The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 088, the power of deja vu

This kind of method and this kind of power, if it weren't because Liu Dao Mukuro was being watched under his eyelids, it would not be possible to cause trouble, Nie Kong really had to put the suspected candidate on his body.

"The technique of this illusion and the means of attack are very familiar to people..."

Nie Kong muttered thoughtfully, tracking the black mist in the locked position.

"Brother, it's Liudao Mukuro——"

Kulom guessed what Nie Kong was thinking with his heart, he hesitated, and finally decided to help Liu Dao Mukuro to explain it, but he was interrupted by Nie Kong before he finished speaking.

"Don't worry, Kulom, I know it's not Mr. Mukuro, but maybe it has something to do with him. Now, use your power to summon Ms. Mukuro over!"

Listening to Nie Kong's words, Kulom was stunned, then nodded, closed his eyes, used the spiritual world to inform Liu Dao Mukuro.

Seeing that Kulom had already started to act, Nie Kong got up, patted the dust on it, and stretched out his hand to Enzo.

"Get up, next, you should know, what should you do?"

Enzo looked at Nie Kong's outstretched hand to him, he hesitated, but quickly put his hand on, and stood up with Nie Kong's strength.

"of course!"

The confident and calm smile returned to Enzo's face.

"Take a tooth for a tooth, double it!"

"Haha." Nie Kong chuckled, "My man, how can I not have any courage at all!"

Although Enzo has always been calm and calm, he is only eighteen years old and has just grown up. He has black shredded hair. He is very cleanly taken care of, and his behavior is very mature. He doesn't look like a just adult child.

Although his face is not high-quality, it is also considered pretty, and coupled with taking care of himself normally, there are still many female admirers among the families.

Enzo was still struggling with the situation in this respect, but after Nie Kong's suggestion, he changed his thinking point, effectively used his own advantages, and helped himself get a lot of information.

"Originally I was not sure, but according to the situation I was specifically dealt with, that guy really has a problem!"

Although Enzo has received special attention from Nie Kong in the team, however, it is just one of the unremarkable members.

However, when he was collecting information according to the task, he unexpectedly got a news that was not sure but surprising.

However, before he had time to report to the people above, he suddenly couldn't control his hands and feet and did a lot of things that were unexpected to him.

Even though he wanted to break free, however, he couldn't explain it.

It was not until the arrival of Nie Kong and Kulom that he untied himself from his body, and then he regained his freedom.

"Master Nie Kong, although the whole process of the ins and outs I said before is like that, the true situation of the matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

After considering the words, Enzo was about to say everything he knew, but he saw Nie Kong's mouth curled up with a smile, as if he was holding the overall situation.

"Ah, it's rude, it seems Master Nie Kong doesn't need me to say more, he already understands the real conspiracy!"

Seeing Nie Kong's appearance, Enzo already knew that Nie Kong had known everything. At the same time, he was shocked and admired Nie Kong even more.

"It's okay, I already know the other party's methods and ideas. While there is still some time, come and talk about your ideas."

"Recently, due to the big news, the Mafia family is basically panic. Some are willing to join in order to avoid losses, while others are allied or mobilized to resist."

Even though Nie Kong's tone of discussion, but with the majesty that cannot be rejected.

Therefore, Enzo spoke out his thoughts and analysis without hesitation.

"The Bruno family that we are going to take this time belongs to the latter. On the surface, it looks like a small family. When the intelligence personnel went to investigate, they also deliberately pretended to be weak, in order to take advantage of our family. When it comes to the wrong information, it can reverse the situation when attacking and take the people of our family."

"The Bruno family is just a small family. It came up with this method when it asked other big families for help but there was no family power to move the soldiers."


Nie Kong nodded with interest, "Go on."

"In this regard, the Bruno family took advantage of the strength of our family and what methods were used to reach agreements with other families."

"As long as we can cause turmoil, can those families who are waiting and see join forces?"

Nie Kong nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's what you said, Lord Nie Kong!"

Enzo's pupils were slightly enlarged, and he was a little surprised at what Nie Kong knew, but he didn't dare to show it.

The Bruno family hides so deeply that even the intelligence personnel of the Bovino family have not been able to find the news smoothly, but Nie Kong, who is far away in another country, has guessed all the information in a short time.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Master Nie Kong!"

"I'm just guessing, and yours is actually the situation that you found, two different concepts."

"So, because you unintentionally discovered this news, before you had time to report to the family members, you were discovered by the Bruno family. In order to avoid the information leak and ruin the plan, you in turn used you to push all the blame. On you?"

Nie Kong came to a conclusion thoughtfully, and could not see the true thoughts in Nie Kong's heart.

"Subordinates are not talented!"

After a pause, Enzo opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything and bowed his head in repentance.

"The subordinates are willing to make up for their mistakes, and the leader of the family will take the Bruno family in one fell swoop, and I hope Master Nie Kong will give his subordinates another chance!"

"Well, don't worry!"

Nie Kong was not in a hurry to reply to Enzo, but instead waved his hand indifferently. Seeing Liu Dao Mukuro who slowly opened his eyes, the corner of his mouth unconsciously sketched an imperceptible smile.

"Good show, it's still to come!"


Suddenly, there was a strange laughter from the room, and he stood up without any haste, his eyes with different colors were especially charming.

When he noticed something was wrong, Enzo conditioned to block Nie Kong in front of him, and immediately thought that Nie Kong was stronger than himself, not knowing how much he was, and was embarrassed, but it was not good to let go at this time. He kept his figure.

"who are you!"

From Liu Dao Mukuro's body, Enzo sensed the same feeling as the opponent he had encountered before!

"Mr. Mukuro, don't frighten the kids."

Nie Kong actually put a hand on Enzo's shoulder by Shi Shiran and patted it gently, indicating that the other party was his own.

Enzo hesitated for a while, and finally let go of his body, and was embarrassed by the "child" in Nie Kong's mouth.

"Mr. Mukuro, you should have heard what happened."

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