The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0414, Piccolo defeated Goku?

The original mountainous area to the south of the prosperous city has not been damaged, and it has kept the forest green as it should be.And in the mountains near the clear river, a fuzzy figure flickered.The long shaggy black hair was exposed to the air, and the youth's face raised a bright smile.His movements are so fast that he can't even be caught by the naked eye.His physique is as strong as a bull, and his appearance is very hearty.

The sound of exploding the air can be seen at any time, and he can only see his body floating in the air, and his limbs seem to have disappeared.However, after such intense exercise, his breathing remained steady.

Suddenly a green light beam hits like a meteor, as fast as thunder.There was a difference of more than ten kilometers, but it instantly appeared in front of the hearty youth.The beam of light falling from the sky finally showed his true appearance, a man covered in green.He wears a white headscarf and a white cloak engraved with magic characters.

"Haha...pic, you just came here, let me do a few tricks." After seeing the person in front of him, the hearty black-haired youth stopped his special training and said with a smile.

"Where's Gohan, why didn't he come to accompany you to train?" Piccolo wrapped his hands around his chest, but didn't notice the anger of lunch.The purpose of his coming was to accompany Gohan in training, and he didn't plan to fight the abnormal cultivator in front of him.

"Gohan hasn't finished school, I guess it will take a while. Anyway, it's boring to practice on my own, so I bother Bick."

"Old grandson, wait..." It's strange that you will be bored, I think you are enjoying it.Piccolo knew his character well, so when Piccolo just wanted to tactfully refuse, he rushed towards himself.

The plan to wait for Gohan to come back fell through, but Piccolo could only bite the bullet and face the grandson.

"Sure enough, it's really a suitable opponent to practice. After returning from Namek, your practice has not fallen." Wukong's attacks are fast, and each attack is accompanied by powerful power.

Piccolo barely withstood Goku's surprise attack, and sometimes countered with a few moves.The two people who collided in mid-air shook violently, but there was no figure in their sight, only a violent sound.

In the aftermath of the two men's moves, the slight wind spread out, bringing some coolness to the summer heat.They didn't wait for Gohan to return.Two people practiced here.

Wukong didn't transform into a super game, so Piccolo, who had been combined twice, was able to catch his attack.But Wukong is the stronger type of war, and the gap between the two will only increase in the future.

"The blood of the Saiyans of the fighting nation is really abnormal." Piccoard was careful to resist Wukong's fierce fists, for fear that he would get a few strokes. It is estimated that the wound that was invited by Wukong some time ago to beat him was faintly painful.

At this moment, Wukong gathered a blue energy ball in his right hand and launched it towards Piccolo.It's so close, so Bick can react.His right hand threw the same gas bomb, and the two exploded in the air.

When it exploded, Piccolo rushed into the explosion and appeared in front of Wukong.However, Goku's expression was a little strange, he was standing there as if he was stiff, so Piccolo's powerful fist hit his stomach.

Goku's face became paler by Bick's attack.He didn't fight back, but half-kneeled on the ground, covering his chest.

It's a lie, could it be that the hard training a while ago had an effect, and his fists defeated Wukong?

"Hey... Goku, how are my fists, are they strong enough?" Piccolo said cheerfully.

Wukong squeezed out an ugly smile: "Ok... so powerful, you beat me so painfully... I... I can't stand up..."

Goku said this as if he had pulled out all the bones, facing the loess and leaning towards Piccolo.The Super Saiyan Sun Wukong, who used to gallop in the universe, fell to the ground in Piccolo's attack!

"Hey...Old Sun, stop joking, I'm going to get angry." Piccolo thought Goku was joking, but after kicking him, he found that he didn't wake up.

This discovery made Piccolo stunned.He quickly held up Wukong and found that his face was super ugly.He did not pretend, but was truly "injured".

"Lao Sun... Lao Sun, wake up soon..." Piccolo shook Wu Kong vigorously, but he closed his eyes tightly.Piccolo panicked for a moment, and directly picked up Wukong and ran towards his home.

At a high speed like a jet fighter, Piccolo held Goku through the woods and appeared in front of the circular fortress.The simple and small house is Wukong's home.Since Wukong and his son are too good to eat, and Wukong did not go to work, their home is very simple.

As for the hardship Qiqi did not say anything, but complained that her husband could only practice cultivation, even her son Gohan had failed to learn.Kiki almost fainted when she saw Gohan's blond hair.

She cried and told her husband that Gohan had become a bad boy.Who knows that the situation in front of him is all caused by Wukong, he smirked and praised his son for being great.

When Piccolo brought Wukong into the house, Kiki was spinning around the kitchen.The son is coming back, and she is going to prepare food for Gohan.

"Hey... Kiki, come out and take a look, Wukong looks a little strange..." After putting Wukong on the bed, Piccolo shouted to Kiki in the kitchen.

"He is stronger than a cow. What's weird? Is it because I'm hungry and faint?" Wukong's wife finally appeared. She looked like a woman in her thirties, with a few crow's feet crawling out of her eyes. .

At this time, she didn't have the beauty of her youth, just like an ordinary village girl.When Kiki, who carried the spatula, saw the bloodless Goku, she was so frightened that the spatula in her hand fell to the ground.

"What the hell happened, why did Wukong become like that?" Qiqi, like a shrew, asked Piccolo in front of her.

"I...I..." Piccolo has a hard time saying, could he say he wounded Wukong himself?

"I was injured in a private trial, it's really messy." Qiqi knew Wukong's character deeply, and then guessed the truth.

"Um...that it's important to treat Wukong first. There should be fairy beans in the house." Piccolo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then hurriedly said.

"Wait..." Kiki glared at Piccolo, then turned and poured the fairy beans out of the bag.Although I fed the fairy beans to Wukong, the result was...

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