The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0470, research needs

After returning to Bouma's house, because it was late at night, Qiqi left with reluctance.Before leaving, Nie Kong confessed to Bouma that half of the bonus was given to Qiqi.The economic situation of Kiki's family, without the support of the Bull Demon King's treasure, would be difficult to survive.

Qiqi didn't refuse Nie Kong's money, but her pretty face showed a charming smile, full of surprises.This girl is so happy thinking of something.After arranging the beautiful No. 18, Nie Kong hurriedly pulled Bumar into the research room.Now he finally realized that time is more important than anything else.First, Bouma threw out a lot of electronic instruments, and after half an hour of tinkering, he made a self-made lamp.

After charging, the light tube glowed softly, and Nie Kong turned into a strange light after seeing the light and disappeared automatically.Nie Kong looked at Bouma in surprise, who smiled triumphantly.Listen to her explain that the frequency of the lamp is the Hertz of the usual meniscus.Nie Kong's blood-induced gene disappeared, and of course he would lose the energy to transform.

After curing Nie Kong's hidden dangers, the two began their unfinished research again.In the spacious white airtight cabin, Nie Kong lay on the bed inside.Outside, Boomer tapped commands at the electronic instrument.I saw two strange blood in Nie Kong's body on the electronic screen.It seems that the airtight cabin can be used to scan and collect blood information in the body, which was specially invented by Bouma to fuse Nie Kong's blood.

When he saw the two strands of blood in Nie Kong for the first time, Buma was quite surprised.After all, it seems that human beings can only have their own blood. Different blood types cannot be infused into their own body to coexist, otherwise they will die.

"No, the original progress of the fusion has been completely abolished. It seems that the fusion formula has been completely disrupted due to other boiling. And if you start again, it is estimated that having antibodies will be more troublesome." Buma smiled bitterly.

The nature of the two blood is opposite. One is the Saiyan blood full of tyrannical destruction. After activation, the character will become arrogant and warlike.The other is the vigorous blood of the ancestor of vampires, who can have an immortal body and remain young forever.As long as Nie Kong had a drop of blood remaining, he could resurrect himself with it.

"Is there no other way." Nie Kong frowned, and he wanted to get both the benefits of fish and bear's paw.If the integration is successful, the improvement in physical fitness can be improved by more than ten times.

He can have the cheating promotion of Saiyan, can possess the powerful vitality of vampire, and will not die of a stale heart disease like Goku, or like Gohan of Trunks in the future, he cannot connect after his arm is broken.

I knew I was going to collect Dragon Balls, and I wished to make Boomer more than ten times smarter. It would be easy to fuse my own blood like that.Nie Kong shook his head regretfully, who would have expected a change.

"There is one that needs to be activated with the frequency of the moonlight, and the other is tough but unremarkable. If you know its activation characteristics, it is estimated to be ten times easier. And if the two strands of blood are fused when they are boiling, the effect will be obtained. It will be bigger." Boomer explained softly.How difficult it is to integrate the information collected by her own observation.

"Is that so? It will be easier to understand the reason for its boiling." Indeed, when the two strands of blood merge when they are most active, the new blood will have more potential.Nie Kong lowered his head and thought, the blood of his vampire ancestor was strengthened step by step by himself.If it is an ordinary vampire, it can be activated by absorbing the blood of the virgin.But now he was already at the real ancestor level, and ordinary virgin blood did not help him at all.In addition to the way to suck blood, there is only the strengthening of double repair.

Every time I taste the powerful Yuan Yin power of the virgin, Nie Kong's blood will boil and be strengthened.Before Nie Kong appeared in the Dragon Ball World, the increase in his basic strength was mostly due to double cultivation.

"Stupid girl, do you really want to know." Nie Kong in the airtight cabin said sweaty.If she told innocent Boomer about her situation, would she scold herself as a wolf?

"Of course, research needs." Bouma nodded without hesitation.

"Activating another blood requires the help of a girl, Bouma, you have to observe it outside. Or, I'll call No. 18 over." Let Bouma watch what she did to No. 18. Nie Kong felt shameless even thinking about it.

"No! I...I can set the machine to automatically record the collected information, without asking her to come in." Since the 18th can help Nie Kong, Buma believes that she will do.Don't enjoy the atmosphere of being alone, Bouma doesn't want to waste it.

"Well, wait a minute, don't regret it." Anyway, I like Bouma, and fortunately, I won Bouma's heart.That being the case, it is reasonable to push the two feelings together.

"What the hell do you want me to do, mystery..." Bouma muttered, tapping the keyboard with both index fingers and setting up the automatic recording function.After finishing the deployment, Boomer pushed open the glass door of the sealed cabin.

"Let's talk about it, what can I do to help you activate another blood in your body." Bouma Luoluo generously appeared in front of Nie Kong, completely unaware of the danger of the sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

The Bouma in front of her was wearing a short skirt with white floral thighs, and her upper body was dressed in a white research uniform with a pale yellow cuteness inside.As the two balls of meat trembled, the thin straps seemed to burst.The pale green hair set off her delicate features, like a doll.Her eyes are very bright and big, fully showing her sly and lively character.

It's because I like her, so I see her getting more and more beautiful.Nie Kong didn't know, but what was certain was that Bouma was full of her unique charm.The budding flowers were waiting in front of Nie Kong for his picking.

Nie Kong didn't hold back his impulse, the flowers bloomed like a twist, and Nie Kong took this opportunity to get everything about Buma.And he believes that the future life himself can bring Buma happiness more than Vegeta.

"Now I just want to tell you that I like you very much-Bouma." Without words, Nie Kong stretched out his arm and hugged the girl's slender waist.

His unexpected and shocking confession stunned Boomer.Her eyes widened and she stared at Nie Kong, feeling the tenderness in Nie Kong's eyes.He was serious, he confessed to himself...

After the shock, the unspeakable joy in his chest finally broke out.

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