The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0458, Bouma's research

"Damn it. I originally thought that the 18th was a man-made person, so I wouldn't have the same love as a human being. But looking at her appearance, I definitely wanted to rob my lover." The beautiful girl Buma immediately positioned the 18th Become your own rival in love.

Kiki bit her index finger with her teeth, like fantasizing about the beautiful feeling of kissing.

"Nie Kong, the Dragon Balls have been collected, what are you going to do next." After traveling the world for more than half a month, Buma was about to go back.The school has been absent for more than half a month and it is time to go back to school.

Nie Kong thought for a while, of course he felt that he should continue to stay with Bouma, and by the way, see how she can help herself.

"I have nowhere to go, so I will naturally go back to the Western Capital with you."

"Great, you haven't had a good time in the Western Capital yet. After I go back, I will take you around the lively Western Capital." Bouma jumped up excitedly, her pure eyes gleaming.

As long as Nie Kong stays by his side, it means he has a chance.

"What about Qiqi, how will Brother Nie Kong arrange for me to acridine?" Qiqi pointed to her cute face and asked urgently.

"The Dragon Ball journey is over, of course I will send you back. I believe you disappeared for two or three days, your father will be very worried about your safety, it is time to go back. I will live in the West Capital for the time being, what can I do? You can find me at any time." Nie Kong touched her head, softly comforting Lolita in front of him.

"That's right, Qiqi will really go to the Western Capital to find you." Qiqi's tone is a little low, it seems that she is really reluctant to leave Nie Kong and the others, reluctant to take a happy and adventurous journey.

"If there is no way to come, we will go to collect dragon balls again next year. Nie Kong, what do you think." Buma likes to accompany Nie Kong and experience various adventures in the world together.

"Okay!" Collecting dragon balls didn't make him wish, it was just killing time.After talking about the related matters for half an hour, Nie Kong drove the car towards Jianpan Mountain.

Seeing his daughter's safe return, the horrible face of the Bull Devil shed tears of joy.For him at this time, the most important thing is to watch the day when Kiki gets married and puts on the wedding dress.

I wanted to entertain Nie Kong graciously, but Nie Kong refused the request of the Bull Demon King.The three of them rushed back to the West Capital without stopping, changing to Bouma flying the plane halfway, and the speed of the return journey was faster.

It took nearly a month when they came out, and after only three days of journey back, they finally returned to Bouma's home.During these three days, Bouma started to prevent the 18th from getting to know Nie Kong alone, and hated the 18th for gritted teeth.But on the 18th, she was delighted that she could feel that the relationship between herself and Nie Kong was getting closer.

Of course, Nie Kong has to be more careful with the 18th, after all, she is a super cyborg with a combat power of over 100 million.No, it is a normal human now.Although the characteristics of infinite energy are reduced, the power has not been weakened much.

Perhaps the loss of the infinite energy furnace is a good thing for her. It has cleared the roadblocks for her to move forward, and if she continues to practice, she can break through and exceed the original limit.After all, although there is unlimited energy, it will limit the improvement of No. 18.

Back to Bouma's research institute, her father was studying the time machine but did not come out.Nie Kong intends to use Bouma's intelligence to research a method that can blend the blood in his body.

Now that Dr. Gallo can use technology to create the powerful ultimate warrior Sharu, and the magician Bibidi can create the Majin Buu who can be a matchmaker.I believe that Bouma's intelligence and his own guidance will enable Nie Kong to successfully integrate.

There are combined moves in the Dragon Ball World, and the combat power of the two combined is geometric times that of the original.In addition, the newly-appearing comrades can possess both characteristics, and Nie Kong’s goal is to move in a direction with a higher degree of fit than the combined moves.

Think about the nearly 200 million fighting power of your own vampire, and the 600 million fighting power of Super Saiyan Tier I, I am afraid that it will be raised to at least 1.2 billion.1.2 billion is the first stage of the super game. If it rises to the super second, it will increase geometrically, and the super three will increase several times...Nie Kong believes that no one in the second dimension can threaten him.

Hearing Nie Kong's request to study the blood in his body, Buma's pretty face showed a surprised expression.After confirming that Nie Kong was not joking, Bouma finally focused his head.

"Finally here, a great opportunity to be with Nie Kong alone." Bouma was happy, and glanced at No.18 with pride.Bouma really deserves to be a genius. She is proficient in everything from small sophisticated machinery to large areas involving biology and genetics. She has a wide range of knowledge.

If she were to be Dr. Gallo's assistant, she would be able to research out an artificial man several times stronger than Shalu.

She first took two drops of Nie Kong's different blood, and then observed their detailed information under a microscope that was several thousand times larger.Looking at two surprisingly huge drops of blood, Bouma was once again curious about Nie Kong’s true identity.

There is no way for humans to have two kinds of blood at the same time, how did Nie Kong do it?And every drop of blood is like atoms doing nuclear fusion, and the splitting speed is super terrifying...

It seems that it takes a lot of time to really derive a formula that combines the two.Think about spending a few years together. Could it be that Bouma can't turn Nie Kong into my perfect lover?

My own charm is very strong, it is more feminine than the 18th.Thinking of somewhere in YY, Bouma's mouth almost slobbered.

When Nie Kong returned to Buma's home, apart from having time to ask Buma how to integrate skills, the remaining time was boring to accompany the two women in the lively West Capital.The secret battle between the two women always revolved around Nie Kong. Fortunately, there was no time for violence.

Nie Kong is even more afraid that the number 18, who is hundreds of millions, will be furious. If he kills the Bouma he covets, then he really regrets his death.

In a blink of an eye, a year passed in a hurry.Nie Kong came to the real Dragon Ball world for nearly a year and a half.During this year, the blood in Nie Kong's body was slowly fusing.

Buma's intelligence is the strongest Nie Kong has seen in the second dimension, and only relying on the knowledge she understands slowly deduces the direction of integration required by Nie Kong.Although the progress was slow, it gave Nie Kong hope.

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