The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0388, the arrival of the hero faction

The villa prepared by Vali meets Nie Kong's standard, luxurious and comfortable.After passing the beautiful flower garden, Nie Kong and the others came to the villa's living room.As soon as poor Nie Kong sat down, his two thighs were immediately occupied by two loli, Jiaer and Maojiang.The women who accompanied them were used to the performance of the two loli, and did not seem very surprised.

"Valley, where will the tripartite meeting be held?" Although Nie Kong knew it was the day after tomorrow, he had to determine the specific location.

"With the information I have found, the leaders of the three forces have all gathered. And the time is 8 o'clock the day after tomorrow, and the location is at the headquarters of the Nine-tailed Fox Yasaka Monster that occupies Kyoto!" Vali was completely prepared as expected, Nie Sora can perform his plan at any time.

Two fallen angels at the pinnacle of the devil, two archangels overpowering the devil, and four current demon kings.The three forces gathered all their forces, just to find a way to deal with Nie Kong.

"No matter what happens, Rias will always stand by father's side!" The older brother Szekes is obviously not as important as his father. Of course Rias will choose Nie Kong.And Cangna somewhat liked her sister, but the teacher would guarantee her sister's safety.What's more, Cangna has her own ideals for the teacher to help realize, so her choice is the same as Lias.Needless to say, the other girls directly handed over their body and mind to Nie Kong.

"If this is the case, everyone should take a rest for two days and then prepare to act. It is rare that the three major forces will gather, and I will prepare them a gift that will be unforgettable for a lifetime." After killing them, the only remaining enemy is the True Scarlet Dragon Emperor.

When Vali and the others were about to go back to rest, the air present changed in an instant.Valli looked around the restaurant with a serious expression, and Griffia was also on guard.

Thick fog filled the surroundings of the villa, and then a faint spatial fluctuation spread.It feels very familiar, like a different space created by a ranked game.

A few people were sitting upright on the black sofa near the hall, and the black-haired young man dressed in a Hanfu outside was watching Nie Kong and the others.He carried the Western Knight's gun, tapped the tip of the gun to the ground and looked at Orpheus.

Except for a rare blonde beauty, the rest are men.

"Oh... It's been a long time since I saw the leader of Orpheus, and the White Dragon King Vali! We haven't seen him since the last time we left Europe." He looks very young, seventeen or eighteen years old. .

"Cao Cao!" Vali called out his name, the man with the strongest God Slayer Gun!And when he traveled to Europe, Valli would of course know the leader of the Heroic Faction.

Lu Fei stared at his opponents intently, and said to Nie Kong and the others: "Listen well, you must be careful of the gun in that man's hand. It is the strongest divine spear of the twilight spear, which is claimed to be able to pierce even a god. Absolute artifact. It is synonymous with true gods."

Lu Fei's words shocked the surrounding girls, and looked at the gun with surprise.

"That is the holy spear that everyone in the heavens fears?" Irina couldn't help but tremble, and Xenovia also answered in a low voice.

"I heard about it when I was very young. The gun that pierced Jesus. The gun that was stained with the blood of Jesus, the gun of absolute piercing through the gods!" This is fundamentally related to the three devout Christians, and to the church. For the people involved, perhaps it is one of the ultimate existences.

"That's the holy gun..." Aisha next to her was confused and looked at the gun.It was as if he was bewitched by the charm of the gun and absorbed consciousness.

Hei Ge hurriedly covered Aisha's eyes with his hands, and said: "Aisa, believers should not stare at that gun strongly. If you pay too much attention, you will lose your mind. After all, it is related to the Holy Cross, the Holy Grail, the Shroud and the Holy Cloth. One of the holy relics called nails."

Cao Cao clapped his palms and smiled and said, "You are out of my expectation. You were able to abduct our leader Orpheus, the Infinite Dragon God, and it made us easy to find."

"What's the purpose of your appearance here? You should have other ideas?" Facing Hei Ge's question, Cao Cao looked at Silent Lolita Orpheus.

"Orpheus, come back with us, and go back to the dimensional cracks." Cao Cao directly stated his purpose.

Nie Kong suddenly appeared standing in front of Cao Cao, showing a sharp murderous look at Cao Cao.He had expected that when he took Orpheus, the hero faction would come to fight for Orpheus.

But Orpheus appeared around Nie Kong and calmly said, "Cao Cao, are you going to snipe me?"

"Ah, Orpheus. Orpheus is necessary for me. We need you right now..." Cao Cao tapped his holy spear and finally looked at Nie Kong.

There was a faint devilish breath, but Cao Cao began to be surprised.Nie Kong felt that the danger to him was several times stronger than that of Vali.When will these characters appear in the world in addition to the Four Demon Kings?

"I have decided to stay with Nie Kong temporarily, so please go back. If it were Cao Cao, I would not lose..."

"It is true, you are too strong. To be honest, I don't know what will happen if you challenge you from the front—well, let's get started!" Cao Cao stood up and dexterously rotated the holy spear, the front end of the spear opened, shining The dazzling brilliance of rich light power appeared!

Cao Cao's figure suddenly disappeared, was it quite fast?It disappeared without any preparation!When he appeared again, Cao Cao's spear tip had fallen into Nie Kong's palm.

Although Cao Cao's artifact was not enough to injure Orpheus, Nie Kong would not have watched the girl who had declared his own to be attacked by others.The sound of sizzling is the sound of two mutually repelling forces colliding.

Scarlet's magic power is so terrifying that it has the upper hand in the entanglement.A fatal blow, if it were an advanced demon, it would have been killed instantly.

Cao Cao's face was aside, he suddenly used the original energy of the holy spear.

"The gun! The real holy gun that even gods can penetrate!" At the same time, the gun body emitted a huge light, and the divine power directly expanded several times.

"It's really troublesome, Lu Fei!" Hei Ge and Lu Fei didn't know what they were saying there, and their bodies instantly surrounded the black mist.

"This is the dark fog that can greatly offset the light, but don't breathe in these thick fog, which will poison your body! Now you can only use this method to reduce the sacred light of the holy spear!"

At the moment Heige explained, the huge light produced by the holy spear spread rapidly throughout the hotel, like a violent sun.Shenmiegu's first holy spear is really powerful, and the light power contained in it has surpassed the holy sword king sword forged by Nie Kong.

Even in the dark fog, the light emitted by the holy spear is still extraordinary. Without the protection of these fog, how much damage would the demon suffer in the aftermath of the attack?

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