The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0356, Valli is back

When Rias woke up early the next morning, she found her father was clutching her chest.Dad is true, is he not honest even when he sleeps.The sweet Liya kissed her sleeping father on the cheek, her expression intriguingly happy.The combination of the happiness of getting what you want and the ease of improvement in strength make Rias feel more comfortable than eating ginseng fruit.

The transition from girl to woman makes Rias exude amazing femininity, and her skin is more hydrated than before.Even Rias could feel her change.

The bond between father and daughter has been strengthened through double repairs, and at the same time, Rias has a kind of strange love for her father, which belongs to the emotion of lovers.

When leaving the bedroom with her father's arm around, Lias happened to run into two loli who had just woke up.The two loli looked haggard, with two dark circles at the corners of their eyes.

It seemed that I had waited a long time last night, but Nie Kong did not show up.The poor two loli wore lovely pajamas to stay alone in the boudoir all night till dawn.

When seeing Lias holding Nie Kong and appearing, the two loli were first sluggish for a while, and then looked at Lias angrily.Originally, Lias was disappointed with Nie Kong and the others, but on the contrary, Lias came out of Nie Kong's bedroom.The situation in front of her...Last night Lias cheated them, and then used the opportunity to do shameless things to Nie Kong.

Wow, the two loli furiously opened their teeth and danced at Lias.Like cute dogs, they left many lovely tooth marks on Rias's body.

Rias knew that it was her fault last night, and she let the two girls vent with a wry smile.Compared with this bit of pain, the gain is more than ten thousand times.

Where did Nie Kong know the secrets of the women, and when he asked, the women hid behind.How dare they say these shameful questions in front of Nie Kong.The transformation of Lias, Jiaer saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.After watching the transformation of Dingtianjie girls, Jiaer certainly knows what happened.It's just that she didn't expect Lias to get her father's love before herself, she was full of envy.

Just as Jiaer was planning how to get his father, the summer vacation of Juwang School came quietly.Lias officially ended her second year of high school, ready to enjoy the coming summer vacation.This summer, I have to play with my dad, as Lias thought.

"Oh, does Nie Kong's father have any plans to go?" Zhu Nai asked with a usual gentle smile.

"The best part of the summer vacation should be the seaside, do you have any ideas." Think about it carefully, if Dad goes to the Demon World, it will cause a battle.Lias was not afraid, but it would affect her mood on vacation.

"It just so happens that there is no sea in the Makai. Let's go to the seaside island in the human world and have fun." Reminiscing about the plot of Dad helping to wipe sunscreen, Lias immediately raised her hand to agree.

"I am not interested in the outside...I am a cocoon, I only like indoor activities..." Gasper replied weakly.

"Dad, I am going, I will follow you with all my strength!" Jiaer said excitedly.

When several people were about to determine their destination, the White Dragon Emperor Vali had already appeared outside the villa.Classmate Vali, who had disappeared for several months, finally brought news of the misfortune.

And Valli brought back several people, three of whom were beautiful women.One is like a charming fairy, the other is like a proud peacock, and the other is as charming as the sister next door.

The few people who had just arrived found the celestial beast, and they all showed their vigilance as if they were approaching an enemy.After all, they are demons, and angels with sacred power are their natural enemies.Besides, the celestial beast is a ten-winged angel, a master of the demon king level.

"Hey...I'm so scared, how come outsiders show up in the house!" Gasper, who was afraid of being timid, got into the carton with fear. From the shaking box, Nie Kong, they knew that Gasper was afraid.

On the contrary, when the cat saw the coquettish beauty, his indifferent expression showed a surprised look, obviously knowing the beauty on the opposite side.

"Wait for a few months, are you finally willing to come back, Vali?" Nie Kong glanced at Vali, then moved his gaze to the stranger's face that appeared.Especially the coquettish beauties made Nie Kong look more.

"Hey...there are many foreign masters, so I fought a lot of great battles. But unfortunately, none of the opponents I met can look at your power. Let me introduce to you, some of them are with us. Join the group of disasters. And she is a member of the Old Demon School, with the blood of the Demon King Leviathan. I heard that there is a chance to revive the Old Demon School, she came to see. Highlighted the beauty Cattleya Leviathan.

I really brought the kitten's sister back, and Nie Kong was full of surprises.The two cat demon sisters in the DXD world are so loving, he has coveted it for a long time.In addition to You Dou, there is a man who is actually Arthur Pendragon, a descendant of King Arthur.

No wonder the weapon in his hand is so powerful. It turned out to be the most powerful holy sword among the seven fragments of the sword of the holy sword. At the same time, it also holds the holy sword, which can cut off even space, and is said to be the strongest holy sword on the ground. Bran Biography-the sword that affects King Arthur.

The girl next door's sister turned out to be Lufi Pendragon, the sister of Arthur Pendragon.Was Valli really good? He brought them all over like the original.

I happen to be missing a few errands, so I took a few MMs by the way.But Nie Kong could see that the new subordinates seemed a little dissatisfied with him.Okay, I want to convince them.

Judging from the current situation, although there are many factions in the group of disasters, most of them are seconded to the power of Orpheus.And Nie Kong's unification of the group of disasters is really a very meaningful thing.

For example, the hero faction of the group of disasters is very hostile to demons, angels, fallen angels...It is very difficult to recover, and it seems that it can only be eliminated as much as possible.

Cattleya Leviathan certainly knew Griffia, but after seeing her surpassing her magical powers, she still took a breath.And the guy who can regain Griffia, where is he sacred?

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