The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 095. The solution to Italy is complete

"Enzo, put on this thing."

Nie Kong threw a pair of earplugs to Enzo, motioning him to put it on.


Enzo had no objections, reached out his hand to catch it, and put it on quickly.

After seeing that there was no problem with Enzo, Nie Kong took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, making the mood a little more relieved, and then replied with a voice with strength, not serious or not.

"The leader of Garibaldi, I will give you two minutes to appear in front of me immediately."

Nie Kong's voice is extremely penetrating, and the subtle screams from the broadcaster can tell how powerful Nie Kong's voice is.

However, because of the earplugs Nie Kong gave to him, Enzo, who was closest to Nie Kong, apart from the changes around him, to him, Nie Kong just made a sound as usual.

However, the shock caused by Nie Kong still amazed him.

"Of course, I don't mind going to you in person!"

Nie Kong chuckled slightly, although he carefully controlled the intensity of the sound and the target of the attack, it only affected people, and tried not to damage the surrounding buildings.

However, because it has not been used for a while, it is unavoidable that the glass on the windows is full of cracks that have been shattered.

"What a rude!"

Nie Kong looked at the shattered glass, and shook his head helplessly, "It seems that I have to continue to practice more!"

"Nie Kong...sir!"

Soon, the leader of the Garibaldi family staggered in front of Nie Kong, his face full of horror.

Although it hasn't been long since it appeared, Nie Kong's unique character is well-known in the Mafia world.

Chief Garibaldi did not dare to gamble on the lives of members of the entire family, and could only do his best to reach Nie Kong within the time Nie Kong requested.

"Nie, Nie Kongda, my lord! Come on, please forgive me, we, no, no, go, greet!"

Hurrying on the road too hurriedly, leader Garibaldi was so tired that he was sweating and panting. He was clearly at a loss for words, but he did not dare to be rude to Nie Kong.

"Please, may I ask, Nie Kong, my lord, this time, come here, yes, what is there to advise, place, place?"

Nie Kong waited in a good mood for Chief Garibaldi to finish speaking, then turned around indifferently and looked at Enzo.

"Enzo, how much time did it take Chief Garibaldi?"

"One minute and 39 seconds."

Even without a clock, Enzo still accurately reported the time.

"Ha ha."

Nie Kong chuckled, paused slightly, and stared at Garibaldi's leader, "The Garibaldi leader is still on time."

"Nie Kong, dare not fail to follow your orders!"

Chief Garibaldi finally caught his breath after taking a break, and his speech became coherent.

Although he is only the leader of a small family, he has never bowed his head to a person like today!

However, the opponent is Nie Kong!

Even if Chief Garibaldi didn't want to, he didn't dare to provoke this guy who was classified as invincible.

He is not afraid of death, but he can't let the whole family die with him!

"Hehe, I dare not follow what I said, in your heart, do you really think so?"

The original chuckle gradually turned into a sneer, Nie, there was no warmth in what he said.

"When you secretly unite people from other families to deal with people in my team, do you still think so in your heart?"

Hearing this, Garibaldi’s chief was shocked, he raised his head violently, and his horrified eyes suddenly met. At this time, Nie Kong’s eyes, who was contemptuously contemptuous of his own, made Garibal’s icy eyes even stronger. Chief Bodi became flustered.

"Master Nie Kong, where did you hear this news? It's obvious that a villain is deliberately instigating discord!"

The original plan was still going on smoothly, but Nie Kong suddenly hit the door of the house, which undoubtedly shocked Chief Garibaldi. He kept in touch with the Bruno family's situation, but time was far too late.

In desperation, he had to hold a glimmer of hope and first go to Nie Kong's side to deal with it.

He didn't know where the information was leaked, and he didn't even know what went wrong with the plan. However, now, Chief Garibaldi had no time to think about these things.

Can't admit it!

This is the only thought and belief of the leader Garibaldi.

"When you joined the family, I remember that the person in charge of this aspect should have told you the most important point—"

Nie Kong didn't have any expression on his face, watching the leader Garibaldi who was unwilling to admit to death, his eyes were full of disgust.

