The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0485, meet Wukong again

"Well... Kiki likes Brother Nie Kong and I am looking forward to being your bride. But, but Bouma and the others." Although the joyful faces are like blossoms, Kiki unexpectedly noticed that the two girls of Buma and Nie Kong are The relationship is extraordinary.

"Like Kiki, the three of you will all be my wives." The unexpected democracy and freedom of Dragon Ball World is not that special.Hearing Nie Kong's domineering words, Qiqi's feelings are very complicated.

Brother Nie Kong lives in Bouma's house, and the situation of the three living together is even more unbelievable as if nothing happened.What can she hesitate about Qiqi to be the wife of Brother Nie Kong?

Qiqi's shy and pretty face lightened, and agreed to Nie Kong's overbearing request.After getting Qiqi's consent, Nie Kong hugged the beautiful woman in front of her tightly.The big mouth spraying hot air was directly printed on Qiqi's red lips.

After finishing the tableware, the two girls returned to the hall and were taken aback when they saw the scene in front of them.Unexpectedly, during the time they disappeared, Qiqi, this girl, managed to get in.

The two women endured Nie Kong's impulse for six years, and their tired bones were about to fall apart.But at the same time, they are more satisfied than ever.

The rain is continuous, but it can never extinguish people's enthusiasm for the world's number one martial arts conference.In Papaya Island, the streets are crowded with people.The expression on everyone's face says enthusiasm is high, and passers-by wandering the streets with umbrellas have become a beautiful scenery.

The registration time for the world's No. 1 martial arts conference, which is held every three years, has started again, and martial arts masters from all over the world have poured into the narrow island.

"All contestants who come to participate in the Budo Club, please be sure to complete the registration procedures within today! If you do not complete the procedures, you will not be able to participate in the qualifier selection tomorrow, please pay attention!" The staff at the registration office announced with a horn Said.

In the corner of the street, the turtle fairy dressed in a black suit held an umbrella quietly waiting for Wukong and his arrival.At this moment, the hair was wrapped in a white bandage, and a handsome and young and free and easy youth appeared in front of him.

"Grandpa Tortoise Immortal, great, you are really resurrected." His voice was full of excitement without impurities.

"Excuse me for my clumsy eyes, are you?" Immortal Gui was dumbfounded, he didn't even know the young man in front of him.Seeing that Gu Xi and Anren didn't recognize him, the young man seemed to remember something, and leaned his hands toward his head to ease the bandage layer by layer.

A layer of unchanging long, fluffy black hair was exposed in the air, and he looked at Guixianren with a calm gaze: "Grandpa, it's me, Wukong."

"You... are you really Wukong?"

The immortal turtle suddenly realized that the tall young man in front of him was actually the little apprentice-Monkey King!I haven't seen it for three years, but has it changed so much that I can't recognize it.

"I'm right, where are Tianjin Fans, have they come to sign up?" Wukong said with excitement in his eyes.

"No, the deadline for registration is coming, but they haven't come yet. Anyway, you can register first before talking." Immortal Turtle is very curious about how strong Wukong can become in the heavens.

Wukong nodded and filled out the registration form skillfully.At this moment, a strong hurricane suddenly blew around."Hi..." The wind stopped, and with the sound of breaking through the air, four figures quietly appeared at the registration point.

Perceiving four astonishing breaths, Wu Kong squinted at it.With a happy expression, the four people in front of me are Tianjin Fan, Dumplings, Leping, and Kelin, who returned from practice three years later!

Their qi is very strong, and Wukong's blood is boiling.When the four people signed up, they were dumbfounded when they heard that the tall young man in front of them was Wukong.Especially Klin, who had grown 15 centimeters taller, thought he could be taller than Wukong.But in comparison, Wukong was actually a head short.

The friends of the past are all gathered, and their faces are filled with the joy of reunion.Talking and joking, talking about what special training has been experienced in the past three years.

"By the way, didn't Nie Kong who defeated Piccolo show up? The registration time is over in two minutes." Tianjin Fan hurriedly asked.

"It didn't show up, maybe he really doesn't bother to compete with opponents like us." Wukong smiled bitterly.

"He is indeed very strong, so strong that we can't reach it." Le Ping's expression was full of regret.

Immortal Turtle smiled bitterly. He once claimed to be the strongest Teacher Wu Tian, ​​is he the weakest now?

Just when they thought that Nie Kong would not appear, there was a violent roar from the road in front, which was a powerful brake.Everyone's eyes moved to the place where the sound was coming from, and one man and three women slowly walked out of the car.

After seeing the man in the lead, Wukong and their blood boiled over.

"I want to sign up." Nie Kong thought about participating in the last martial arts conference.By the way, in his spare time, he has promised Qiqi to play well with her.

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