The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0394, the meeting began

When Nie Kong finally charged into the deepest part of Orpheus, huge abilities exploded in the two of them.Orpheus blushed softly like a cat, looking at Nie Kong with watery eyes.

She had been pursuing the goal of driving away the true red dragon emperor all her life, and now she had something more that she could not figure out. It was an emotion that she had never experienced.It turns out that the purpose of my life is not only to return to the dimensional cracks. It turns out that living in the middle of things can be so happy.

Her Gujing Wubo expression finally showed a happy and content smile.She smiled, who was always silent, and she almost killed Nie Kong.

Nie Kong felt that it was several times stronger than Orpheus, her primordial yin power was too terrifying, far stronger than his own!!The power of horror passed into Nie Kong's body after Shuangxiu, and he felt that he was undergoing a reborn change.

And Nie Kong's soul benefited even more. The golden core, which was the size of a thumb, was expanding at a high speed, absorbing the pure energy of dual cultivation.There was a loud noise, and the solid soul gleamed in the consciousness space.

After getting Orpheus's Yuan Yin, his imperial maiden cultivation technique finally reached the first level!!The egg-sized golden pill is very full, as if to give birth to a fetus.

When more energy is bred, the golden core will split and hatch into its own soul.At that time, I was already a fairy in the real world.

The soul broke through the first intermediate level, and the body really doubled as he expected!After the double repairs, he finally possessed the magic power that surpassed Suzex-12 times the magic power level of the devil.

He felt that if he only used his full force of magic bullet, little Japan would be destroyed directly.Orpheus has also improved by more than half, and it is estimated that she now possesses a level of magic power comparable to 30 times that of a devil.

With his head buried in Nie Kong's arms, Orpheus was content to sink into a sweet dream.In the dream, it was Nie Kong who accompanied her to travel through the dimensional gap.

After seeing the end of Nie Kong's practice, Griffia finally leaned against Nie Kong.Seeing Nie Kong fighting Orpheus, they were already in awe!The violent collision and the deep gasp resounded through the night again...

The shrine in Yasaka, Kyoto, is now heavily guarded.The powerful enchantment enveloped the surrounding kilometers, and the atmosphere seemed extremely depressing.

There is a specially prepared table in the meeting room, which looks quite luxurious.Several familiar faces have sat down around the table.Silence enveloped the scene, and everyone's expressions were serious.

The representative of the devil, the four demon kings headed by Suzex.Yasaka's monsters were in charge of entertaining, standing by the tea cart on standby.

The representatives of the angels are Michael with twelve golden wings and Gabriel, the perfect female angel with ten wings. She is so beautiful, she is an angel-level beauty!She is the number one beauty in the heavens, the strongest and the best female angel in the heavens.The flawless face is really close to the celestial beast owned by Nie Kong!!

Representatives of the fallen angels are Asachel with six pairs of black wings, and Baiqiu, an angel with ten wings.Seraphim Sidi saw Gabriel and pouted.With eight people each, the meeting of the tripartite forces has finally begun.

"Now that everyone is here, I will confirm the prerequisites for a meeting. Everyone present at the moment knows the purpose of our meeting. In order to allow the race to continue when the demon king is no longer there, the devil must also Move forward. We don’t want war either—if war breaks out again, the demons will perish.” Suzex first began to speak and announced the official start of the meeting.

"You said that the demon of the old demon school abducted Orpheus, but after a long time, he didn't cause any influence... Now instead, he knows that the gods have disappeared. It will cause shocks in the world." Mr. Michael smiled.

"Mijiale, you may underestimate his power. Do you think that the guy who can turn our demon world upside down with him alone will stand by himself? His appearance has increased the danger of the group of misfortune more than ten times. It broke out again. In the case of war, the three powers are estimated to have ten chambers and nine empty spaces. Then it will also have a significant impact on the human world and make the world annihilate.” Demon King Asmodeus said.

"I did try his power personally. Simply put, one trick can kill me. What a powerful force he is, and if Orpheus is counted, there is no difficulty in destroying either of us alone." Fallen Angel The governor Asachel recalled what happened some time ago, and then agreed with Asmodeus.The most helpless thing for him was that the adopted Valli would leave him, and he was a bit shocked.

Recalling the conversation he had had, Asacher smiled bitterly...

"Hey...Azazel, is there no more war?"

"You are really a typical dragon host. People like you will have a short life."

"It doesn't matter, I am not interested in longevity. I just regret that I was born in this era. A world without God-I originally wanted to defeat God."

"You really have the style of the White Dragon Emperor. What then? After you defeat all the strong, what are you going to do?"

"Only one died. I'm not interested in that kind of boring world..." Compared to a situation where there was no fighting, it seemed that Vali would rather die happily.


Gabriel nodded lightly, and then said: "After the reports of Xenovia and Irina of the former church, he did simply kill Kokbor, the cadre of the fallen angel. And what I am most interested in is the one next to him. Ten-winged female angel, what charm does he have that makes our angels follow the devil?"

"Our meeting this time is to discuss ways to deal with him, so that he will not fall into a passive position if he launches a war in the future...If he launches a battle against the outside demon world, you will definitely not be able to stay in." Szekes said.

The talks entered into topics such as future combat power, seeming to confirm the current military strength, how to deal with the various camps, and the future power map.The tight atmosphere is slightly relieved.Probably because the various forces have stated that they do not want war.

After informing the case, expressing their desire for peace, they agreed to establish an interconnected magic circle between the demon world and the heaven... The three parties wanted to use the magic circle to transmit to prevent Nie Kong's sudden attack.

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