The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0396, the decisive battle begins

The black mist filled, and then a few strange people suddenly appeared in front of Suzex.After seeing the man in the lead, Suzex showed a very surprised expression.

"'s that they captured her mother, help Jiu Zhong rescue her mother." The beautiful girl looked at Nie Kong and the others with tearful eyes, and then begged the three high-level forces present.

"It turns out it's really you, Nie Kong, the demon of the old demon school!" The appearance of Nie Kong made the four great demon kings instantly improve.Having personally experienced Nie Kong's greatness, how dare they relax a little.

"It's been a long time, the current four demon kings!"

That's right, Nie Kong who appeared in the room was coming.Behind him are Griffia, Celestial Beast, Lilith Beast, Rose Beast, Rias, Sona, Juna, Liliana, Tacheng Sister Flower, Orpheus, Lufei, and of course the last one appears. Church trio.Gaspar, a carton girl, is as timid as a mouse, and naturally won't appear here.

Almost all of Nie Kong's girls were dispatched, but Vali and his family members had to take care of the injured master, so they did not show up.After Heige easily broke the barrier, she used the magical device Juewu to directly bring Nie Kong and the others to the meeting room.

In Orpheus' right hand, the nine-tailed fox monster Yasaka was holding.Although she was close to the Demon King, she couldn't cope with the situation where Orpheus took the initiative.

"It's a strange ten-winged female angel, but the holy breath that she exudes from her body is absolutely true." The two ten-winged female angels finally met and cast curious glances at each other.The pretty faces of the two women are similarly delicate, perfect and holy.

But when Zhu Nai saw Baiqiu, he directly showed disgust.I saw my father here, but she was in a very bad mood.Her expression was cold, and she didn't look at Baiqiu any more.

"Wow...Sister, why did you appear in the enemy's camp? Come back to my sister!" After seeing her beloved sister Qianying behind Nie Kong, Seraphim yelled out anxiously.

"I'm very sorry, sister, I have decided to help the teacher, from now on we are enemies!" Cangna said regretfully.After Nie Kong acquired her in a domineering manner, Cang Na had already put everything on the teacher.

"What...sister, don't...don't...sister, don't be an enemy of my sister..." Seraful went crazy, then stared at Nie Kong fiercely.It seems that Seraphim, who is controlled by the deep sister, is obviously jealous.

My sister clearly belongs to me, how can I forgive the existence of the guy who snatched my sister!!

"Don't worry, I will kill you here today, and then the master will become the god of the new world. The rest of the system, legal system, and philosophy are under our control. Michael, Asachel, and Sazeks , Your time is over..." Griffia issued a provocative declaration and stated the purpose of her master.

Hearing what Griffia said, all the 8 people present changed their colors.Although he had thought that he would have huge ambitions after abducting Orpheus, he did not expect it to be so.This is already related to the safety of the Three Realms, and they cannot stay out of the matter.

The eight of them showed a terrifying arrogance, and they seemed to be ready to fight.Although they gathered the most powerful masters of the three parties, Nie Kong smiled instead.

"That's right, I should control the Three Realms! Thanks to your gatherings, I saved the time to look for you everywhere!"

"Although you got Orpheus, the outcome is still unclear. For the safety of the Three Realms, we absolutely must kill your group of misfortunes..." Michael's body burst out with a dazzling light, and the terrifying sacred flame was compared The celestial beast is more terrifying.

Sure enough, Michael is the strongest angel who inherited the system, and his divine power has surpassed the devil.Hei Ge emits black smoke, wrapping the younger sisters behind them so as not to be corroded by the light.

"Things can't be reversed, let's do it." Asacher sighed and directly resorted to the forbidden hand of the artificial artifact he made!

The space vibrated violently in an instant, and power fluctuations swept the entire shrine.The magic power radiated from Suzex's whole body was high, rippling creepy arrogance.

"For the peace of the world, sorry my sister!"

All eight of them exploded with all their strength and shattered the huge shrine.The power fluctuations spread out, causing Kyoto in the human world to panic.

The air pierced sound, and the earth-shaking battle was on the verge.

Michael created a 100-meter-large beam of light, and then directed it to hit Nie Kong and the others.Such a terrifying divine power is purer than the power contained in the holy spear.His power is stronger than the angels Nie Kong saw. If he is hit, it is estimated that even the Demon King may be seriously injured.

"Is this guy Michael, has his strength increased to such a level?" Suzex whispered, floating in the air, he has formed a red energy body.

However, before the eyes of a few people, something more astonishing happened.I saw Nie Kong's pale golden pupils looking towards the sky slightly, as if the light of the sun had disappeared, how could it be possible!The strength of the twelve-wing Michael is one of the best among the few present today!

Seraful, dressed in a magical girl, didn't care about so many, she took the opportunity to rush to Nie Kong and attacked first.The magic of the ice element spread over, and the power is evident.But the lovely Cang Na stood in front of Nie Kong and stopped his sister.

"Teacher... Sister, let me deal with it." Cangna is good at water magic, and Seraphim's ice system defeats her.But Cang Nasheng was afraid that Nie Kong would kill his sister, so he took the initiative to ask for battle.

With the creaking sound, the water magic rushing towards my sister froze in the air.But Cang's open hands stopped her sister and didn't flinch at all.

Seraphim stomped her feet. She liked her sister, and she could be said to be doting on Canna, and could even wage war against the fallen angel and the heavens for Canna.

Nothing is more important than her sister, how could she hurt Cangna.

"I'm already the teacher's dependent bishop. If you want to hurt the teacher, please ask my sister to step over Canna's body."

"Okay, okay, sister surrendered!" She whispered, and then stopped her offensive and held her sister in her arms like a doting.And when she smelled the strange man from her sister, she seemed to understand something.

As for the remaining 7 people of the three major forces, they have found their opponents!

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