The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0294, the plan to go to Italy

"Are you the Jinghua school girl who Yuri often talks about? You are welcome to visit the shrine, I am the owner of the shrine here, Nie Kong!" He looked lazy and looked very handsome and evil.After a glance, it was difficult to look away from him.After several years of nurture, his domineering temperament has been hidden from him.The edge is already hidden in the scabbard, and only when dealing with the enemy, it will show its hideous fangs.

The beautiful girl sitting opposite is cute and charming like the girl next door.From Yuri's notification, he knew that Jinghua was the sister of the cousin.

"The king's guardian knight Liliyana." Yana said coldly, but her gaze at Nie Kong was soft and nonchalant.After sharing the same bed for several years, Yana has completely entrusted her heart to Nie Kong.And the night king's "protection" made Yana obsessed with it.With a significant increase in strength, Yana has more confidence in herself.

"I am Shaye Gongxin, the king's concubine, please take care of it." The king is so gentle, and his attitude towards strangers is always gentle as sunshine.

"Yes...yes, I'm causing you trouble." Jinghua noticed Nie Kong's cheeks, and was instantly attracted by his temperament.The handsome man is somewhat evil, and the evil charm is lazy.

"It looks a bit like my brother, it's not right... My brother isn't so charming, right. And my brother's lazy temperament is as if separated from him, but there is a little less calmness in the lazy space." Gotang brother no matter his appearance. It's still temperament, it's a copycat version that he has shrunk more than ten times.

When did the thirteen-year-old Jinghua meet such an outstanding man, she only felt her heart and liver pounding.At first, Jinghua thought that her brother was a very attractive boy, and her casual movements could attract her attention.The elder brother completely inherited his grandfather's fate for a woman, and he was attracted to himself as a younger sister.However, the owner of the shrine in front of him has a charm that his brother cannot surpass.

Jinghua heard that the beautiful women here were all chosen to serve him, and she knew in her heart which country he was the prince.

"Is Yuli sister also selected to serve the king's concubine?" Jinghua sat at the dining table stiffly, and asked Yuri in a low voice.

"Yes...Yes, it's very happy to be able to serve Wang Youli. Don't say anything about Jinghua's sister at school." Youli's sweet and pretty face bloomed with a happy smile, without any concealment.

"Not only is the housework omnipotent, but also, would you be willing to be his concubine for a few consecutive terms of school flower?" Jinghua carefully observed the five girls around Nie Kong, all appearances surpassed her, but the expression Jinghua revealed Knowing that they are willing to be by Nie Kong's side.

The women got busy, You Li helped to serve the meal, and Xin put the dishes in Nie's empty bowl.Yilai stretched out his hand and Fanlai opened his mouth to describe Nie Kong's life in the shrine.

"You should be Grass Pheasant Jinghua, I heard that your grandfather is called Grass Pheasant Yilang?" While eating, Nie Kong suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked Jinghua to eat like a lady.

Ichiro is the grandfather of the pheasant Godou, right now the plot hasn’t started, maybe I can get the Prometheus secrets.If the grass pheasant becomes a godslayer, it is an uncomfortable thing.

"King, you actually know my grandfather, have all my grandfather's love affairs spread to your country?" Jinghua was surprised.Grandpa was very suave when he was young and was a 100% playboy.Moreover, he is very popular with women, and various romantic affairs in his youth are passed down as legends by neighbors in the neighborhood and people near his residence.

"Know a little about his past, your grandpa should have a slate engraved with complex spells, can Sister Jinghua show it to me?" Nie Kong said with interest.

Prometheus Cheats are magical tools that can steal divine power, but ordinary people will burst into death if they use it.After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to withstand divine power, unless they are gods and godslayers.

" are talking about the weird slate collected by grandpa. I heard that the slab was given to him by a girl in Sardinia, Italy decades ago. But some time ago, my grandpa just asked my brother to return it. The real host, it is estimated that I will go to Italy in a few days' summer vacation. I am very sorry..." Jinghua said apologetically.

"Wang, if you want the slate, Yana will get it back." It is the responsibility of the guardian knight to satisfy the king's wish. Yana will bring it to the king no matter what.

"Yana, can you use your mind? The sister of the person involved is still there. You should say it when Jinghua leaves, idiot!" Yuri mocked.

" want to find the ballast, right?"

"If you beat anyone who is afraid of you, whoever loses is not allowed to approach the king tonight!"

Nie Kong didn't care about the innocuous noise of the two women, so just don't make too much noise.

"You... don't do that, after all, this is someone else's thing, we don't have the right to deal with it." Jinghua complained.

"If that's the case, let's forget it. It's just the summer vacation, and the king will take you to Sardinia, Italy." Anyway, I am here, and I am afraid that there will be some trouble in the grass pheasant Godou.

Even if Godou became a godslayer, he would have the ability to kill him.

"Yeah...Is it great to travel to Italy with the king?" Guang cheered, how happy it is to be able to travel with Wang.

"Now that Wang actually travels to Italy, it's great! I haven't returned to his hometown in a few years. I really miss it. Besides, if there is a chance, I can keep Wang in Italy." Yanna, the task given by my grandfather a few years ago When finally remembered.

"Since the king has decided, let's go." Even the maidens of Japan who have embraced Nie Kong have put Nie Kong first after several years of getting along.The original purpose has faded out of their hearts.

"Then...Will Yuli sister go?" Jinghua asked Yuli.

"Wherever the king is, Yuri will follow." Although your voice was weak, it was full of firmness.

"Anyway, my brother won't bring himself in summer vacation, so I can follow You Lisi sister and others?" Thinking of this, Jinghua made a request, and when he heard Jinghua was going to go with him, Nie Kong smiled and nodded.

Who would think that there are too many girls? Anyway, Godou's younger sister, Jinghua, is a very cute girl. It would be a pity to miss it.

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