The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 6 100, the arrival of Enzo

Although Kyoko is usually busy studying, she won't be able to see people even after returning home for a long time.

"Kyoko and Xiaochun came back before, but after changing their clothes, they went out again."

Kulom hesitated, but still didn't tell Nie Kong what Kyoko and Xiaochun had said to him before they went out.

"They went shopping and will be back before dinner."

"Colom, why don't you go with you?"

Nie Kong didn't have any doubts. It's normal for girls to like to go shopping.

"You should also go for more walks."

Kulom shook his head, "I'm fine."

As soon as the voice fell, the door bell just rang.

Kulom was shocked and consciously ran to open the door.

"Miss Colom, hello."

When he opened the door, Enzo stood in the doorway, dressed in well-fitting casual clothes and a small suitcase. He gently nodded to Kulom and greeted him.

"Just call me Colom, Mr. Enzo."

Kulom responded indifferently, letting out his way to signal Enzo to come in, and then diligently took out a pair of home shoes from the shoe cabinet and handed it to Enzo.

"Brother, Mr. Enzo is here."

After shouting to the living room, Kulom turned around and picked up Enzo's suitcase, "Mr. Enzo, you are free, I will help you take your luggage to your room first."

"Thank you in trouble."

Genzo Enzo nodded politely and thanked him, because the suitcase contained only a few changed clothes, and there was no heavy reason, so he followed the kindness of Colom.

After changing his shoes, he walked to the living room and was about to bow to Nie Kong who was sitting on the sofa. When he suddenly remembered that Nie Kong said that he did not like being too formal, he changed his bow to nodding.

"Master Nie Kong, excuse me."

"Come all the way, are you tired?"

Nie Kong smiled lightly and raised his eyes to look at Enzo.

"It's basically sitting, and it's not very tired."

"In that case, it would be the best."

Nie Kong nodded, stood up, and brought Enzo to the kitchen.

"Come on, show off your cooking skills."

Looking at Enzo who was calm and composed, Nie Kong smiled provocatively, "My requirements for cooking are very high."

"What kind of dishes does Master Nie Kong want?"

Enzo is still calm and composed, not worried about cooking.

Unlike physical exercises, cooking is the only thing he has practiced since he was a child before he can even remember it!

"First come the one you are best at—"

Because it was not time for dinner, Nie Kong thought about it, "Dessert!"

"okay, I get it."

Enzo nodded clearly, then went to check the existing materials, and after thinking about it, he started to work.

Soon, a snack, under Enzo's careful "care", successfully appeared in front of Nie Kong.

"Because I don't know your taste very well, Master Nie Kong, so I specially made some more. The taste is somewhat different. I hope Master Nie Kong will have the taste you like."

Nie Kong picked up his fork and tasted it gracefully.

"Not bad."

Nie Kong nodded in satisfaction, agreeing with Enzo's craftsmanship.

"Good smell!"

As soon as it smelled of dim sum, Lan Bo, who had a very good nose, immediately smelled the fragrance. Seeing the dim sum in front of Nie Kong, his eyes immediately beamed, and he looked at Nie Kong hopefully.

"Fengtai, Yiping, come and have a taste, he will make most of the dim sum at home in the future!"

Nie Kong waved to Feng Taihe Yiping, but deliberately ignored Lan Bo badly.After all, the number of family members will increase in the future, and it is impossible for Nie Kong to cook for them. Of course, Nie Kong will only cook for his own women.

"Teacher, we are back." The door opened with a click, and two young and lovely girls walked in.

In fact, Nie Kong noticed what they were holding when they saw Jingzi and Xiaochun, but since they wanted to hide it from them, Nie Kong didn't ask more questions.

"There are new members today, he will cook dinner alone!"

While Nie Kong was talking, Enzo also walked out and bowed respectfully to Kyoko.

"Hello, Miss, in the future, please advise me a lot."

"Well, just call me Kyoko here."

When the other party called out, Kyoko already knew the identity of the other party and waved her hand in embarrassment.

"It's all a family, don't need to be so restrained, I will be uncomfortable."

Forget it at work. Now, if he is so rigid in life, Kyoko is still not so used to it.

"Okay, I see, Miss Kyoko."

It is absolutely impossible for Enzo to call Kyoko's name directly, which is disrespectful to him.

Just like the prison temple Hayato insisted on being called "Kyoko Sister", even though Kyoko was not used to it, she had no choice but to smile and compromise.

The dinner was prepared by Enzo. Even if it was not as good as Nie Kong's own cooking, it was delicious. Kyoko and others had a great time.

After dinner, Sasakawa Leping was very enthusiastic and prepared to go to the basement to practice, but was blocked by Nie Kong's sentence "The end of the term is coming soon, will you review it?" He had to go back to the room and study. went.

Jingzi cleaned up, and was also going to return to the room to study, but was stopped by Nie Kong.

"Xiao Jing, how is your Italian study?"

Nie Kong lay on the sofa casually, looking sideways at Jingzi.


Kyoko pursed his lips slightly and frowned, "It should be fine, but it's okay to read and write, but I have some problems with reading and listening, and I don't know the pronunciation..."

While talking, Kyoko lowered her head in distress. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she raised her head and looked at Nie Kong with bright eyes.

"I almost forgot, didn't the teacher know how to do it! Next time, help me correct my pronunciation problems! Give me some guidance by the way!"

Nie Kong looked at Jingzi who was screaming, his Jiao's face turned red with excitement, and he looked particularly energetic, staring at him with bright eyes, looking expectant, Nie Kong couldn't help but laugh.

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