The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0467, vs Wukong

As the setting sun goes down, the main venue for holding the world's No. 1 Budo Club is full of seats. All the spectators are looking forward to it, waiting for the end of today's Budo Club and the final between Nie Kong and Wukong.

After resting for half an hour, the finals are finally about to begin.On the ring, Nie Kong and Wukong stood at both ends of the ring, and they were all ready to fight at any time.

"Nie Kong and Monkey King are both rare masters, but there is only one title in the world. It can be said that the upcoming final will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers! I announce that the final finals will begin! "In the referee's passionate speech, with the bells echoing in the court, the contest finally began.

The excitement of cheering resounded across the entire Papaya Island, and the things between heaven and earth were immersed in the hysterical shouts of the audience.The eyes of all the audience immediately focused on the ring.

Nie Kong stood there leisurely, without any alert in his heart.But Wu Kong put up Gui Xianliu's starting hand, and looked at Nie Kong warily.Wukong wanted to attack first, but found that Nie Kong was full of flaws and weaknesses.I took a closer look, but found that I didn't know how to attack.

Wukong didn't know what to do right now, he had never encountered this kind of situation since he was a child.One minute passed and two minutes passed, but the two still did not start to act.

After five minutes, Wukong finally couldn't help but rushed over.A slight breeze gently blew the dust on the ground, and Wukong disappeared into the spot in an instant as soon as everyone blinked.

The dust blew by, and Wukong's vague afterimage hit Nie Kong.In an instant, Wukong launched a stormy offensive.Because Wukong's speed is too fast, the audience and referees can only see it with naked eyes.

In the sight of Immortal Turtle, Wukong’s fist moved, and the blast of air made a "pop", "whooping" loudly, but unfortunately, every time Wukong attacked, Wukong could not touch a corner of Nie Kong’s clothes. .Every time Wukong attacked, he couldn't escape Nie Kong's sight.

Immortal Turtle's face suddenly became dignified, because he knew how to control Qi to achieve this level.Wukong is just a way to get a glimpse of his breath, the two are not at the same level at all.

Immortal Turtle became more and more curious, who exactly did Nie Kong practice with, he was already so powerful at such a young age.

Sure enough, no matter how Wukong attacked, he couldn't touch the corner of Nie Kong's clothes, and he easily avoided him every time he attacked.It's like Bobo, like Wukong three years later.

"I haven't seen you in a year, and you have grown to this point. It's already pretty good. But your control of power is really a little bit worse." Nie Kong fisted towards Wukong who was rushing over, launching his attack for the first time. .

Nie Kong's fist came first, and it slammed into Wukong's long-standing fist."Bump!" The fists intersected, and the surrounding air was shaken.

There was an uproar in the audience. Only Monkey King's eyes protruded, and he was shocked a few meters away by a simple and direct blow, and countless cracks appeared on the ground, showing how powerful a punch was.

"He is really strong, even stronger than Grandpa Turtle Immortal, but I won't give up easily." Wukong rubbed his sore arm and said seriously.

"Haha, let's come." Nie Kong laughed, his body disappeared silently and appeared in front of Wukong instantly, like a ghost.The next moment, Nie Kong's fierce fist slammed Wukong fiercely.

"Fast speed." Wu Kong screamed secretly. Perhaps his nerves were very developed, but it was reflected in an instant, his tail curled, and he dodged toward the left, trying to avoid Nie Kong's attack.But in the next instant, Nie Kong's fist quickly hit Wukong's chest, who had just dodged.

"Boom!" Wukong's face flushed, and the intense pain forced him to back away continuously.

"How is it possible, I've already avoided his fist, how could he hit me." But before Wukong could think about it, Nie Kong's follow-up attack had arrived.

The right hand gathered Qi and gently patted Wukong's stomach.

Suddenly, the qi gathered in the hand burst out like an explosion.The powerful impact and explosive force directly blasted Wukong's petite body out more than ten meters.

Wukong couldn't help spraying a pillar of blood and fell into a coma on the ring. All the audience's eyes widened, their mouths open in disbelief, and the audience fell silent, as if the scene had frozen.

Nie Kong looked down at Wukong, and one percent of his body's unreached strength had already hit Wukong's body.Even the Turtle Immortal just now couldn't stand being in a coma for more than an hour, and also suffered serious internal injuries.

It's just Wukong's vitality that amazed him. When the referee wanted to count, Wukong slowly opened his eyes, and a bright smile appeared on his face as he watched the sunset.

"I'm not going to give up so easily!" Wukong's martial arts suit was directly hit by Qi, making it tattered, like a beggar.As Monkey King said, he wanted to struggle to stand up.

But the power of Nie Kong's move was too great, and it still directly shook the internal organs, not just a fist and foot injury.Just after standing up with the pain, Wukong fell to the ground again, unable to get up again.

"It hurts. It seems that the gap between me and him is really not ordinary." Wukong smiled heartily while looking at the sky.He laughed while vomiting blood.

"Although I'm not reconciled, I will definitely try my best to defeat you in the future to regain my grandpa's relics. This game, I believe..." Wukong hasn't finished yet, only feels his heart beating at a very fast speed. Consciousness is getting blurred.The only impression is that the moon tonight is so round and so big.

"Goku, you are already very good, and you performed better than I expected. Perhaps after this failure, it will be more beneficial to your future practice. Remember that in martial arts there are heavens and humans, and there are others. You can't slacken your practice... …" Immortal Turtle has realized it, but is it too late?

Nie Kong suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Wu Kong, and the poisonous pupils in his eyes had lost a trace of expression, as if they had lost all their luster.Wukong's heart was beating harder and harder. Even Nie Kong, who was a few meters away, could hear that heartbeat.

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