The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 111. Lift the curse? !

If Arya hadn't determined that the person in front of her was a dangerous existence, she would have been deceived by his gentlemanly demeanor.

"Mr. Nie Kong, you do not belong to this world. You should also know this."

"Oh?" Nie Kong raised his eyebrows and looked directly into Arya's eyes curiously, "Miss Arya knows who I am?"

"If I could know, it would be best."

Arya didn't hide it either, Nie Kong was a smart person, and she didn't need to hide it.

"I am also very interested in the identity of Mr. Nie Kong!"

Nie Kong cannot see through.

Strength is unfathomable.

Arya deliberately came to test Nie Kong in advance because she wanted to get the information she wanted from real person Nie Kong.

Undeniably, before meeting Nie Kong, Arya was able to learn about Nie Kong's thoughts and notifications by means of face-to-face contact.

It's just a pity that this idea did not succeed.

"Haha..." Nie Kong chuckled, "Is the Dakong Rainbow Son super-intuitive? It's a very interesting ability!"

While Arya was testing Nie Kong, Nie Kong was also testing Arya's ability and influence on him.

"I heard that the son of Dakong Rainbow has the ability to predict the future..."

After a pause, Nie Kong raised his eyes to look behind Arya, "It seems that Miss Arya also brought her guard with me!"


A iconic milky voice came from behind Arya.

Lieburn was wearing a mini suit and leather shoes, raised his hand to lower the brim of his hat, covering most of his face, and appeared solemnly, appearing beside Arya.

"meet again."

When Skaru informed him like that, Liborn had already expected Nie Kong, and after careful consideration, he was ready to come to the meeting.

However, he did not expect Arya to leave early.

Therefore, after learning about Arya's information, Lieburn didn't care about his work, and hurried to Arya's side.

Arya is not only the son of Dakong Rainbow, but also because she is Luce's daughter and it is Lieburn's unshirkable responsibility to protect her.

It's just a pity that it was a step too late.

No matter how hard Lieburn tried to hide himself, Nie Kong could see through it at a glance.

This makes Lieburn a little unhappy.

"Miss Arya, your ability to predict the future, do you predict the current situation?"

Nie Kong ignored Liborn, but put all his thoughts on Arya.

"Although it is true that, as you said, Mr. Nie Kong, I have the ability to predict the future, but I can't predict everything."

Arya smiled unhurriedly and replied aloud, "If I have such a powerful word, then I don't need to come out to see you specially, Mr. Nie Kong."

Lieburn raised his eyebrows slightly, wondering why Arya was so honest with Nie Kong, but did not rush to ask questions, but kept silent.

And Arya's instinct told herself that there was no need to tell any lies in front of Nie Kong.

Even if they tell a lie, it will be very unfavorable to their side!

"Listening to Miss Arya, your abilities seem to have no effect on me!"

Nie Kong answered thoughtfully, with a smile on his face as warm as a spring breeze.

If it is seen by outsiders, it is completely impossible to treat this as a confrontation.

Arya’s identity is very special. If Arya’s abilities are useless to him, the only explanation Nie Kong can think of is--

Because I am not a person in this world!

"I can probably understand why those kids are willing to follow you."

Even in the face of Nie Kong who might be an enemy, Arya still smiled warmly.

"If it wasn't because of the different positions, I would really hope to be able to make good friends with you!"

As a friend, Nie Kong is really a very comfortable thing.

So, if possible, Arya didn't want to be enemies with Nie Kong.

And because of Nie Kong's attitude, the guard in Arya's eyes gradually began to dissipate.

In the past, it was because there were only rumors and no personal experience, so in Arya's eyes, Nie Kong was a man with high ability, vigor and violent blood.

However, after the real meeting, Arya felt that Nie Kong had a great appetite for her.

"of course."

Nie Kong returned with a gentle smile, "It is my honor to be favored by Miss Arya."

In any case, Nie Kong still admired Arya very much, not to mention that he himself didn't want to have any conflict with girls.

Although Lieburn was dissatisfied with Arya's attitude towards Nie Kong, he also knew that Arya was not the kind of woman who was easily deceived. Therefore, he did not say anything but silently respected Arya's decision.

"Talking to Miss Arya makes me feel very relaxed and happy. If Miss Arya doesn't mind, I hope I can have a cup of afternoon tea with me if I have time."

Nie Kong walked a few steps towards Arya, and made a gentleman's invitation, "I am quite knowledgeable about making snacks for afternoon tea."

"My pleasure."

Arya smiled and agreed, "I'm looking forward to it."

For the short-lived family curse, it is false to say don't mind.

Therefore, Arya knows how to enjoy a limited life better than others.

"For the curse of the pacifier, Mr. Nie Kong, seems to have a way?"

Arya didn't think that Nie Kong would be willing to reveal her identity and origin, and she didn't want to be unhappy with Nie Kong because of this incident.

Therefore, she thought of another way to test Nie Kong's details.

"The method is not good for the time being. It's just a bit of thinking. I don't have much chance of winning before it is implemented."

Nie Kong said his thoughts in no hurry.

Although he admired Arya, he still chose to have reservations about this matter.

Untie the curse of the pacifier, it was just Nie Kong's interest.

He did not want any tendency to become a responsibility.

"Do you really have a way to unlock the curse of the pacifier?"

Hearing Nie Kong's answer, Liborn felt a little uneasy.

He doesn't understand Nie Kong, but he understands the ideas of smart people.

"If Mr. Lieburn is willing to cooperate, there is value in giving it a try."

Nie Kong didn't mind using strong against Lieborn, but if Lieborn was willing to cooperate, this would save Nie Kong a lot of trouble.

"It's just that there are certain risks."

Moreover, this is a matter of willingness to fight and suffer, even if there are any problems, Nie Kong does not need to bear it.

"While being cursed, your souls are already bound to these pacifiers. You must protect the integrity of the pacifiers until you die."

Because it was not himself who was cursed, Nie Kong ignored Lieburn's murderous aura, and his tone was particularly brisk when analyzing.

"You also know that the curse of the soul is much more difficult for the body to deal with!"

Seeing Nie Kong who was smiling and smiling like a spring breeze, Liborn frowned while cursing Nie Kong's cunning in his heart, considering how certain Nie Kong's words were.

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