kulom thought hard, and nodded hesitantly.

"I remember that his results were not the best at that time, but he always felt that there was a momentum in him. Brother, you also said at the time that he had great potential and was a talent suitable for development. That's why he was recruited. "

"But it always feels weird..."

Kulom suddenly frowned and was a little confused. "Although he looks very aggressive, I have seen him in training. He is very calm. Even when he faces a much stronger opponent, he still He was calm and calm, thinking of ways to deal with it. Although he did not succeed in winning the game in the end, I think he has improved a lot because of this."

If it wasn't for this man who made a big mistake this time, Kulom would actually be very optimistic about him.

"I always feel that he shouldn't be as impulsive as his appearance. This time, I always feel that something is not right..."

"Colom, your intuition has always been very accurate, so I let you be my assistant to deal with these things, so sometimes, you can just trust your intuition."

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