The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 487, vs God

In the rest area of ​​the venue, the new quarter-finals are waiting for the game.Although it was far away from the stands, I could still hear the overwhelming sound.

The organizer has already lined up the match list for the top eight to advance to the top four, and everyone is watching.The order of the game is as follows: the first game, Tianjin Fan VS the artificial man Tao Baibai; the second game, the second generation of Mo VS Kelin.Game 3, Nie Kong VS Xian; Game 4, Monkey King VS Leping!

In the first match, Leping had to deal with Wukong, and Leping's scar face showed a wry smile.But then he clenched his fist, if Wu Kong couldn't beat it, why would he challenge Nie Kong himself.

There was a hint of excitement in Wukong's eyes, and he clenched his fists.After three years of cultivation, he also wanted to see the level of Leping.

When Tianjin Fan saw that his opponent was an artificial man, his expression was calm.Feeling a cold gaze watching him from behind, looking back, it is surprising that the uncle he will meet in the next game is Tao Baibai.

The grandstand was full. Through the violence on the 18th, the three girls seized a good position, which was the first column near the front of the ring.

"I am the referee of the No. 1 Budokai in the world, and now I announce that the long-awaited 23rd Budokai in the world has officially started!" In the spacious arena of the competition, the host with sunglasses on his eyes appeared in front of the audience.

"First is the first game. The previous runner-up Tianjin Fan will play against Tao Baibai! Now there are two players..." The two slowly walked out of the rest area, standing three meters apart in the ring. .

There is a big gap between the combat effectiveness of the two, Tao Baibai is only two hundred at most, and Tianjin Fan surpasses him by a lot.He can beat the dumplings, relying on the influence of the dumplings on the fear of Tao Baibai when they were young.

After the referee announced the start, the two silently assumed a fighting pose.After ten minutes of silence, Tao Baibai finally leaped towards Tianjin Fan with her teeth and claws.The metal limbs are like terrifying sharp weapons, piercing the weak position of Tianjin Fan.

Tianjin Fan easily avoided his attack, Tao Baibai became angry from embarrassment.Since Tao Baibai is half of his master, Tianjin Fan does not want him to lose ugly.He grabbed the attacking arm and used brute force to push him off the ring.

Only when he pushed to the edge of the ring, he took off his left hand and stretched out a sharp blade.In a shameless sneak attack, the white sword was scratched on Tianjin Fan's chest to the point of injury.

Tianjin Fan was angry, he sullenly walked towards Tao Baibai.Tao Baibai rushed in angrily and stabbed Tianjin Fan with the bayonet in his hand.Tianjin Fan held the sharp sword with one hand and twisted it to break it.

The strong Tianjin fan is like losing all the means.He couldn't retreat, and removed his right hand again, exposing the muzzle.

The super cave wave exuded a terrifying arrogance and shot at Tianjin Fan.Tianjin Fan didn't mean to escape. He shouted angrily, and the terrifying sound swept out.Suddenly, the terrifying laser disappeared in front of him.

Tao Baibai's eyes were shocked. He never thought that his ultimate weapon would be so weak in front of Tianjin Fan.He shuddered back, and Tianjin Fan didn't let him go. He appeared in front of her at Tao Baibai's unresponsive speed, and his huge fist hit his armor.

"Crack..." With the sound of glass shattering, his metal eyes stopped ringing, and he fell helplessly on the ring.After defeating his opponent, Tianjin Fan got the chance to advance to the semi-finals.Immediately after the start of the second game, the second generation of Piccolo VS Klin.

Wukong cautiously appeared in front of Klin, and persuaded Klin to use his greatest strength immediately after he played.A series of question marks popped up in Klin's head, but he nodded immediately.

After the two played, Klin decisively rushed towards Piccolo at his fastest speed.The difference in strength was too big, Klin's attack only hit the cloak behind him, and Piccolo was like a warrior in a bullring.

Without any accident, after Piccolo's two simple strokes, the weak Klin raised his hand to admit defeat.Klin never expected that besides Wukong and the others, there would be such a powerful master.He didn't even have room to fight back and was simply defeated.

Looking at the green-skinned Piccolo, Bouma felt familiar.It's not that she didn't recognize it, but she didn't want to believe that the Piccolo she killed would be resurrected.

After Bick's game was over, it was Nie Kong's turn to play.

"Preparing to go to Nie Kong's game, who is his opponent?" Wukong said expectantly.

Le Ping thought for a while and replied: "I remember, it seems to be a middle-aged man named Xian! He is so lucky to be able to meet such a weak opponent."

"Ha ha... this immortal is going to be unlucky!" Klin nodded in agreement, understanding Nie Kong's strength deeply.Six years ago, he only defeated Wukong with two simple tricks.Although he could not detect his anger now, Klin believed that he was stronger than before.

After a break for about ten minutes, amidst the louder shouts of the audience, the host again ran onto the stage, holding the microphone in his hand, and first wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Dear viewers, the long-awaited third game has begun. Please come out, contestants Nie Kong and Xian, the champions of the previous two sessions!"

Nie Kong, who was in the rest area at the back, was lying in the chair with his eyes closed, and he didn't seem to hear the referee.Tianjin Fan walked over and pushed him to remind him that the game was up.

Nian Niankong yawned lazily, and slowly appeared in front of the audience.After seeing Nie Kong's appearance, the girls in the field boiled, they screamed and screamed for Nie Kong to cheer.

The one who yelled the most was Buma. Although she didn't show it in normal times, she was very unwilling to let other girls' voices overwhelm her.Qiqi looked very ladylike, waving a flag engraved with Brother Nie Kong cheering.

Nie Kong had just stepped onto the ring, and there was a burst of laughter from the boiling crowd.I saw this immortal pretending to be crazy and stupid actually fell somersault when he was on the ring.He helped his glasses and put on a funny pose.

"Haha... surrender and go back. The show is not a funny show." The surrounding audience roared with laughter and persuaded him to surrender quickly and don't be embarrassed.

Only Wukong looked at the immortal with a serious face, his expression a little confused.

"I think that old man is not easy."

Leping stopped laughing and asked, "Do you think Wukong has a chance to beat Nie Kong?"

"No... I mean he seems to be very simple, maybe a strong enemy."

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