The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 027, the first embrace Jiaer

The blood of the virgin can provide him with great energy.The blood of other people is fine, but there are far less pure virgins.Of course, Nie Kong would not suck blood other than the virgin at all.

Jia'er, who was lying next to the celestial beast, turned pale due to excessive blood loss, and her breathing became weaker and weaker. It is estimated that she could not live for two hours.Even Nie Kong almost gave up doing such things to him.

The person who gets stuck at the door is the craziest, like entering the girl's body and wanting to break through that layer of film, but suddenly being blocked by the girl can't go up and down!Nie Kong is also a mortal, no exception.

He gritted his teeth, cruelly stretched out his hand and hugged the small Jiaer in his arms.At the age of nine, she is less than 1.2 meters tall and her delicate body is less than 40 kilograms. It can be seen that Jiaer is usually a weak and sick girl.

Nie Kong lowered his head, revealing his two sharp fangs, and gently bit down Jia'er's neck.Sweet blood, without any impurities, continuously flowed from the teeth into Nie Kong's mouth.

Unlike last time, the taste of blood this time is not comparable to the Japanese woman last time.Sweet and warm, penetrated into his heart from Nie Kong's taste buds.

"It seems that my habits are really affected by vampires, and even human blood feels so delicious." Nie Kong shook his head with a wry smile, and continued to suck the warm blood inside Jia'er one by one.

When Jia'er's blood entered his body, it was assimilated into a stream of vital energy and poured into the virtual core of the heart.The inner core that was supposed to be formed is condensed again under this new energy.

The pale golden core finally condensed and successfully emerged in Nie Kong's heart.At this moment, Nie Kong let out a scream, and the terrifying pressure spread out around him.

With this core, Nie Kong is no longer a vampire demon, but a real vampire.The evolution of the mutation caused an earth-shaking transformation of Nie Kong's whole person.

Under this force, Nie Kong's body began to transform into a vampire form involuntarily.The golden hair turned into shiny silver, even the pupils in his eyes turned red, and a pair of terrifying fangs protruded from his mouth.His face was blurred for a while, and it was slowly transformed into the original appearance of the soul, restoring the self.

And the fierce ghost beasts around guarding the island all knelt in fear in the direction of Nie Kong, and did not dare to move.Even the celestial beast that was sleeping under her body was awakened by Nie Kong's scream, and looked at Nie Kong who was changing in surprise.

"Master, how did the master change like this? Could it be...has it evolved again? But compared to just now, the master looks much better, without the gloomy feeling of the previous one." The celestial beast stunned him. Master, it is no wonder that Nie Kong, who has restored his original appearance, looks better than Vampire Beast.

The smooth and white face is full of sharply angular Leng Jun; thick eyebrows are raised slightly rebelliously, and under the long, slightly curled eyelashes, the dark and deep ice eyes appear evil and enchanting.The whole person exuded a kind of majestic atmosphere, and the evil and handsome face was now with a slutty smile.

And Nie Kong didn't know the changes in his body, he closed his eyes silently, feeling the power that his body was about to surging.

The true ancestor of vampires (pseudo), the first vampire born in the digital world.Nie Kong, who evolved from the Vampire Monster Mutation Level, has completely inherited the power of the Vampire Monster and possesses terrifying dark power.

Active skills: immunity to diseases, immunity to toxins, immunity to curses, 100% resistance to light, immortality!

Promising skills: First embrace the contract, can drain human blood, and then inject your own blood into your body, turning it into a vampire.The human being embraced for the first time possesses one-tenth the strength of Nie Kong.Moreover, eternal life must not betray the master.

The king of the night, no one can compete at night, able to display 200% of his strength during the day!

The immortal body can be restored no matter how damaged the body is.The weakness is the nucleus in the heart, which will die if it is damaged.

Can transform into a bat: Vampires are usually surrounded by bats, and Nie Kong can also become a vampire bat.

Blood sucking: It can use fangs to suck up the blood and soul of human beings, and it can also release bats to swallow it.

Night Demon Flying Attack (Enhanced): Unleash countless bats, each of which possesses great bloodthirsty, extremely fast speed and power.It can turn the swallowed blood into pure energy, which can be supplemented to Nie Kong's body.

Blood whip of sin: Every whip is struck with the power of filthy sin, polluting the wound that was hit, and it cannot be recovered without the power of light to purify it.

Transfer: You can change the trajectory of the enemy and the trick together.

Trick resolution: able to use mental power to turn all attacks into powder.

Scream: The scream of a vampire can use mental power to attack, it is impossible to prevent!

Nirvana: Desperately scream, release a group of gray bat shadows, the enemy that is penetrated by the shadows has the power to petrify any material.

Nie Kong was stunned to feel the information coming in his mind. He didn't expect that his strength would reach this level after evolution. Now he is more than several times stronger than before.He is no longer within the range of Digimon, and has become a real vampire, but still retains the skills of Digimon.

"Jia'er, it seems that you really shouldn't be dead. Let me use the abilities I just acquired to transform you into a vampire." Nie Kong looked at Jia'er who was pale in front of him, lowered his head and stretched out again. tooth.

This time it was no longer a vampire, but the other way round, using his teeth to inject his own vampire blood into Jia'er's body.Before Jia'er's soul dissipated, she turned her into her first blood slave.

After the vigorous vampire blood entered Jia'er's body, it began to transform Jia'er's weak body.I saw her originally black hair turned into a vampire-like silver.The closed eyes opened strangely, revealing scarlet eyes.A pair of cute little tiger teeth also stick out from his mouth.

God's will is like this. Without Jia'er's help, Nie Kong would not be able to complete the evolution, and Jia'er would also die.

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