The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0436, the death of Gohan

After the defeat, Gohan and the others continued to practice, and their goal was to successfully transform into a Super Saiyan.If successful, they will have a chance to defeat two powerful cyborgs.

But Gohan was slightly disappointed. Trunks' anger was not as explosive as he had imagined, and Super Saiyan had to be super angry to break through.Breakthrough is an opportunity, who knows when to wait.

Guided Trunks to practice for half a month, but the results were very small.Trunks has a long way to go before breaking through to Super Saiyan.After losing his right hand, Gohan clearly understood that he could no longer defeat the cyborg.Trunks is the last hope, and Gohan secretly entrusts him with all the important tasks.The last Saiyan, please take my place against the cyborgs.

Seeing that the cyborgs once again destroyed the city and slaughtered humans before him.Although Gohan lost his arm, he was driven by justice to go out and stop them, even if he knew it was dangerous to deal with artificial people.

Trunks wanted to help Gohan, but Gohan refused his request.He knows that this trip is full of dangers, and he wants to retain the hope of saving the planet.Just like a dozen years ago, Uncle Bick protected himself.

Gohan recalled his always trusted father, his favorite Uncle Bick, and a bitter feeling appeared in his heart.Using a hand knife to knock Trunks out, who insisted on accompany him, Gohan stopped his stubborn behavior.

"If you die, there will be no warrior to protect the earth. In a few years, you will be the last warrior to defeat the cyborg." With a mortal obsession, Gohan rushed to where the cyborg was. .

When Gohan appeared, the two of No. 17 and No. 18 were full of surprise.

"It's unexpected, you are still alive. We won't let you go this time. We will definitely kill you with all our strength." The two cyborgs stopped Gohan back and forth and cut off his escape route.

"I won't die. Even if my body dies, someone will inherit my will and defeat you!" Gohan exploded with his most powerful energy, and he was desperate.

The two cyborgs looked at each other cautiously, nodded and rushed towards Gohan.No. 17 did not dare to meet Gohan alone, it seems that he knows that Gohan's power has surpassed him.

Gohan shouted angrily, his remaining left hand pinched the golden energy ball and threw it towards the ground.There was a bang, and a lot of smoke came out.The pincer between the two was resisted, and Gohan rushed into the sky.No. 18 and No. 18 chased Wukong successively, and the three fought fiercely in the air.During the outbreak, Gohan was terrible. He suppressed the two artificial humans with his left hand alone, and even injured the two artificial humans severely.

It's just that the explosion of power consumed a lot of his anger, and Gohan was not unable to fight a protracted battle. On the contrary, the enemy was very suitable for a protracted battle.

Five or six minutes later, Gohan suffered a fierce attack from two androids, and his powerful body fell from a high altitude.His face was pale, and a lot of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The two cyborgs didn't intend to close their hands, their hands shot out milky white energy rays, densely covering every part of Gohan's body.

In the sound of the violent explosion, Gohan's qi decreased linearly, and finally disappeared into the world completely.

"Master, are we leaving?" Compared to the chaotic and dangerous world outside, Bi Dili prefers to stay with her master to live a happy life on the quiet and remote island.Especially after the two had a relationship, her idea was to be the master's most virtuous wife obediently.After the two spent half a month on their honeymoon, the master suddenly said that he would leave the island.

"My retreat is over, leaving is a matter of course." How could Nie Kong be willing to stay here for the important matter of whether he can leave the Dragon Ball dimension.Moreover, the improvement of physique forced Nie Kong to go out and try his newly acquired power.

"Does the master want to... go out to deal with the cyborgs? How can you..." Vidili hugged Nie Kong's waist, her head swaying fiercely.She had only Nie Kong to rely on for the last time, and she was really afraid of losing Nie Kong.Although countless humans in the world are living in dire straits, Vidili wants to be selfish.She had already lost her father to save the world, and she no longer wanted Nie Kong to be a hero.

"It's just a casual thing to deal with cyborgs, but the master has more important things to do." He wants to confirm whether Boomer has completed the time machine, but because cyborgs destroy the world, Boomer is hidden in a corner of the world. Nie Kong had difficulty finding her.It might be easy to handle if Bouma has a strong qi, but Bouma is just a weak woman.He wants to follow the clues of the cyborgs to confirm Bouma's location.

News is often broadcast about two human heroes fighting against cyborgs. Except for the remaining Dragon Ball Warrior Gohan and others, who will have the power to fight cyborgs.

Hearing Nie Kong's confident words, since Bidili knew that he could not stop Nie Kong, he could only pray that the power raised by the master would defeat the cyborg.The two floated in the sky, controlling the powerful Qi and leaving the island where they lived for more than ten years.

The location of the cyborgs is very easy to confirm. As long as you see which city is being destroyed, it is certain that they will appear there.

After flying with Bidili sky at high speed for two hours, Nie Kong finally discovered a violent explosion from a city hundreds of kilometers away to the west.Even he could perceive that a strong qi was disappearing.

The strength of the qi is pressing on him, but it seems that the owner of the qi is dead.Nie Kong didn't dare to be big, he put Vidili in his dingtian ring, and then rushed to the destination with all his strength.

For Nie Kong, the journey of hundreds of miles only takes a few minutes.

Appearing high above the ruined city, Nie Kong finally saw two artificial people who were leisurely preparing to leave.There is no change in their appearance, and it seems that life is not restricted like human beings.

The infinite energy furnace, long-term vitality, is simply a perpetual motion machine that can move.

When the 18th saw Nie Kong, his eyes flashed with 3 points of surprise and 7 points of surprise.

"Hidden for more than ten years, are you finally willing to show up. Say your name, I will bring you the most luxurious funeral of your life..."

"Listen to me clearly, my name is Nie Kong!" Facing the two powerful enemies, the Saiyan blood in Nie Kong's body began to boil.

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