The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0319, Luo Hao's strength

Monkey King began to form complicated handprints, chanting the spirit of words in his mouth.

"The six roots are pure, so my five internal organs are God at peace! Because of peace, I have the same root with the god of heaven and earth! Now give me a quiet body and godhead!"

The smoke gradually thickened, and it directly turned into an entity, becoming a towering ape god with golden hair! Golden smoke rose above the golden head.He is about one hundred and sixty centimeters tall and wears golden armor.A steel rod suddenly appeared in Qitian Great Sage's hand, of course it was the Ruyi Golden Hoop!

The blood of the dragon and snake invigorated the blood of the hero of steel, expelling Sun Wukong's lazy and lazy character, and regaining the poison of his ferocious nature.

Lord Luo Hao approached gently.

"Monkey King Monkey, let's continue the battle that didn't have a victory or defeat a hundred years ago. I will use Luo Hao martial arts to defeat you!" Then when Monkey King noticed, the peerless beauty Luo Hao was already standing. Before his eyes.

"Well... the speed has become faster, you have improved a lot compared to a hundred years ago."

Luo Hao's jade hand unfolded into the palm of his hand.Powerful King Kong magical power is Luo Hao's power usurped from the two King Kong warriors, and Luo Hao, who possesses the supreme martial arts, gains immense power.The power of a master plus a monster is no small thing. Luo Hao calls it the ultimate of martial arts.

With a scream, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel swung straight at Luo Hao.Sure enough, it would be like this, the proud Luo Hao clearly wanted to kill Monkey King first.Feifeng's twelve palm stunts were used and turned into large phantoms in the sky.

The Great Sage used a steel rod to constantly fight against Luo Hao, who was evading by jumping, and the two fought fiercely in the air.

"My Sun Xingzhe's wishful golden hoop is made of Shenzhen iron. It is an iron rod that stuns the sky and the sky. See it!"

Monkey King has adjusted his physical condition, and the swing speed of the stick in his hand is getting faster and faster.The action is like lightning, the ape's agility and lightning speed are integrated.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel stabbed slowly, and the front end gradually approached Luo Hao's throat.

The Monkey King who entered the fighting situation roared loudly, but the leader Luo Hao, who was serious, had to show his real skills now.

"Hehe Yangyang, shining brilliance! Heavenly spirit, earth spirit, too old gentleman, anxious like a law!" She approached the dark giant and chanted the spirit of words leisurely, which should be the use of power.

The curse power in Luo Hao's body continued to rise, and his body emitted a swaying image like a mirage.The golden hoop that attacked from the side was hit by the body that guarded Luo Hao like a phantom.

Jingle!The sound of gold and iron fighting, the two collided.But Monkey King had long expected this to happen, and the golden stick didn't stop and speeded up to hit it again.The golden cudgel roared and launched continuous attacks like sparks.

The golden cudgel draws arcs, attacking Luo Hao's body from various angles, but very fast.Even after the double repairs, the women almost didn't see the two fighting.

The phantom swaying like a mirage gradually transformed into a clear shape, becoming a strong half-naked giant.He has a thoroughly shaved bald head, a serious expression, and a rumbling giant.The lower body is wearing rough clothes, and the whole body emits a golden light!

The King Kong Warrior god appeared and became Luo Hao's patron saint.

"You dragon soars into the sky, attacking close to the sky, eight-way swift and fierce, flipping the feet of mandarin ducks!" The moment Luo Hao said the secret, the King Kong warrior who was guarding her began to move and counterattack.But the King Kong Warrior is controlled by Luo Hao after all, and his movements are stiff and not consistent.And Monkey King can be said to have the power like speed, and the King Kong Warrior could not keep up with his movements.

"Well, it can actually block my old grandson's golden cudgel offensive for so long! Only then can I be considered a member of the devil!" With a loud noise, the golden cudgel struck the King Kong Warrior God.

When Monkey King would have thought he would kill King Kong Warrior, another King Kong Warrior appeared around Luo Hao, and the combined force of the two could barely block Monkey King's attack.

"It turns out that you were sealed a hundred years ago and you didn't recover your full strength. No wonder I think your strength has improved so much now." Luo Hao became solemn and began to exert his full strength.

"Haha...Look at me, you will never have a chance to beat the grandson mine!" The monkey arms with thick hairs on them, the women looked up, the huge body of the Great Heavenly Sage covered the entire night sky.

A very happy voice came from the air, a giant monkey growing several hundred meters in size.The current name is Monkey King, the unparalleled god monkey is huge, now his head can directly touch the cloud in the clear night sky, he stretched out his huge arm to grab Luo Hao.

Lord Luo Hao took a deep breath and exhaled a sweet spirit.It is obviously very different from the speech spirit just now, it should be Luo Hao's other powers.

The beautiful singing blew away everything around her. The wreckage of the building, the palace walls and the stone slabs that were still intact were blown away by the strong wind.Her ballad became a magic wind that would destroy all things.

She chanted more and more passionately, the magic wind became stronger and stronger, and things were blown farther and farther.This is the Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring Dafa, the power that Luo Hao usurped by defeating the Indian goddess Gayatri.

There was nothing left around the Lord Luo Hao, the only exception was the Monkey King who had a giant body.

"Death in field combat, the defeated horse screams to the sky. The black kite pecked at the human intestines and flew on the dead branches."

The pressure of the magic wind changed, and the stable ballad was just like a lullaby to Nie Kong and the others. The fluctuations suppressed Sun Wukong's footsteps, and her advance was restrained.

After a few seconds, the weight of the magic wind finally turned into a shock wave.Monkey King's burly giant rose to the sky for an instant, and the shock wave chasing him knocked him out of balance.

"Wow...have the wind pressure that blows on me, you are very powerful. But you failed to beat me a hundred years ago, and now you have no chance to win..." Monkey King was hit by a huge shock wave and flew out more than ten meters. , The huge body crushed all the surrounding hills of several hundred meters.

Nie Kong leaped far away with a few women, avoiding the scope of their battle.

The landed Monkey King turned a somersault, and then drove his huge body toward Luo Hao.The body has grown countless times, but the movements still show no signs of slowness.Luo Hao's delicate face was tight, and he controlled the two powerful Diamond Warriors to stand in front.

"Boom..." There was a huge sound, and the two King Kong warriors were beaten out by Monkey King and turned into phantoms and disappeared into the sky.Luo Hao's power was shot loose by Monkey King.At the same time, the monkey's free right hand shook it towards Luo Hao at this opportunity.

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