The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0377, the fallen angel who collects the holy sword

H's feeling is so in vain, it brings a different feeling to Nie Kong every time.But both are wonderful, especially after the expansion of Shuangxiu.

"Teacher, you are good or bad, obviously... you are clearly bullying Cangna, but you just lied to Cangna and said it was a remedy!"

"Obviously it is to replenish the devil, how could the teacher lie to his students." When Wen Cun, Nie Kong touched her back and smiled.

At this moment, Lilith Beast dragged two "dogs" into Nie Kong's bedroom with an iron chain.Two "dogs" crawled in, exposing a lot of skin.Even a black leather jacket can tightly cover the three most important parts.The degree of exposure has surpassed that of bikinis several times.

"Master, Lilith Beast brought the owner's dog. You two, don't hurry up and serve the master..." Lilith Beast stared, scared Lina Li two fallen angels crawling towards Nie Kong.

After many days of cooking, the two fallen angels were really driven by Nie Kong like slaves. In short, they were the existence of urinals.The two fallen angels didn't feel scared, but looked at Nie Kong with longing eyes, as if they hoped to get a pet that their owner loved.

Nie Kong squeezed the iron chain, and then pulled the two beautiful dogs into his side.Two beautiful dogs competed skillfully for Nie Kong's body and served Nie Kong well.

After two hours of service by the two dog girls, Nie Kong finally walked out of the bedroom with Cang Na contentedly.Cang Na timidly hid behind Nie Kong, it seemed that the new wife seemed a little bit shy in front of the women.

After Nie Kong's watering, Cang Na became more attractive than before.There is no cold temperament, but full of tender love.Nie Kong pulled her out and introduced the girls in the villa to Cang Na one by one.

The more he understood his teacher, the more confused Cangna found himself.The teacher's secrets are so many, it's worth exploring all my life.When Lias was introduced, Cangna snorted and turned his head.

It seems that at the birthday party of Cangna some time ago, Rias's performance made Cangna very angry.Lias chuckled lightly, and then wrapped Nie Kong's other arm like Cang.It seems to be saying, to take my father away, you are still tender.

In the church in the neighboring town where Nie Kong lived, two fallen angels took control of the church that originally belonged to the clergy.

"Master Kokboer, the Governor has sent you a letter asking you to go back! It is an invitation from the Demon Realm to hold a tripartite talk..." The two-winged angel knelt in front of the ten-winged fallen angel and sent the Governor's original words for him.

"Say that I am here to monitor humans with artifacts in the human world. I don't want to engage in such stupid things as negotiating with the devil. And recently I am busy, tell him that there is no time to go back for me." In the three-way war hundreds of years ago After it was over, he always felt bored!The Governor of the Fallen Angel was very negative about the next war, and he was very disgusted.Not only that, the governor actually started collecting boring things like artifacts, burying himself in some inexplicable research all day, and doing those useless things!

Recently, he has to do something to provoke another war between the three parties.For peace talks or something, it is best to disappear forever.What peace talks, let me destroy them all.

"Don't talk about peace talks, let me ask you how is the collection of holy swords in the church?" His purpose is to steal the sword of the king and then force Michael to start a war between the two.

"According to your orders, I have helped you collect 3 holy swords. As for the other ones, there is no news at the moment... and the clergy in the church have been killed. It is estimated that Michael and the others will send someone over soon. That..." The two-winged angel Donahic handed over the holy sword that exudes blazing flames and handed it to Kokboer.

The fallen angel with the power of light can naturally use the holy sword, and he takes away the holy sword with a big wave.

"It's done very well, so Michael will probably send troops to fight over... Haha, then I will kill all the angels one by one. War will break out soon."

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