The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 114. First meet the river

Basically, the affairs of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline have been set up, and the base has been solved up and down. He only needs to monitor it occasionally.

He has also gained the trust of the family members of the Simon family at Guri Yanzhen. Now when Bermuda finds the cemetery of the first generation of the Simon family and finds the ring of the Simon family, he can inspire Guri Yanzhen and others. Strength.

On the other hand, as for the son of the rainbow, Arya, as Osora, speaks a bit of weight, not to mention that the other people are not willing to be a baby body, and the plan to relieve the curse of the pacifier should also be put forward.

Finally, and the most important point-


Judging from his attack, he has also begun to lose his temper.

Nie Kong didn't need to do anything more, as long as he made preparations and follow-up work, while waiting for the other party to take the initiative to dedicate himself to the negotiation.

Everything was proceeding according to Nie Kong's plan.

Of course, although everything is proceeding according to Nie Kong's mind, there is still a variable in any case.

Irie Masaichi and Bran Jessop!

After Kulom and Jingzi left the office, Nie Kong sorted out the teacher's handouts and walked directly to the committee's activity room.

Before entering the door, Nie Kong knocked on the door politely twice.


In the activity room, there was only one Tetsiya Kusagi who was working hard to deal with a mountain of information files.

Few people come to the activity room of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, and Chairman Hibari never knocks on the door when he enters the room.

"it's me."

A gentle voice came from above Tetsuya Kusabi's head. Tetsuya Kusabi was shocked in his heart, and when he raised his head suddenly, he saw Nie Kong's smile like a spring breeze.

"Ah! Teacher Nie Kong!"

Tetsuya Kusabi got up from the chair immediately in fright, and stood stiff with a regretful expression on his face.

"We...Chairman, go and inspect the wind, it's disciplined!"

For fear of Nie Kong's blame, Kusabi Tetsuya quickly changed the subject.

"I didn't come to Kyoya."

"Don't be nervous, everyone will always have a bad temper."

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Kusabi Tetsuya breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just—" Looking at the relieved Tetsuki Grass Wall, Nie Kong suddenly turned his words, "Next time you lose your temper, you have to look at someone!"

"Is there anything unusual about the person I asked you to stare at?"

Masaichi Irue is a variable, and now people who have no contact there can monitor it, so Nie Kong directly asked Tetsuya Kusabi to find someone from the Commissioner of Discipline to monitor it.

"The person I sent to monitor didn't send any information back, which meant it was normal."

Although Caobi Zheya didn't know Nie Kong's thoughts, he still seriously arranged for someone to complete Nie Kong's instructions.

"However, shortly after our people went to monitor, they were discovered by that guy, but that guy was very timid and didn't do anything other than fear."

"I was discovered soon after monitoring?"

Although Tetsuya Kusabi didn't think there was a problem, Nie Kong, who knew the inside story, grasped the doubt.

Although Irue's personality is weak, his IQ is not low. After all, he is a person who can enter the best university. Nie Kong can't easily ignore his importance.

What's more, he has an open-minded person who believes from the future self to the present self.

The current Irie Masaichi is not dangerous, but it does not mean that Irie Masaichi is not threatened in the future.

"Ah, yes."

At Nie Kong's sudden interruption, Kusabi Zhe was shocked and nodded immediately.

"In this case, there is no need to continue monitoring."

Nie Kong pondered for a moment, and waved his hand to show the order to withdraw the surveillance.

"You keep busy!"

After learning about the situation from Tetsuya Kusabi, Nie Kong prepared to check the situation of Irie Masaichi himself.

Bai Lan was able to awaken in the parallel world after encountering Irie Shoichi who went to play the future twice from now, so, if there were no accidents, the current Irie Shoichi should have been to the future.

Nie Kong hurried towards the address given by Tetsuya Irie Masaichi, while analyzing the relationship.

When he arrived at the address of Masaichi Irue, he had gone home from school and returned to his room, earnestly completing the homework assigned by the school teacher.

The room is a very ordinary and popular room, but it is very clean and not scruffy at all. It can be seen that Irie is a very serious and careful character.

She has short brown-red hair and dark-green eyes hidden behind brown-rimmed glasses. His appearance is very delicate. Now he is still a childish appearance. He is studying in a famous private middle school and is about the same age as Kyoko.

Although the courage is relatively small, and there will be a series of adverse reactions such as stomach pain and knee tremor when tense, although the ability is good, people are also very easy to understand.

Nie Kong had just observed Ji Jiang Zhengyi at the window for a while. After a while, the other party seemed to have noticed something and began to look around outside the window.

"What a sensitive child!"

Nie Kong sighed silently, and then moved into the room of Rujiang Zhengyi.

Irue didn't see any figure, he only felt a breeze by the window, and entered the room with a faint smell of comfort.

"Is it an illusion..."

Irue looked out the window with a bewildered look, and didn't find anyone. After muttering to himself, he continued to focus all his energy on the homework in front of him.

"Iri Jiang is really a good student who is hardworking and studious!"

Nie Kong said, and then looked at Ru Jiang Zhengyi's body suddenly stiff, his eyes widened and he turned his head in disbelief, staring at him as if he had seen a ghost.

"You... why are you here!"

Iri Jiang was pointing at Nie Kong with one finger, and supporting the table with one hand backwards to prevent him from falling off the chair. His whole body was stiff and he looked like a frightened bird.

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