The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0416Leave with loli

According to the development of the plot, the Dragon Ball Warriors have already carried out their own practice and are preparing to deal with the coming androids.But Nie Kong planned to go to Buma's house and steal the Dragon Ball Radar inside.However, there is Vegeta inside, so Nie Kong must be extremely cautious.

After preparing the map of the earth in Dragon Ball World, Nie Kong returned to the dojo.Since he is very unfamiliar with this world, he has to use the map to find the city where Bouma is located-the capital of the west.

He is fully prepared, ready to start his plan to become stronger.Finally, I stayed in Satan’s dojo for two days, got acquainted with the geographical location of the world, and then left the city where Satan was.

Perhaps Nie Kong's strangeness caught Vidili's attention, and she suddenly came to visit Nie Kong again.After learning about Nie Kong's toughness, her depressed mood has not recovered until now.

However, when Vidili saw that Nie Kong was cleaning up the bedroom, she asked out in surprise, "You...what are you doing..."

"It's Vidili, I'm packing up!" Nie Kong turned around and saw Vidili at the door with a light smile.He is going to leave tomorrow, of course he has to pack up his things left in the house.

"You... are you leaving the dojo?" Vidili asked with a complicated expression.

"En! Tomorrow I will leave Satan's dojo, and then travel around the world to strengthen my strength. The practice of traveling is much more useful than staying in the dojo." Besides, there is not much time left for him. Have the power to fight the strong inside.

"Yes...Is that so? No wonder you are so strong." Vidili was disappointed. She originally wanted Nie Kong to teach her the most basic use of Qi in fighting.However, when she heard Nie Kong was leaving, she felt even lower.

Only after thinking of something suddenly, she showed a firm expression.

"If that's the case, then I won't bother you." After Vidili said this, trot disappeared into Nie Kong's sight.It's really hard for Lori now to understand what they are thinking, Nie Kong shook his head and smiled bitterly.

In the flat urban concrete road, the suspended car is driving all the way westward, driving at high speed.The driver was a handsome man with silver hair, and the most important thing was that there was a loli with two pony tails in the car.

The two of them look like father and daughter in age, but they are not related by blood.

"Hey... Nie Kong, can you drive more slowly." That's right, the two of them are Nie Kong and Loli Vidili who set off.I saw Bidili's pretty face turned pale, her small hand gripping the seat belt tightly.

The speed has soared to more than 300 per hour, and there is a tendency to accelerate, no wonder she has such a performance.The floating car in Dragon Ball World is very advanced, and the speed can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour.

Originally, after saying goodbye to Satan in the morning, Nie Kong stepped out of his dojo, but he didn't expect Bidili to wait for him outside earlier.After seeing the luggage behind her, Nie Kong patted his forehead.

Walked over and asked her what she wanted to do, what she said she wanted to practice with Nie Kong.

"The impact of elementary school students' absence from class is very bad, let alone your father will promise you to accompany me out on a long journey?" Nie Kong said tactfully.

And Vidili patted her chest and said: "School is ready for summer vacation. I have a few months of vacation time. And I have already greeted my father, no problem..." Vidili made the decision. , It was beyond Nie Kong's expectation.

Vidili asked Nie Kong to teach her practice and grasp the qi that Nie Kong told her.Moreover, staying in the dojo and watching the sky, traveling with him is more conducive to his own development.

Saying hello was just to lie to Nie Kong, how could the fellow Satan take care of his beloved daughter with peace of mind.Vidili just wrote a parting letter, to cut it first and play it later.

When Satan saw his daughter's letter, he didn't get too angry.

"Nie Kong, the damn little white face, dare to kidnap my daughter and let me see that Satan will never forgive you." He immediately chased him out to find his daughter.But it was a pity that he had no direction but was in vain, and when there was no news at noon, he bowed his head and returned to his dojo.

Nie Kong couldn't stop Vidili's entanglement, so he had to take her oil bottle.

"I see, slow down, right?" Nie Kong muttered, how can we slow down this technology product.He held the steering wheel with both hands, recalled the actions of others, and then slammed on the brakes inside, but the car dashed out.

" the speed is faster, I clearly remember it came from the brakes." Due to the sudden acceleration, the backs of Nie Kong and Nie Kong clung to the seats behind them.

"Idiot, you have stepped on the accelerator from just now." Vidili said in surprise.Looking at the car like a wild beast, you don't have to think about it and know that Nie Kong must be a novice.

Nie Kong had never been in touch with such a high-tech car, so he didn't know how to drive a Dragon Ball World car.When he came out of the city, the speed became faster and faster, to the point where Nie Kong couldn't control it now.

"Ah...stop, stop, the car is about to hit the telephone pole next to it." Bi Dili's heartbeat was more powerful than doing a roller coaster, and she vowed never to take a car driven by Nie Kong again.

Finally, Vidili couldn't keep watching, her feet slammed on the brake position that Nie Kong vacated.With a scream, the car slid a few hundred meters and then stopped in the middle of the road.

The car is high-tech in suspension, so it's no wonder that the speed is so fast without friction.But there is no sophisticated electronic product that is as complicated as that. Nie Kong knows nothing except to start the engine and twist the steering wheel.

"Don't you know that a big man can drive a car?" Vidili looked at Nie Kong with a pale face, as if he had finally discovered some new world in him.

"Who said that, wait until I'll drive it to you." The devil who has galloped for several dimensions, how can she make Lori look down upon him.It's just a mere car. You can run faster than it. Are you afraid of escaping from your control?

"Go on, but I want to personally control the throttle." The little feet of Vidili in the co-pilot position kicked off the soles of Nie Kong's feet, and then pressed the throttle button.

With the help of Bidili, the car drove smoothly on the road, aiming at the Western Capital of the West.Seeing Nie Kong becoming more and more skilled, Bidili nodded with satisfaction.

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