The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0329, appeared in the demon world

The devil has a purple sky, no sun and no moon!The dim light provides photosynthesis that plants need, but people who are used to the human world might feel a gloomy feeling when they come here.

The Demon Realm is divided into several spheres of influence, the territory of the Old Demon School, the territory of the Fallen Angels, and of course the demon clan commanded by the four demon kings in power at this moment.And because of mutual jealousy for fear of triggering a war, they did not have any conflicts in the Demon Realm.The human world is their turnover point, a place where contradictions secretly arouse.

For example, if the demons in the world are killed by fallen angels, that is very normal.Although the angels, fallen angels, and demons have all signed an armistice agreement, who can say it clearly?

The purple sky suddenly cracked a ten-meter-large crack, as if it could swallow any black hole, and appeared in the devil's world, the watcher of the god child-the sphere of influence of the fallen angel.Nie Kong, with silver hair and red eyes, jumped out of the black crack.

"There are illegal intruders!" After the fallen angel near the black hole noticed the abnormal shape of the sky, he fluttered with the black wings behind him and jumped forward.

Nie Kong who came out first used his spiritual sense to perceive the surrounding environment, but he actually found two angels with black wings rushed around, and they were all glamorous female angels.

The degree of exposure has surpassed that of bikinis, and it has almost reached the range of erotic underwear.In particular, the fallen angels all revealed a coquettish temperament, which is simply a moving fairy.

"Haha...we actually encountered a demon who broke in privately. Caravana matches to see who can hunt him down first." As if to perceive Nie Kong's faint red magic power, the most beautiful angel laughed Tao.The heart is as vicious as a snake and scorpion, and they don't have life in their eyes. No wonder they are fallen angels.

"Hehe... What a handsome and charming demon! Renalei has something to discuss, how nice it would be to catch him back and serve us! Listening to the seniors say that something between men and women is very happy, so I want to try it. It is." It turned out to be a fallen angel, and the evil thoughts were directly spoken without covering up.

Originally, Nie Kong didn't plan to kill the two slutty-dressed angels, but after hearing what Caravana said, he had the idea of ​​accepting them as his lowest female slaves.

"What's the use of catching it back? We are going to the human world to monitor the owner of the artifact in a few days. Don't worry, Caravana. I will leave him a whole body. You can play with him any way you want." Renalei smiled, exuding a cold and cruel smell.

"Renale is good or bad, you want me to rape the corpse!" Caravana said so, but his eyes were a little eager to try.

From the pair of black wings behind it, you can guess that their strength is very weak, perhaps because they perceive the weak magic power radiated by Nie Kong, they are so arrogant.

Sha...The hostility spread, and the pressure from the two women swept Nie Kong.The dazzling light energy gathered in Renalei's hands, and gradually appeared a light gun condensed from the rich light.

It is really strange to say that they have such a dark heart that they can use light energy.

"The devil's weakness is that he is very afraid of light attacks. Let me purify you." The light energy in his hand is like the holy javelin of the holy celestial beast, and it is aimed at Nie Kong's heart.

It seems that Renale really kept the promise and wanted to leave Caravana a whole body.

"Don't be kidding, why do you want to kill me?" Although the condensed light energy hit Nie Kong's heart, the light gun actually shattered the sky like glass.The crimson pupils looked at them lightly, and there was a chill across the backs of the two women, and the pores all over their bodies were agitated.The hostility from Nie Kong is so terrible!The bodies of the two angels were shaking.

The two-winged black angel is equivalent to the strength of a low-level demon, which is simply too weak.

That's right, the two women probably can't resist the chill.It was like a confrontation with the leader Asazel-no, even above that.

"He should be a low-level demon. Our light system can obviously restrain him..." The attack was neutralized, making Renalei's eyes widened.

"Let's show you what a real angel is, and if you get rid of it, you will stain my hands..." If possible, Nie Kong wanted Lilith Beast to form a force of fallen angels.

Of course, if there are angels, Nie Kong even wants the holy female beasts to form a holy angel army.

"Come out, the two angels who guard me!" As Nie Kong's spiritual knowledge cast into the Dingtian Ring, the two angels who were playing with Jiaer appeared out of thin air.

Two ten-winged angels appeared in front of Renalei and the others, making the two women pale with fright.The power gap is too big, especially the sacred angel with ten wings of enemies.

"Woo...Master, are you finally willing to let me out? Lilith waited so hard!" After the seductive Lilith beast appeared, she coquettishly wrapped Nie Kong's arm.

Compared with Lilith Beast, the two fallen angels are far worse in terms of beauty or charm.The two women added beauty by revealing their clothes, and Lilith's faint glance at her eyes probably could take away the man's soul.

"I always believe that the master will be useful to my day, and the celestial beast is working hard for this. I... can I finally help the master?" The pure and innocent light power spread out, and the white feathers fell from the sky.

A few kilometers in radius was like a dazzling sun, and the terrifying light system energy spread far away.Within the power of the God Child Watcher, all fallen angel powerhouses all felt the pure light power.

"He...Where is he sacred? Two ten-winged angels actually call him master..." The two women wanted to cry without tears, and could not wait to slap themselves!!

"Which archangel came to our fallen angel's site, Michael or Gabriel?" The appearance of the celestial beast alarmed several senior officials of the fallen angel.They fluttered with black wings and rushed at full speed in Nie Kong's direction.

"Okay, don't be coquettish!" Stroking the little head of Lilith Beast, Nie Kong said the purpose of calling them out.It turned out that the master wanted Lilith to train two fallen angels, and Lilith sweetly responded to Nie Kong.

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