The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0371, the ranking match with Canna

"Is our opponent Teacher Nie Kong, our math teacher! Really annoying, actually wanting to confront the teacher?" Cangna's family members whispered, and Cangna let out a sigh of relief.Teacher Nie Kong is the devil who defeated His Majesty Lucifer, and his chance of winning is very small.

"Don't worry Cangna, only four of my family members will play! If you defeat my family members, even if you win. Of course, if Cangna wants to continue fighting, the teacher will naturally accompany him." Nie Kong made a concession and gave Cang a little bit. Hope of victory.

Nie Kong’s family members are the soldiers of the Lu Fei magician, the Queen Grey is boiling, the two knights of Lilith Beast and Rose Beast, and Black Song Bishop!But with the exception of Lu Fei, the remaining females have a fighting power that is close to the devil.

Griffia has no time to take care of the villa, so only the remaining four women compete.

"My opponent in the first ranking game was actually a teacher, and I really felt destined. Since I want to compare, Sangna is better than the teacher." In order to realize his dream, Sangna burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

"Oh, oh...Is Nie Kong's father actually going to have a rating game? It's really exciting." Zhu Nai, who has S's hobby, is of course looking forward to Nie Kong and his abuse of Cangna.

"The date of the match is set on the 20th of this month. The venue of the match is in our school's old school building. A few days before the start, you can use it as you like." Nie Kong decided the date of the match. Cang Na had no objection.

The Black Dragon King Key showed an expression of excitement, as if he wanted to show his skills to his master Cang Na during the game.

Five or six days of free time are enough for them to adjust to their best condition.Lias wanted to be a referee to supervise the ranking game, Nie Kong nodded and agreed to Lias' request.

"Xiao Cang Na, we'll see you again during the game." After leaving these words, Nie Kong took a few girls and disappeared into the light of the Rubik's Cube.

The evening before the start of the ranking game, inside the meeting room of the Student Union.Cangna and they gathered in the conference room for the final combat meeting.There are 7 family members of Cangna, first the king Cangna, then a queen, a chariot, a knight, two bishops, and two soldiers.Cangna's chess pieces have not yet been assembled.

President Cangna first asked about the key to possessing the Black Dragon King, "Key, what's the condition of your artifact?" He has the Black Dragon Vein, the artifact in his body, which can stretch out a black long cord to entangle the enemy and absorb itself or the artifact. the power of.Because of his sacred tool, Saji used 4 soldiers' chess when he reincarnated, and he was a very potential demon among Cangna's family.

After all, they are the top six dragons, each possessing the power of a demon king.However, due to the poor physical fitness of Ji, he couldn't exert half the power of the artifact.

"Yes. I can now freely use the artifact to absorb the enemy's power, but I still don't understand the forbidden hand of the artifact." Saji reported to his partner the results of his few days of contact.

"That's right!" Hearing what he said, Cangna nodded: "The forbidden hand of the artifact is the most difficult stage. How could you have just awakened the artifact to fully use the power of the artifact? You can rely on strengthening your own power in the future. Adapt to the artifact, and then improve your proficiency and shorten the time. After the accumulation of time, maybe you can play the forbidden hand of the artifact." But the game will start tomorrow, and Sauna's strength can't help Sona much.

"President, you should have a considerable degree of knowledge of the teacher's family members, right?" Empress Zhenra Tsubaki, the vice president of the student union asked aloud.

"I have no impression at all. The teacher did not bring the dependents to the school. However, I should understand the part of the queen. The teacher's queen is Griffia Lukifergus who served the Lucifer Demon in the past. The level of magic power is quite terrible..." Griffia's information was given to herself by her sister, but Cangna had a slight headache.It is very difficult for them to defeat the queen with the arrogance of the devil.

"Remember, our only chance to win is to defeat them one by one! Then I will personally lead you to besiege the teacher's strongest family member, and strive to win the game!" After understanding the information of his family member, Sang Na began to think To deal with Nie Kong's plan.

Nie Kong's promise was so attractive to Cang Na, it was in her heart.So Sangna will desperately want to win, and then further realize his dream.

"We will work hard, President!" The seven people in the room began to listen to Sanna's plan, serious and serious.After a two-hour long meeting, Cangna announced his dissolution with satisfaction.

Instruct the family members to go back and have a good rest, and then regain their energy to wait for the coming of tomorrow's game.

The day of the final battle was a weekend, so there were basically no students in the school.Through the dedicated huge magic circle, Canna's family members gathered in the classroom in front of the old school building.

The students wore the summer uniforms of Komao Academy, and Sona wore rigorous clothes that did not show half of his skin as before.Since it was a ranking competition initiated by Nie Kong privately, it did not attract big figures from the Demon World.

"What should I say, I'll tell you all I can say. Then I'll tighten my nerves and fight hard." Cang Na stood in front and reminded his family members again.Half an hour before the beginning of the first time, the magic cube array in front radiated light, and Nie Kong and a few women finally appeared in front of Cang Na and them.The glamorous ten-winged fallen angel, the "elf" with the barbed whip in his hand, then the coquettish and glamorous black song of the cat demon, and finally the soldier Lu Fei the magician...The teacher’s five dependents are all very glamorous beauties, But seeing Cang sweat on his forehead.

There is no Queen Griffia. Did the teacher say that it was their four family members who played the game.The queen did not appear to appear, so the strongest one was the fallen angel with ten wings.

"Are you all ready? The game will start in half an hour." Hearing Lias' question, the people around stood up.So Lias began to explain:

"As soon as the start time comes, you will be teleported to the battle field via the Rubik's Cube here. The location is a battle world created in a different dimension space. It doesn't matter how exaggerated you are there. Because it is a one-off space. Please fight as much as you like."

Whether it is launched anywhere in the human world or the demon world, it will inevitably cause damage and bring all kinds of effects. Therefore, a world that has no negative effects no matter how it is done is needed.

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