The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 6 104, the son of the rainbow Skaro

After dinner, Kuri Yanzhen and Suzuki left.

Nie Kong did not stay strong because his goal had been achieved.

After Gu Li Yanzhen left, Nie Kong said to Kulom, who was packing his dishes, that he planned to find Liu Dao Mukuro.

"By the way, Kulom."

Before leaving, Nie Kong suddenly thought of something.

"Contact Vittorio for me and let them come to Japan this time. I have important things to tell them."

In the original work, the opportunity for the Guri Yanzhen of the Simon family to get the Simon’s Ring is due to the earthquake caused when the Pengley family returned to the present from the future after the future, which made Simon who have been buried. The ring is seen again.

Compared with being passive, Nie Kong prefers to take the initiative.

Regarding this matter, the few Avengers Vittorio knew much more inside information than Nie Kong.

Nie Kong didn't think that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and he would be able to find Gu Li Yanzhen like a small animal by just walking around.

"Okay, I know."

Although Kulom didn't know why Nie Kong suddenly changed his plan, he guessed it was related to Gu Li Yanzhen.

Because Nie Kong still had something to do after this, Kulom did not ask his question, but smiled and waved goodbye to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong, who was full of thoughts in his heart, didn't notice Kulom's thoughts. After giving the explanation, he turned and left home, rushing towards Heiyao Paradise where Liu Dao Mukuro was located while wandering around the sky.

When it came to Heiyao Paradise, the Chengdao Dog, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Nie Kong's arrival, and hurried back quickly to inform Liu Daomuku.

He thought he was only here to meet Liu Dao Mukuro, but Nie Kong didn't expect to see an unexpected person here.


Seeing Nie Kong inadvertently passing by, and seeing Nie Kong in a daze, he immediately turned around, trying not to disturb Nie Kong's cautious step by step trying to escape, but was still discovered by Nie Kong, so I took a moment to watch him about to disappear. Call out in front of me.

After learning from the past, Scruul knew that he would never run after being discovered by Nie Kong. He froze and froze in place, not daring to move at all.

It's like thinking of yourself as a sculpture.

"Why don't you play dead this time?"

Nie Kong raised up Scarou, who was an adult with a big pacifier and was very interested.

Before, after suffering a loss in Nie Kong's hands, every time he met Nie Kong, Skaru would unconsciously run away or pretend to be dead.

In fact, as far as Scruul's performance is concerned, he really can't tell that he is an adult.

Mind feels like Lan Bo.

But it is undeniable that as one of the cursed children of the seven rainbows, he still has his own power.

"The power of immortality..."

Nie Kong closed his eyes slightly and squinted at Skaru. His deep black eyes revealed a signal of danger.

Hearing this, Skaru's fearful body shook more violently.

"Can you tell me why you are here?"

Seeing Skaru's trembling appearance, Nie Kong temporarily gave up the idea of ​​continuing to scare him.


With that kind of immortality ability, Nie Kong did have an abacus.

"I just... passing by here by accident..."

Sculp's voice couldn't help trembling, "accidentally..."

God knows why he does everything possible to just come out and wander around, and he will meet people who fear him.

Unlike those of Liborn, as the weakest of the seven cursed children of the rainbow and living at the lowest end, Skalou is usually afraid of Liborn because of his inferior strength.

However, because of his special physique, Skaru was just afraid of being bullied.

However, when confronting Nie Kong, Skaru knew for the first time what is fear!

"Passing by accidentally..."

Nie Kong thoughtfully.

"Can you contact the other cursed Rainbow Children now."

Nie Kong used declarative sentences, which had obvious meanings.

The best way to get in touch, there is no way to get in touch, no matter what method Sculp uses, he has to get in touch.

"If you give me some time... it's okay..."

While trembling, Sculp nodded violently, fearing that he was useless to Nie Kong and would be dealt with.

"If that's the case, then you can do a task for me."

Although the task of summoning the children of the rainbow has been handed over to Bermuda to complete, the attack by an unknown person just now caused Nie Kong to want to complete his plan as soon as possible.

"After a week, I want to see the seven children of the rainbow gather in Obsidian Paradise."

Nie Kong pressed his thin lips lightly, and faintly uttered a sentence that almost made Skaru crash.

"One week!"

Skaru took a breath, his body was shaking constantly because of excitement or anger, his eyes widened, and he looked at Nie Kong in disbelief.

Not to mention the Verdi and the wind, who sees the dragon without seeing the end, these two are totally hard to find!

As for the other people, it’s hard enough for Liborn to be alone, not to mention that the situation of the Pengley family is very urgent now. As one of the family members, Coke Niluo and Mamen can get away. It must be!

It is even more impossible to use a strong one. Except for the scientist Verdi, the other Sculptors can't beat them!

"What? Is it too long?"

Nie Kong raised his eyebrows so as to look at Skaru in his spare time, his tone could not be rejected.

"Since you think the time is too long, then--"

"Not long, not long! Just right!"

For the first time, Skaru directly interrupted Nie Kong's words, his forehead was full of cold sweat.


Nie Kong nodded and smiled slightly, "I like obedient people."

Sculp wanted to cry without tears, "It shouldn't be too late, I'll go and notify others immediately..."

"Go ahead."

Nie Kong let go of his hand, and then watched Skaru, who had unbound, disappeared in front of him.

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