The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0403, Gabriel

Gabriel faintly opened his star-like eyes, and finally woke up.When she found that she was in the heaven, she was obviously taken aback.The battle before the coma came to her mind. She was clearly fighting in the human world, why did she return to the heaven?And he didn't die, what happened to Michael and the others now?Looking around, I found a sense of tightness in my limbs.

Although the injury was recovered by the warm light of heaven, how could he not be able to move?And the extremities pass freely, happy, relaxed and cool feeling.Looking down, she let out a cry.

Her limbs were divided into large letters and tied to a cross like ice crystals. The ice magic crawled over her innocent body, and then locked her there.

"Woo..." Gabriel wanted to call out, but there was something stuck in his mouth.She burst out the sacred power of her body, and the ice cube cracked and cracked.In the heavens, Gabriel's strength has been greatly blessed.

" see she is awake!" Seraphim's voice came, and Nie Kong looked at Gabriel who was about to break free.Although they had subdued the angels in the heavens, Nie Kong did not find a system to control the heavens.

It is estimated that such secret things are only known to the top angels.Just when Gabriel woke up, Nie Kong was about to ask her a question about the system.

"Why do you appear in the heavens? Where are Michael and the others?" Gabriel screamed out after seeing Nie Kong and the others.

"Of course they are dead in our hands, and we have now occupied the heavens. Just have something to ask you, you will answer me obediently..." Nie Kong appeared in front of Gabriel and prevented her from escaping. .

After hearing Nie Kong's words, Gabriel's entire body seemed to have disappeared.She had never been so desperate. Not only did Michael die, but also the heavens?Imagine that the heaven that the Lord left for them was invaded by demons, and her pure heart was distorted.

"What a joke, how could I tell you where the system that controls the heavens is!" Gabriel's pretty face was tight, and Nie Kong glared at him.

"Really..." Nie Kong suddenly got close to Gabriel, scared her pretty face pale.Before she could react, her thigh seemed to be crawling.The warm and unfamiliar stimulation made the pure Gabriel skin covered with tiny pink bumps.

The angel's wings were twinkling, it seemed that it was on the verge of falling into danger!

"It's the first what should I do at this time. want me to fall...?" The holy Gabriel showed the expression of a woman he had never seen before, but it was quite lethal. force.

"The condition is to tell me the system, what do you think?"

"I will fall... Ah, Lord, forgive me like this... But... But the system is the key to maintaining the heavens, how could I tell you..." Gabriel thought of being strong and didn't give in to Nie Kong. The lewd prestige.

"In this case, you can use your aura to overcome it. It may be unexpected that you don't need to fall." Nie Kong hugged his soft body into his arms, and the two were close to each other.

The owner was so bold, he... actually forced Gabriel to do that kind of thing.He also said that he didn't drive her to fall. Was it actually cheating Seraphim.

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