The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0489, Nie Kong vs. Wukong

"Fuck the gas bomb!" In the last eight into four, Wukong played against Leping.It's just that even though Leping had worked hard for three years, he still struggled to deal with Wukong.With his proud Langya Fengfengquan, Wukong easily avoided it.Compared to his panting, the enlightened air in the field was calm and relaxed.

Therefore, Le Ping was forced to resort to his own hard-working trick, and the horrible Qi in his body increased.As he shouted, a light yellow gas bomb floated in his palm, like a bright moon.

"Wukong, are you ready, are you coming!" The energy bomb floating quietly at his fingertips did not have the irritability of qigong waves, but was gentle and controlled by Leping.Seeing Leping's trick, Wukong was surprised.

"Come on, I didn't expect you to become so strong after three years of practice. Seriously, I am very happy." Wukong put on a defensive posture.

Leping swept his right arm for a few laps, driving the gas bomb to accelerate.In Leping's last shout, the Qi bomb broke open and flashed towards Wukong.Although he was prepared for a long time, Wukong still almost never escaped the impact of the gas bomb.

The sound of ... Before Wu Kong could relax, the gas bullet behind turned strangely and rushed towards him again.Wukong is embarrassed to avoid the gas bomb controlled by Leping, and Leping happily controls it.

Facing Wukong's flexible movements, Leping also had a headache.Wukong was forced to jump into the air, but the energy bullet from behind chased him, and finally hit Wukong's back.

Attacked by the gas bomb, Wukong fell directly into the ring.

"Have you won?" However, at the beginning of the referee's few seconds, Wukong patted the dust on his clothes and climbed up. It seemed that he was not seriously injured.Leping gritted his teeth and drove the gas bomb to rush towards Wukong again.

Wukong grinned, his figure disappeared from Le Ping's sight.Leping could only see his vague groaning in his eyes, and he hurriedly controlled the gas bomb to intercept Wukong.

Instead, Wukong appeared in front of Le Ping at high speed, and then turned his body agile.I saw that the gas bomb behind had actually hit Leping himself due to inertia.Fortunately, Qi is a stable condensate and did not explode.It's just that Leping's body was hit by the gas bomb and flew out more than ten meters, and fell out of the ring.Nie Kong had already expected that Le Ping was too far from Wu Kong.

The 8-to-4 qualifier was announced and Wukong qualified for the semifinals.Two players will be eliminated in the semifinals, and the two victorious will have a chance to compete for the final championship.

The first to start the game was Tianjin Fan vs. Demon II. Tianjin Fan knew that the true identity of the Demon II in front of us was Piccolo II.But he did not flinch, instead he was full of excitement.After three years of penance, he was waiting for this moment.

Compared to his powerless struggle three years ago, he now has to show the result of hard cultivation.

When the two appeared in the ring, Piccolo still had an arrogant expression that looked down upon people.Perhaps Nie Kong is the only one who can come into his eyes now.He wants revenge, revenge for his father, and inherit the demons.

With the ringing of the game bell, Tianjin Fan leaped towards Piccolo with an 80% speed.Bick was slightly surprised at the speed of Tianjin Fan.

He turned slightly and easily avoided Tianjin Fan's fierce boxing.Only when Tianjin Fan's moves were used in his old age did he suddenly attack, and he struck out a strange punch, which went straight to Tianjin Fannianmen.

"Boom!" The violent collision made the air explode.Tianjin Fan barely blocked Piccolo’s fist, but lost Piccolo in strength!As both feet stepped back, Tianjin Fan crushed a few pieces of the hard marble floor.

"Huh..." Piccolo hummed coldly, Tianjin Fan felt the figure flashed before him, and Piccolo suddenly appeared in front of him.The irresistible force rippled through Tianjin Fan's chest, and Piccolo's powerful fist had sunk into his stomach.

The severe pain caused Tianjin Fan to kneel on the ground, covering his stomach.He never dreamed that his 80% strength would be useless in front of Piccolo..

"Tianjin Fan was hit hard by the second-generation Momo player, and now he kneels down, 1, 2, 3..." When the referee's voice reached 5, Tianjin Fan finally managed to stand up.

"The Demon King Piccolo is really powerful, but I didn't lose..." Tianjin Fan, who was planning to use his full strength, yelled and jumped to the sky.Piccolo's face was a little ridiculous, and he rushed into the sky behind Tianjin Fan.

There were dense white clouds. When Piccolo appeared, Tianjin Fan weirdly jumped out of the clouds covering him.To the careless situation of Piccolo, Tianjin Fan's green cheek was kicked directly by Tianjin Fan.

"It's so fast, how could his speed be so much faster than before." Piccolo was surprised, he turned a few somers in midair and stabilized his figure.However, Tianjin Fancheng won the pursuit, and the dense white clouds cut open a personal shadow.

Piccolo held Tianjin Fan's fierce offensive, and the two collided fiercely in the air.Due to the fierce fight between the two of the clouds in the sky, the thick white clouds scattered around.

Tianjin Fan was sweating, and he exploded with all his strength and expended a lot of energy.Compared to Piccolo, his speed can keep up with Tianjin Fan, and it is easy.

At this moment, Tianjin Fan's fist rubbed against Piccolo's phantom.But Piccolo dipped sideways, but using his neutral position, his hands merged in an instant and hit Tianjin Fan's head.

An indescribable pain came from Tianjin Fan's head, and then a surging force came down.A touch of blood spilled from the corner of Tianjin Fan's mouth, and his body threw an arc in the air, crashing to the ground.

Bick thought that Tianjin Fan could not stand up anymore, but things went beyond his surprise again.Although embarrassed, he still stood firmly in front of Piccolo.He was wounded, dripping blood wet the floor.

Tianjin Fan did not admit defeat, he had his own cards and did not use it.

"Four-body punch!" Taking advantage of Piccolo's mid-air gap, he resorted to his own trick.His whole body was commotion, and he gritted his teeth in a strange posture.

It was too late and it was fast, and Tianjin Fan was divided into four figures when Piccolo rushed over.

The four avatars of Tianjin Fan moved to the four corners of the ring.But a discerning person can definitely observe that Tianjin Fan's speed is much slower than before.His eyes locked in Piccolo's figure, and at almost the same time, the four Tianjin fans began to gather energy.The next moment, the light of Si Dao Qi shot out from his third eye, whizzing past the corner of the ring, and finally, like a fishnet, firmly locked all the dodge directions of Piccolo in the air!

Piccolo's descent body just met Tianjin Fan's gas bomb, and a strong explosion broke out in the air in a blink of an eye.

The ear-splitting roar, the overwhelming air wave dissipated around, and the smoke filled the air.

When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the eyes of the four Tianjin fans were about to protrude, and their expressions became difficult to look at.In the clouds, Piccolo didn't suffer any damage except for a little damaged clothes!

Piccolo glanced at his damaged white cloak and became angry.Looking down at the figure of Tianjin Fan on the ring, Piccolo's figure disappeared from everyone's sight like the air.

Tianjin Fan did not reflect, first of all, it was a clone of a corner.Bick suddenly appeared behind the clone, and the other three wanted to rescue, but it was too late.

"Ah..." Tianjin Fan's clone vomited blood and collapsed into the ring.Piccolo, who played a terrifying speed, basically did not have the ability to fight back with the remaining three Tianjin Fans.The four Tianjin fans all fell in the ring and lost the power to resist.

"Tianjin Fan has become so strong. It's a pity that I lost the game. Bik really is much better than three years ago. I don't know if I can beat him. It's my turn next. The opponent is Nie Kong. Excited." Wukong behind the corner, his eyes exuded a striking light.

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