The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 102, Nie Kong’s warning

Gu Liyan thought about it seriously, and then shook his head regretfully, "I only remember that when I woke up, my whole body seemed to be engaged in intense exercise, falling apart, without any strength."

"So that's it..."

Nie Kong thoughtfully raised his hand to rest his chin, looked in one direction with a vague look, thinking about the matter.

"That... Teacher Nie Kong, do you know what's wrong with me?"

Gu Liyan also felt very strange.

He felt this way for the first time.

Unlike the previous situation where he was beaten and beaten, this time he clearly felt that his body seemed to be repelling something.

Regarding the teacher Nie Kong in front of him, although Gu Li Yanzhen was on guard at the beginning, he still had a good impression.

"Student Guri, what stage your power has reached now, can you tell me about it?"

"It's strength or something, Teacher Nie Kong, what are you talking about..."

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Gu Li Yanzhen was startled, his eyes dodged, trying to cover up, but the reason why he was not very good at lying caused the voice of what he said to become softer.

"Ah sorry, I haven't really introduced myself yet!"

Seeing Gu Liyan really reacted, Nie Kong took it lightly.

"I'm Nie Kong. Except for a few exceptions, the people who live here are from the Mafia family."

Gu Li Yanzhen, who had been mentally prepared to feel that Nie Kong was not simple, was still unconsciously startled by what Nie Kong said.

At the same time, there was a "thump" in my heart, and my mood sank to the bottom.

"Our Simon family is just a small family, in the Italian Mafia family at all inconspicuous..."

Gu Liyan really lowered his head, his face was invisible, and his voice was low. It was really difficult to judge his emotions for a while.

However, what is certain is that after Nie Kong revealed his identity, although Gu Li Yanzhen lowered his head and tried hard to put on a cowardly look, he had been secretly on guard and might attack at any time.

"Heh." Nie Kong chuckled lightly.

This should be the courage as a leader.

"Don't be nervous, I just happened to meet you, so I helped."

Nie Kong leaned on the back of his chair, found a more comfortable position, and looked at Gu Li Yanzhen with his forehead.

"Although it is not clear about your strength, at least it should not be weaker than those guys."

"Why don't you resist?"


Gu Liyan really seemed to think of some bad memory, and shook his head, "For them, there is no need."

"Isn't it necessary..."

Nie Kong listened to the answer, thoughtfully, "So are you going to keep swallowing?"

"of course not."

Compared with the previous answer, Gu Li Yanzhen's answer this time was quick and decisive.

"As long as the time is right, we will definitely get back what should belong to our Simon family!"

"Also, the betrayal family will definitely pay the price...Is it?"

Guri Yanzhen was not prepared to say the second half sentence. However, when he heard Nie Kong utter the latter half sentence leisurely, Gu Li Yanzhen was calm and reflexively raised his head, unable to believe it. His eyes widened and looked at Nie Kong.


"Want to know how I knew?"

Nie Kong watched Gu Li Yanzhen in his spare time and observed his reaction.

"Although I also want to know about this issue, it is more important now that I want to know your intentions first."

Gu Liyan really hesitated for a moment, then raised his head, staring directly at Nie Kong, and categorically stated his position.

Nie Kong seemed to be very satisfied with Gu Liyan's reaction, and nodded with a faint smile, "Now, we are bound to win the action to subdue the Pengley family."

When Guri Yanzhen heard the words "Pengley Family", his eyes moved, but his expression did not change, waiting for Nie Kong's next words.

Nie Kong admired such a calm person.

Therefore, Nie Kong unconsciously dealt with Gu Liyan in a gentle manner.

"I know that your Simon family has what you want in the Pengley family. As long as you cooperate with us, our Bovino family can help you get what you want as soon as possible."

"We are just an unknown family, Teacher Nie Kong... why would you want to work with us?"

Gu Liyan really blurted out the name of Teacher Nie Kong because it was so easy.

When the reaction came back, because he had already said it, he couldn't take it back, and he didn't know what to call it for a while, so after Gu Liyan hesitated, he just let it go.

"The size of a family depends not on how famous it is in the Mafia world, but on the strength of family members and leaders."

Nie Kong got up, walked to the desk for convenience, rummaged through the materials, took out a stack of documents, and walked to Guri Yanzhen.

"As long as you and your family members are strong enough, then your Simon family is strong!"

Putting the file in his hand in front of Gu Li Yanzhen, Nie Kong returned to his seat.

"This is the Pengley family information, you can look at it."

Guliyan really hesitated for a moment, and finally picked up the file with suspicion.

"If the Simon family hadn't been betrayed by the Pengley family when they were in the first generation, I guess they wouldn't have become such an unknown family now!"

Looking at Gu Li Yanzhen, who was frowning tightly, Nie Kong released another bomb casually.

Even if the early generations of the Pengley family did not betray the first leaders of the Simon family, however, judging from the final result, the Pengley family did betray the Simon family that had been close to each other, which directly led to the decline of the Simon family.

"I don't really care about the size of the family..."

Gu Liyan really lowered his head, his bangs covered his eyes, his voice was low, his mood was a little low, and he faintly revealed resentment.

"But I will never allow betrayal!"

Gu Liyan really didn't really want to be the leader of the Mafia family, but he couldn't shirk the responsibility of raising himself.

Moreover, he has no way to abandon the hatred of the past and just let himself go.

"Although I understand your mood, your gentleness will easily make you lose more!"

Nie Kong walked to Gu Li Yanzhen's side, looked out the window, put his hand on Gu Li Yanzhen's shoulder, and slowly increased the strength in his hand.

"A person, only if he is strong enough, can he protect those around him."

"However, when the number of people around you start to increase, you will start to be incapable of being cloned. At this time, the power of the family will be revealed."

"A strong family may lead to more dangerous situations, but at least it is also a protective barrier for family members."

Following Nie Kong's words, Gu Li Yanzhen also fell into contemplation.

"I have always disliked weak people. If you are unwilling to cooperate, we can also assume that nothing has happened, but—"

After a pause, Nie Kong showed a secretive smile, "The Pengley family, we are bound to win."

Nie Kong's subtext is very simple, either cooperate with us, we can help you become stronger, and also get what you want.

Or, if nothing happened, if Gu Liyan really wanted to get what he wanted, Nie Kong and the others would face him.

Nie Kong's words struck deep in Gu Li Yanzhen's heart. As the strength on his shoulders increased, Gu Li Yanzhen gradually became more strenuous.

"Since Teacher Nie Kong has already said so, do we still have a choice..."

Guri Yanzhen laughed self-deprecatingly, raised his eyes, looked at Nie Kong, his face was a little pale, but his eyes were piercing and firm.

"It's just that, although I am the leader, this kind of important matter is not something I can do alone. I have to go back and discuss it with my companion..."

"Of course, I will naturally give you enough time to consider, as long as we give a clear answer before we act."

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