The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0379, the sword of the holy sword king is ready to gather

Kiba showed a fierce expression that he had never seen before, staring at the sword of the king and their two daughters.Kiba hated the sword of the king, and he never dreamed that a few swords of the king would appear here.

Until a few years ago, there were plans within Christianity to try to cultivate people who could use the sword of the Holy Sword King.The holy sword is the strongest weapon against demons.As long as our devil touches the holy sword, his body will immediately burn.After being beheaded, it will definitely be wiped out.For apostles who believe in gods and regard demons as enemies, it can be said to be the ultimate weapon.And Kiba was a survivor of the Holy Sword Project, and saw with his own eyes how the testers were dealt with after the failed plan.Seeing the holy sword that he hated was right in front of him, it was obvious what Kiba was thinking.

But with Nie Kong present, Kiba Qiang endured the terrifying killing intent in his heart.

"Here you!" Just as Arthur Pendra threw the holy sword fragment over, Lu Fei hid behind Nie Kong in fright.The holy sword is the nemesis of the devil. Sister Lu Fei, who is at an intermediate demon level, will certainly be timid to face the holy sword with such terrifying and sacred power.I'm afraid just touch the Holy Sword, Lu Fei's skin Google will directly burn.

Arthur Pendra just patted his head, and actually forgot that his sister had reincarnated as a demon.When he was embarrassed and wanted to take back the holy sword, Nie Kong caught it with one hand.

Nie Kong unlocked the seal of the Holy Sword, and pulled out the strongest fragment of the Holy Sword-the Dominator Holy Sword.There was a buzzing sound, and the dominating holy sword screamed.The strong light power touched the scarlet magic power of Nie Kong's dark attribute, but it dimmed a bit.Although the Holy Sword can restrain demons, it has no effect on demons in the Demon King stage.

The dazzling holy sword slowly settled in Nie Kong's palm, and Nie Kong felt that the sacred power contained in the holy sword surpassed the level of the intermediate demon.And it's just a piece of seven fragments, if you recombine one...

While Nie Kong was surprised, he cast his gaze on the celestial beast.If it were to synthesize the King's Sacred Sword, Nie Kong planned to give it to the Celestial Beast as a gift.Seven in one, the power is almost equal to the devil-level artifact.If it is used for the celestial beast, it is estimated that it can double her combat effectiveness.

"Yes... It's the Holy Sword of the Dominator that has disappeared for hundreds of years. It turns out... It's with you!!" The two women looked at the Holy Sword in Nie Kong's hand and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

No wonder they are surprised. If there is a holy sword here, it means that the seventh fragment of the holy sword king's sword has finally come out.We must know that since the ancient war, only six fragments have been collected by Christianity, and the rest have disappeared without a trace.And the holy sword that has disappeared for many years, did not expect to appear here.

And the right hand of the man on the opposite side also carried a sword.The two women had more contact with the holy sword, and of course they understood what the faint oppression from the sword meant.That is a stronger sense of oppression than the holy sword fragment, only the arrogance that the King's Sword possesses.

There are several world-famous swords of kings, and the power of none is terrifying.The two women wailed, how sacred they are...

"Yes...yes, it is a fragment of the sword of the holy sword king... I didn't expect it to be in your hands. The new church has one, the fallen angel has three, we have two, plus all of yours Gathered together..." Xenovia looked at the holy sword with gleaming eyes, as if he had seen some rare treasure.It is estimated that Xenovia is already ready to move, grab the holy sword of the fallen angel and combine it.

"We...we understand what you mean, but we cannot change the church's decision. Instead of letting the sword of the king be used by the fallen angels, it is better to destroy them all. Our mission is to at least solve the sword of the king in the hands of the fallen angel. In order to achieve our goal, we don't need to die. The only thing that can fight the King's Sword is the King's Sword... We beg you, don't participate in the matter between us..." Irina whispered.

After slowly seeing the fog that covered Nie Kong and the others, the two women did not dare to be too presumptuous.If their actions caused a war between them and the heavens, they would really die.

"It's really wishful thinking that you want to deal with the senior cadres of the Fallen Angels. Although I have withdrawn from them, I know their combat effectiveness very well... You two, do you want to die?" Valli laughed.

"Well, whatever you think! We came to Japan with the consciousness of death, and the Lord will hear our pious prayers." Xenovia responded to Valli's question fearlessly.

"I don't have time to care about your life and death. If there is nothing wrong, please leave." There is such a realization.Is this faith?

After saying this, the two women just stared at Nie Kong, and the conversation ended.The two women winked at each other and stood up.

"Then we should almost retire. Irina, let's go back." The two did not accept the president's kindness and prepared to leave.But their eyes just saw Aisha, and then they frowned as if to confirm something.

"Are you the witch Aisha? I didn't expect to meet you here." Xenovia said.When they heard them calling themselves "witches", Asia shook. The name of a witch was very painful for her.

Irina seemed to be aware of this, and her bright eyes kept staring at Aisha: "You were the former "saint" who became a witch in the church for a while? You have the ability to heal demons and fallen angels. I heard that you were expelled, but I didn’t expect to appear here. Now you have fallen to the devil..."

"That...that...I..." Faced with the compelling words of the two, Asia didn't know how to respond.

"It's okay, Aisha is my saint...No one will treat you, I will bless Aisha forever on behalf of God..." The celestial beast touched Aisha's head, bringing her infinite courage.

Aisha nodded emphatically, "I...I am a disciple of Lord Angel, Aisha believes in God as always..."

"That's it. Since it is the shelter of Lord Angel, then we have nothing to say! Please forgive us for our rudeness, if there is nothing wrong, we will leave!" Although the surprised Lord Angel will appear in the devil's den, they are after all Not qualified to care about ten-winged angels.

The two took their holy swords, and then left Nie Kong's villa.Nie Kong didn't hate them two girls, he was angry at the rudeness of the high level of heaven!

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