"My Nie Kong, the most intolerable thing is betrayal!"

Nie Kong's voice was very soft, but the deterrence in it was not light.

Enzo stood silently behind him, without saying a word, only carefully observing Nie Kong's reaction, standing by at any time.

"How about this!"

Nie Kong suddenly turned his words, "Tell me all the families you know that are often involved in this project, and I may also be able to make you have a pleasant trip to Sichuan!"

Since he dared to betray, it is absolutely impossible for Nie Kong to forgive the betrayer.

It's just that if you end, you can get a suspended sentence based on your personal performance.

Chief Garibaldi's complexion was uncertain, and he knew he would not be able to escape the disaster this time.

He is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want the Mafia family that his father has worked so hard to create in his own hands!

"Then my family..."

"The person who is often in charge of this matter can't keep a single one!"

As if he had known the thoughts of Chief Garibaldi, Nie Kong faintly responded directly.

Chief Garibaldi clenched his fists unconsciously and forced himself to take a deep breath to calm down.

He also knew that this was Nie Kong's biggest concession, but if he was defeated like this, he would not be reconciled!


Chief Garibaldi still failed to control his emotions. After laughing wildly, he furiously attacked Nie Kong.

It’s just a pity that before his hand touched Nie Kong, he was already subdued by Enzo, who was always on standby. The dagger in his hand was pressed against the artery of the neck. As long as he moved it, blood might splash at any time. on the spot.

"I don't really like bloody pictures."

Nie Kong sighed faintly, walked slowly in front of Chief Garibaldi, patted Enzo's hand gently, and motioned him to let go.

Enzo took the order, took away the dagger, and at the same time released the other hand that was suppressing Garibaldi.

"If I die, I won't betray my allied family!"

Chief Garibaldi's eyes were red, staring at Nie Kong.

Instead of letting the Garibaldi family fall and be disintegrated, it is better to live and die with yourself!

"Do you really think that I need to get information from your mouth?"

The reason why he would say that was that he was trying to test the lifeless guy in front of him.

"I originally wanted to keep your family, but now it seems that there is no need for this!"

No time was given to Chief Garibaldi to resist, and Kulom was directly spying on his memory.

After Nie Kong got the information he wanted, Chief Garibaldi and as if squeezed out, his eyes were out of focus, and he fell limp on the ground, as if he was ten years old.

Nie Kong stood up, estimated the time, turned around and walked outside.

"Enzo, Kulom, let's go, Vittorio and the others should almost be here."

There is no need for Nie Kong to do the next thing, naturally someone will handle it.

Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while.

If Nie Kong had to do it himself before, it was because he wanted to establish his own majesty in the mafia world.

This can only be done by people with great power.

But now, if the leader has to deal with it himself after he has his own manpower to become the leader, it can only explain two problems-

Or that the leader is incompetent.

Or, this matter is so important that it needs to be handled by the leader himself.

And Nie Kong didn't feel that the matter this time was so important that he needed to deal with it himself.

However, as he expected, there are indeed many talents in the family participating in this project.

When Nie Kong walked to the door, Vittorio and others had just arrived.

After explaining all his requirements, Vittorio was ready to take someone to complete the task Nie Kong gave.

"About those people, boss, how to deal with?"

Vittorio knew that Nie Kong liked to gather talents, so before leaving, he asked specifically.

"According to the old rules before."

Vittorio was very satisfied with Nie Kong's handling of the matter, and he was also relieved to confess some people to him.

"Colom, you can continue to rest, and soon we will be able to go back."

Nie Kong comforted Kulom softly. After Kulom gave Nie Kong a confused look, he nodded, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep peacefully.

Originally, Nie Kong wanted to take Enzo directly to Japan, but because Enzo requested that he wanted to complete the transfer of the Italian side, and then go.

Enzo is a responsible man. He wants to close the Bruno family's affairs first, so that he can safely follow Nie Kong's side.

Nie Kong didn't force it, and after leaving Enzo's address, he returned to Japan.

This time I unexpectedly lost a lot of time in Italy. Although I contacted Kyoko to explain the situation in time, when Nie Kong came back with Kulom, he still received a lot of concern and worry.

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