The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0374, kill them, and get you


After a shocking sentence, Lilithmon fired a black energy bomb from his hand and attacked the Bishop of Cangna again.The magic of compression is the size of a basketball, and it contains terrifying power.

"Reverse!" At the moment when she was about to be hit by the magic bullet, she reached out and tried to reverse it!The magic bullet surrounded the bishop's classmates, and she couldn't reverse her explosive power.Meet Lilithmon’s attack head-on!

With a bang, the Bishop of Cangna disappeared into the sky in the black light at the same time!There was no chance to use Phoenix's tears, and no corners of the clothes were left.

"It seems useless. I think you intend to reverse my attack. But just now, I used two-thirds of my power to explode the range of your reverse ability."

As Lilithmon said, she didn't have enough contact with reversal, and her use did not reach the level of perfection.Although it can reverse the power beyond their mid-level demon stage, encountering a higher-level demon is simply useless.

"Why, Caoxia Lianyeju... actually died?" Another Huajietao was stunned on the spot, her eyes filled with disbelief.Saji was full of regrets, and blamed himself for not having the opportunity to save Caoshita Reye.

Then Lilithmon looked at the remaining two dependents, and there was no emotional fluctuation in his eyes.

"Phantom pain!" There was no room for the two to counterattack, Lilith beast directly exhaled a black breath covering the surrounding ten meters.Without the reversal, the two of Saji couldn't escape Lilithmon's proud skills.If you suffer this curse, the end of your body will begin to disappear, and you will suffer from this pain until death.

"Ahhhh..." a tragic cry was heard, and a round pit of more than ten meters appeared in the area covered by the black breath.In the round pit, no creatures survived.So far, Ji Yuan Shi Lang, who was disgusted by Nie Kong, ended up with a sad result of no bones.

On the other side of the battlefield, Hei Ge, who is proficient in enchantment art, played against Zhan Cangna's three family members.Among them, the strongest queen Zhenlu Chunji, possesses the mirror of reminiscence of the artifact.When Hei Ge's magic bullet smashed the mirror blocking the front, Hei Ge strangely found that he was hurt instead.

Hei Ge originally released the magic power of the intermediate demon level, but after breaking the mirror, he suffered twice the damage caused by the magic power.Although trivial, it was enough to surprise Hei Ge.

"Is it a family member who has a divine tool? No wonder they have these weird abilities." But after reaching the level of the Demon King, Hei Ge didn't care.What's more, her proud move is a technique.

After the battle, the two women began to rush towards Heige, one of them was a knight's family member Xunba handle with exorcism ability.She held a Japanese sword in her hand, and after blessing her exorcism ability, she looked very sharp.

The other female is Yuliang Tsubasa, a chariot proficient in physical skills, and the two women engage in close combat.The queen behind is responsible for using the power of the artifact and then helping to resist the opponent's attack.

Hei Ge cleverly flashed the attack of the two, and then issued a fairy technique to restrain the two women.With a coquettish smile, Hei Ge used powerful fairy skills to directly crush the two women into powder.

Xianshu is very strong, and the intermediate-level kittens in the original book will lose control after using them, and their strength will soar to the level of top demon.But now that Heige used it, it was even more powerful.

"It turns out that you are the famous black song of the cat demon tower city in the past few years. I have long heard that you are the demon who killed the master's dependents. You who possess powerful immortality and enchantment skills are crazier than I thought... "After seeing the death of her two companions, Empress Zhenluo Chunji looked at Black Song with bitterness.

"Hey...Now Hei Ge has been well! It is Hei Ge's task to kill you..." Hei Ge rushed to Zhenluo Chunji and directly attacked with super strong melee combat.

"President Sangna, we miscalculated! Teacher...the purpose of the teacher's not as good as you think." Zhenluo Chunji only left these words and disappeared on the scene.

Empress Zhenluo Chunji was brutally murdered, and now Cangna's surviving family members are the only remaining members of Lu Fei's opponent, Rencun.The two women are evenly matched, with a small difference in strength.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, the somewhat irritable Lilith Beast shot her directly.Lu Fei looked at Lilith beast with tears, and blamed her for stealing her opponent.

The only opponent left is the "King", President Canna Sidi.Nie Kong's four family members rushed here, and in front was Cangna VS Rose Beast.

Cangna came from Xidi's family who was good at water magic.

The flames of water gathered around the rose beast and gradually formed a certain form.This amount of water is extraordinary.Taking a closer look, she hit the nearby water pulse to launch an attack around her.

The magic that controls the water is Canna's powerful means.Although there is no strong sister, but still very scary.Cang Na Xi Di MM, really is the level of the top demon.

Cangna used magic power to change a large amount of water, creating eagles in the air, big snakes crawling on the ground, brave lions, groups of wild wolves, and huge dragons and other shapes, and then surrounded the rose beast in the middle.

The magic control is very delicate and the qualities are very strong.If Rias is a powerful force, then Sangna is relying on technology flow.

Cangna manipulated the water to form a wall to block the president's attack.When the president’s magic power hits the water wall, that part of the water will also be wiped out, but the amount of water taken from the entire building is not exhausted.

"Beautiful electric shock!" The whip in the right hand swung towards the surrounding water magic, and the whip contained powerful electrical and thorny attacks.With a few beeps, the surrounding animals made of water are directly volatilized by electric heating.

"Rose carpet!" After the water magic was solved, the rose beast stabbed the ground with a whip of thorns, creating a blanket of thorns and swept towards Canna.Cangna manipulated the water to form a wall to block the attack of the rose beast.When the thorns of the rose beast hit the water wall, most of the surrounding water disappeared.

"Thorn shot!" Qiangwei smiled excitedly, compressing the electricity to its thorns.Compressed and compressed, and then the barbs of the thorns shot towards Cangna like a bullet.Just one shot was enough to disappear Cangna's water wall for several meters.

Accompanied by the sizzling voice, the white mist flooded Canna.But Qiangwei Beast rushed directly, splitting the mist.

Then the barbed trembling whip slammed towards Cangna, and bound her firmly.With a bit of painful cry, the tied Cang Na was directly violently pulled towards Nie Kong by the Rose Beast...It was like flying a kite.

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