The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0407, Jiaer

"Hey... have you heard that today is the birthday of the princess." In the devil world, several mature female demons were talking about something.Girls, regardless of race, their personalities are like gossip.

"Which princess's birthday is it? We haven't got the news. Where did you get the information?"

"Of course I will understand. After all, my sister has successfully chosen to enter the Demon King's Palace to serve the great Demon King." The most beautiful milf among them said triumphantly, as if showing off something.

"It's so good..." The rest of the milfs looked at her enviously. To enter the palace and serve His Majesty the Demon King, he had to go through a lot of selections, just like choosing the most beautiful and wise girl in the Demon World.

It is a very face-to-face thing in the Demon Realm that her own girl can be elected to the Demon King's Palace as a maid.

"According to my exclusive information, today is Princess Jia'er's birthday. I heard that His Royal Highness will hold a grand birthday party for her." It turned out to be Jia'er's birthday. No wonder the Devildom will be a sensation.

Since Nie Kong ruled the Demon Realm, the policies promulgated have won the hearts of the people, and Nie Kong has been loved by many demons.Of course, Nie Kong didn't do anything, so Cang Na and the women handled all the things.How can Nie Kong have time to manage such a troublesome thing.

It was equivalent to Nie Kong dominating the Three Realms not long after it was Jia'er's birthday.The Demon King’s Palace was very lively, and the girls presented their gifts to Jiaer.Today Jiaer is dressed very beautifully. She looks like a princess in a red dress.

The banquet was held in Nie Kong’s palace, and the beautiful maids around were preparing food for the banquet.The maids are very beautiful, and they seem to have passed Nie Kong's thousands of choices.

Nie Kong didn't invite anyone from the Demon Realm to come. For him, the palace was his private crystal palace.The daughter’s birthday can be celebrated by herself, and the others Nie Kong didn’t care.

Beautiful music echoed in the hall of the palace, and the women appeared at the banquet, surrounded by Nie Kong.

Just about to sit down, Jia Er was already able to run up with the corner of her skirt, and she stretched her hand in the air like a princess, her eyes flashing with expectation.Nie Kong smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and held it, Jia'er's pretty face was inexplicable surprise.

Nie Kong brought Jia'er's soft five fingers to the banquet venue, and began to dance to the beautiful music.

The father and daughter are very skillful in cooperation, both rigid and soft.Jia'er's pretty face is like a cloud and the moon is bright, how can Ye girl become such a lady today.

"Jia'er, it's rare to see you so happy as today." Nie Kong put his arms around Jia'er's slender waist, and then whispered in her ear.My daughter has been raised for more than ten years, from 120cm to 150cm now.Although she kept Lori's green body, the softness of her breasts for Nie Kong was very clear.From fried eggs to oranges, the process is really long.

But Nie Kong hoped that Jia'er would keep her current figure so that he could always pet her and love her like a daughter.Compared to Lias, the little loli has the taste of a daughter.

Jia'er saw her father, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she whispered: "Why, I've always been very happy." The father who has been with her for more than ten years, Jia'er's mind has been in a trance. Happy memories.

But today is the most special day. It is the anniversary of Nie Kongchu's embrace of Jiaer, which is equivalent to Jiaer's birthday.And some time ago, Nie Kong promised Jia'er something, which made Jia'er especially excited.

Is her long-awaited day finally coming.Dad has not forgotten the special birthday gift he said.

After the dance, Nie Kong released Jiaer's finger.Then with a clattering sound, Rias and the others appeared around Nie Kong as if charging, their white fingers stretched towards Nie Kong, the meaning was very obvious.

It seems that after seeing the loving dance of the two, the girls all started to feel jealous.Nie Kong sweating, found himself too busy for the first time.Helplessly, Nie Kong could only take turns to accompany the girls and danced an elegant dance.

Nie Kong is very uncomfortable with dancing. On the contrary, he likes more direct exercises.But the girls looked at him with gleaming eyes, and he couldn't say anything to refuse.

After happily ending the banquet, it was ten o'clock in the middle of the night.Jia'er stared at Nie Kong, for fear that Nie Kong would forget his promise.

Nie Kong couldn't laugh or cry, why is his daughter so anxious to eat it herself.

He beckoned to Jia'er, Jia'er was very pleased, she appeared in front of Nie Kong in front of Nie Kong with the corner of the red skirt, stepping on the shoes made of crystal.When Jiaer was about to say something, Nie Kong's right hand suddenly passed through Jiaer's knee.

"Hehe... This is the first time that Dad is holding Jia'er like this."

Like a princess, Nie Kong hugged Jia'er in his arms.Jiaer exclaimed, and then wrapped her father's neck.She looked at Nie Kong excitedly, her eyes filled with idiotic love.

"Dad promised Jia'er early to give his daughter an unforgettable birthday night!" Nie Kong hugged Jia'er and walked to the bedroom, then threw the small Jia'er in the center of the soft bed.

" it finally coming, Jiaer must give it to her father without reservation!" Jiaer crawled towards Nie Kong on the spacious bed, and the two pressed close.

The first kiss was dedicated to my dad, and then prepared for the first experience, so exciting............

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