The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0359, the meeting of the four devil kings

In the devil world, the current four demon kings gather together.

"There is the latest news. I heard that Rias’s father is called the organization of the group of evil. In addition to their old demon school, the biggest force of the group of evil has assembled the descendants of human heroes and brave men-the artifact holding There is a hero faction. Such a powerful force is enough to threaten the turmoil of the demon world!! "Hero faction?There are other forces in terrorist organizations!In that case, their organization has gathered dangerous elements from all directions...

The crystal eyes of Seraphim Leviathan dressed as a magical girl exuded a dangerous light, and the little cherry-like mouth grinned.It is her diplomat's responsibility to declare war with other forces.

That's how it turns out, is there a lot of powerful masters gathered to prepare to attack the demon world?But Rias's father actually invaded the Juwang Academy in the human world.Fortunately, sister Cang Na was not injured, otherwise she could not spare him.

"Simply...I won't tell you to come over. After all, the hero faction is a human being, and it is impossible to succumb to the devil. The important thing is that Orpheus, the leader of the group of disasters, will leave the gap between the dimensions and follow Nie Kong." Suzex said in a serious tone.The prestige of the Infinite Dragon God, the several demon kings present are simply thunderous.

But Orpheus should have no interest other than driving away the True Red Dragon Emperor. If she helped Nie Kong, they would be almost finished.A Nie Kong has already made them sore, let alone Orpheus who has the power to surpass Nie Kong?

If there is a war in the devil world, it is estimated that even the angels and fallen angels of the heaven will be affected. Is it possible that the peaceful world will start to chaos?

"And what I am most worried about is that Nie Kong will help Orpheus drive away the great red. If the two strong men defeat it together...because it is now ruled by the great red, the dimensional gap between the worlds Keep balance. If the great red is solved by Orpheus, or if Orpheus is allowed to rule the dimensional cracks, the world does not know what it will become. If it was Orpheus in the past, it might be fine, but Orpheus is now Si, maybe because of staying in the dunya for too long, it has changed since the beginning. The combination of the strongest white dragon king Vali, the demon king Nie Kong who transcends the boundaries of the devil, and the infinite dragon god Orpheus is really extremely It's dangerous..." Suzex said aloud.

If one accidentally destroys the balance of the dimensional gap, things will be unimaginable.Orpheus' purpose is very dangerous, so the demon kings will have such a headache.

"Be prepared for war at any time, so that you won't be caught off guard during the war. It is already a very miracle that the old demons will be willing to lurch for so many years." Falbiwin Asmod in charge of the military was silent. After a long time, he put forward his own suggestions.

"In any case, we have to get their information as soon as possible. When necessary, first launch a general attack... to catch them by surprise! If possible, try to drag in angels and fallen angels from the heavens." Ajka Bessi Bu said indifferently.

"I've already conceived a plan, and try my best to win over the masters of the three major forces to stop them." Suzex's eyes sparkled, as if thinking of something interesting.

"It seems that we are ready to start a meeting of the three major forces. At that time, we can expand the danger of Orpheus and unite the belligerent front. Only in this way, we have the chance to win!" Falbiwin nodded in response.

"Let's arrange it like this. If we can win over the Red Dragon Emperor who has disappeared for hundreds of years, then victory will already be on our side. But unfortunately, the authority of the artifact is human, and Vali is the exception of all." Zekes shook his head and smiled bitterly.

If even Chilong Emperor belonged to the enemy's camp, then the battle would not be necessary.The two heavenly dragons + the dragon god Orpheus can completely kill their four demon kings!

"Send an invitation letter, explain the situation to them and propose to start the meeting in advance. I believe they will agree to our request once they know the seriousness of the matter."

The other three demon kings had no objection and ended the meeting in a serious atmosphere.What they didn't expect was that Nie Kong had already known the true body of the Chilong Emperor!Killing Yicheng and then seizing the artifact was as early as his plan.

After more than half a month of traveling in Europe, the summer vacation slowly came to an end.There is no seaside holiday, some are long journeys.But the gain was huge, Nie Kong got the powerful Lori Orpheus.

The women looked a bit distressed, perhaps because they failed to accompany Nie Kong on a seaside holiday.It was Jia'er who regretted that she had already planned to push her father's plot.But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so they could only make a flight to Japan with their little mouths.After knowing the truth about the fact that Sister Hei Ge killed the original owner, the fetters of the two sisters began to reconnect.

As expected, Orpheus was the three-no loli, she didn't say a word in the journey for a few days, and replaced the kitten as the new three-no loli.When Nie Kong spoke, she just ignored it.

Sometimes Nie Kong held her limbs and touched the bottom of her black gothic outfit with a big hand to touch her delicate parts, Orpheus looked at Nie Kong with weird eyes.There is a bit of curiosity, a bit of mist!

It turns out that Loli is emotional. It seems that I have to train her to understand more in the future, and it is a great responsibility!

And I don’t know what happened to the vampire Loli in the villa after Nie Kong left for more than 20 days?Without their care, how dare poor Gaspar swallow human blood.Eh... I hope Gasper didn't starve to death when he got home.

Rias looked at her father excitedly. Seeing her father's power is getting bigger and bigger, Rias felt proud and proud.If Dad could really unify the Demon Realm, it would be so exciting.Brother, you are already out of date, so let's ask my father to get on the job as soon as possible.

However, Zhu Nai became more and more interested, every time Nie Kong always brought her too many surprises.At the same time, she had some evil thoughts in her heart, she wanted to snatch her father from the president.

It's just that she didn't know Nie Kong's thoughts, although she had thoughts, she did not dare to act!!

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