The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0349, take Gasper away

"Hey! Strange... I obviously used a magic weapon at that moment... Please don't be angry! Don't be angry! Please don't hit me..." Gasper's petite body trembled, and his scarlet pupils looked at the cardboard box timidly.The pitiful expression is like a poor loli who has been blasphemed by a strange tree!!

"Originally, when Gaspar was excited, he would temporarily stop the time of all things in his vision. But Dad was not affected just now, and Dad was able to suppress his time pause artifact!" Of course Lias, who recovered from the time pause, realized that I used to be familiar with the strange feeling, so I said in general.

"Wait, time is suspended? Really? Is there such an artifact that is powerful enough to ignore the rules!" Liliana looked extremely surprised, as if she had come to a strange and powerful world.Pause time, this is indeed a terrifying ability, and Gasper has not reached the level of forbidden hands.If he can control his abilities, Rias will have one more powerful champion.

Gasper suspended Nie Kong and their time, and then fled, right?Although he failed to escape, it can be seen that he is indeed dying-a cocoon who is afraid of life!

"Because he can't control his divine weapon, the top of the Demon Realm will order him to be sealed here."

Lias gently hugged the lovely Lori Gaspar and said to her father: "She's Gaspar Frady, my dependent bishop. Next semester I plan to arrange for her to study as a high school student at Juwang Academy. He Before being reincarnated, it was a hybrid of humans and vampires, the same race of dad vampires!"

Following the introduction of Lias, Nie Kong and the others knew the basic situation of Gasper.She was reincarnated from Rias's rare chess pieces, a new-born demon faction with infinite possibilities.

"Woo, I... I obviously don't want to be a topic..." Gaspar escaped from Lias's arms and got into the cardboard box in the house.Gasper's whining sound came from the carton.She seemed to be afraid of the outside world, so she nestled in this big cardboard box.

"Because of the discrimination and dislike of vampires before reincarnation, and the fact that vampires hate sunlight, Gasper is very afraid to go out..." Zhu Nai showed the kindness of a big sister, and she kicked the cardboard box.

Fear of getting along with people, fear of causing trouble to others because of the inability to fully control the artifact, Gasper's troubles are really difficult to solve.

Gasper's father is a famous vampire, and his mother is a human being his side room, so he is mixed.It is said that vampires despise and insult non-purebloods are more serious than demons, and even brothers will treat mixed races differently.

Gasper was bullied by his half-brother since he was a child, and he came to the human world as a monster, with nowhere to hide.

But he was born with excellent vampire talents as well as human talents-special artifacts.Even if she has both of them, even if she doesn't mean that, her strength will become stronger with age.

Even if he wants to get along well with others, as long as he is not careful, he will activate the time-out artifact to stop the other party's actions.

There was a crisp scream from the carton, and Zhu Nai was shocked by Gasper when I saw you.

"I hate sunlight, the sun had better disappear!" In DXD, the power of light is the natural enemy of the devil, and vampires are even better.Of course, powerful demons hate sunlight at best.

"You see that Dad is a vampire, do you have to overcome difficulties and go out to make friends?" Lias said so, but only in exchange for her crying.

"Don't grin, I'm satisfied as long as I stay in this cardboard box! The outside air and light are enemies to me. President, please forgive me for being a cardboard box girl!"

Gasper's situation is a bit serious, what should I do?Lias has a headache.

"Wacky vampire." The kitten said harshly.Sure enough, he is an unsparing child.

"Wow... Kitty-chan is bullying me!" Because of Gasper's relationship with attributes, is Kitty some friends she can talk to?

"Dad, can Gaspar please you." Lias had no choice but to turn her gaze to the dependent father.Dad is the best in the world, there is nothing to stump Dad.

"Leave it to me, there will always be a way." I can be regarded as the ancestor of a vampire, and the little loli who deals with a vampire should be caught by hand.To be honest, Nie Kong has the urge to hug her!Such a cute vampire loli, she should enjoy it very much.

"Gasper, you should almost get used to the outside world?" Zhu Naixue said to her through the cardboard box.

"Sister Zhu Nai, please don't say that, I...I think this is good!" Gasper replied weakly.

"Oh, oh, it hurts my brain. Dad teacher, Zhu Nai also asked you to ask Sister Gaspar." The charming Zhu Nai said with a smile.

With the blood of the true ancestor of the vampire, he can strengthen Gasper, allowing her to fully control the artifact of time.Besides...for such a lovely loli, it is impossible to give up her cultivation!

"Leave it to Dad, anyway, just let her be company with Jia Er!"

Nie Kong who said this unknowingly was already close to him, he suddenly opened the lid of the carton!Pop, Gasper and Nie Kong looked at each other again.

"Woo..." Gaspar really became teary when the phobia was stared at.

"Come on, come out! The truth is wrong... The teacher is not a bad person? Let's do happily together!" Fortunately, Nie Kong doesn't have a jet of air from his nostrils, otherwise his actions will definitely be considered abnormal!

"Woo..." Gasper, the person involved, began to tremble, looking quite scared.

"I'm a pure-blooded vampire, but I don't hate you. I will always take care of you as a father... so wrap it around me." Nie Kong exuded a strong vampire breath, and Gasper felt surprised at the same time. In awe.

"I will only cause trouble to everyone... I am a cocoon and very scared of life... I can't use the artifact properly..." The familiar and awe-inspiring breath made Gasper's eyes wide in surprise.He is really a vampire, and a powerful vampire, but doesn't he actually hate himself.

"What are you afraid of, you will be able to control the artifact smoothly with me! And you have tried it just now, the artifact has no effect on me! Hmm... If Gasper wants to be a purebred vampire, that's okay. ." Using her own essence and blood to transform her into a purebred vampire is very simple.

"I was already scared enough of my own power... If I get improved... I... I will be even more afraid!"

Gasper who lifted the box carefully drilled out half of his head, weakly looking at Nie Kong with hopeful eyes: "You, what you said is true...really? Can you help Gasper control the artifact?"

"Well, it definitely will!"

Nie Kong's confident words infected Gasper, and she hid in the box and said that she would think about it for a while.Nie Kong picked up the entire cardboard box, causing Gaspar to scream again and again.

"Just take her home first, and then slowly enlighten her." Isn't it interesting that the loli girl who keeps the cardboard box?

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