The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0494, Saiyan is here

In a blink of an eye, a year passed quietly.In the end, Mrs. Bliss couldn't resist Nie Kong's attraction and obediently presented her sweet body that had been preserved for more than ten years.After Buma knew, she almost denied her as her mother in anger.But Mrs. Bliss's natural stupidity surpassed Boomer's imagination, and she could only acquiesce in her current relationship.

Klin and the others received strict special training from God in the temple, and used time and space to appear on the former Saiyan planet to contact them against them.After more than a year of death training, their combat effectiveness increased linearly.

Jiewangxing’s Wukong practice is stricter than that of Klin and the others. With the suppression of ten times the gravity and the weight of his body, he has to bear the extreme version of special cultivation.Hard work is effective, and Wukong's progress is beyond the imagination of King Jie.

In more than one hundred days, Wukong has mastered the world king's box-pressing skills, the world king fist that enhances his energy, and the vitality bomb that can increase his strength infinitely.

"Goku, the practice is over. Saiyans will appear in a day's time, ready to leave the world king star." Realizing the two flying machines close to the earth, the always funny world king said to Wu Kong solemnly.

"Master Realm King, I should be able to beat them now." Wukong's serious face was a little excited.

"Don't underestimate the Saiyans, their power has already surpassed me. Remember that you can only play the realm king fist twice, and you will break your body after exceeding the limit." Realm king exhorted.

"I understand." Wukong nodded and said goodbye to the Queen of Realm and immediately jumped out of the King of Realm.The Jie Wang watched him leave, and he was very pleased with this apprentice.

"Master Realm, it looks like you forgot to count the time for the snake path. Wukong...Would he have time to return to the earth?" The little locust uttered something and asked stupidly.

"Ahaha...really, there is such a thing. With Wukong's speed, he will definitely catch up." The Jie Wang laughed awkwardly, then looked into the distance.Goku, be alive.

In the bright starry sky, two phantoms seemed to rush towards the blue planet like meteors.The earth's atmosphere suddenly vibrated, fires everywhere, and the huge noise produced unimaginable heat.

The speed of the two phantoms gradually slowed down, finally revealing its true colors-two spheres.They broke through the barrier of the atmosphere and successfully sailed into the range of the earth.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", everything within tens of thousands of meters shook, as if an earthquake disaster, the surrounding mountains kept shaking, undulating waves.

At the place where they landed, a strong earthquake of thousands of kilometers was triggered.The city in the center was in ruins as if a nuclear bomb was detonated.In the huge deep pit, the two orbs of the aircraft fell halfway into the mud.As the high temperature gradually dissipated, the warehouse door opened after a few seconds!

"Hmph!" A cold snort sounded, and the two figures walked out of their respective aircraft. At the moment they appeared, their murderous aura was burning like flames.

The terrifying arrogance radiated, and the animals on the earth felt anxious.The four Tianjin Fans who were practicing in the heavens suddenly looked into the distance.

"Ok...very strong anger, is the Saiyan finally here." The four nodded to each other, and in the blink of an eye they rushed towards the source of anger.

The majesty blew over, sweeping the dust on the ground and in the air, two men in strange costumes appeared.

The man standing on the left has a burly and sturdy bald head, a rare armor, and a spectacle-like instrument on his right eye. There is a strong breath on his body.

On the right is a young man in a blue combat uniform. Although he looks very handsome, the cruel smile curled up at the corner of his mouth makes people tremble with fear.

"Napa, is it here?" the young man asked coldly.

"According to the coordinates, it is right here. Latiz, died in the hands of humans on this planet." Napa chuckled, and a grinning smile appeared on the hard-faced face.

Suddenly, the instruments attached to their right eyes made a beep, and then a group of data symbols were displayed on the mirror.

"En?" Vegeta let out a whisper, staring at the sky to the west.Nappa, like Vegeta, had a slight surprise on his face, but a smile of disdain flashed quickly.

Vegeta sneered: "It was those guys who killed Raditz. There were a few of them with more than a thousand combat effectiveness. If they have a move to increase combat effectiveness, it shouldn't be underestimated."

"Yeah, and there are five in one! The strongest guy among them has reached 1578 combat effectiveness, which is really amazing!" Although Napa pretended to be disdainful, he was actually very surprised in his heart.Because he has only 5,000 combat power, there are people on such a low-level planet who are approaching him, no wonder he is in a complicated mood.Through Latiz’s communications, they learned that the Earthlings have methods to enhance their combat effectiveness.If it was raised several times, it would be enough to threaten him.I am a Saiyan, how can I allow this to happen?

Vegeta and Napa stood there, as if waiting for their arrival.Vegeta's cruel smile did not stop, and no one looked at the future at all.After playing with them, it is not difficult for the Saiyan prince with his own genius to learn their enhanced moves, and then become stronger through his own improvement.

But Kakarot must accompany the earthlings to die, mixing with the earth monkeys, he simply insults the dignity of our Saiyans.

The clouds in the sky were pierced, and the five speeding figures appeared like sharp arrows in the sight of the waiting Vegeta and Napa.The first thing that came was Piccolo with green skin.

Welcoming from behind were the four Tianjin Fans who had returned from practicing in the heavens.The strongest is Pic, and the rest of the Tianjin fans have their combat effectiveness increased to one thousand.

They came to the front of Vegeta and the two of them in an instant. Looking at the destroyed city nearby, Klin and the others showed angry expressions.

"Huh... I didn't expect to accompany you to deal with it, but only once." Piccolo snorted. He used to be an enemy but now a comrade-in-arms. He felt very awkward.

"Huh...Is Nie Kong not here?" Klin looked around, but didn't find any trace of Nie Kong's palace.

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