The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0498, go

"Is what you said is true, Namek really has a dragon ball that can fulfill any wish?" A creature with a height similar to Klin, a head with horns, and an inhuman tail sitting on a chair floating in the air, kneeling in front of him He said coldly in front of his men.

"Yes, Lord Frieza. According to the news from the Vegeta Detector, the Namekians do have Dragon Balls that can fulfill their wishes. Through the intelligence we have collected, they can fulfill their wishes after collecting 7 Dragon Balls."

"Haha... Well done, as long as I have eternal life. The vast universe will be ruled by my Frieza. Order to go down and get ready for the spaceship to set out to conquer Namek." Frieza was ecstatic, watching People who have lived for a long time are more afraid of death, so he doesn't want to miss any chance of longevity.

"Yes, King Frieza." Unexpectedly, the news of Vegeta was leaked to Frieza as Nie Kong had expected.Ambitious, he actually wants to rule the galaxy forever.

The Frieza base was very lively, and many soldiers followed Frieza and landed on the spacious spaceship.Only a loud noise was heard, and the huge spaceship ejected hot flames out of the atmosphere.

And on the far side of the universe, the Buma House in the Western Capital.After the mechanical samples provided by Nie Kong, the spacecraft with a size of more than 100 square meters announced that it had completed its transformation and was ready for departure.

It's just that they didn't wait until the day of departure, when the Wukong five came to the door.Nie Kong could detect Piccolo hiding in the dark.All the fighters fighting against the Saiyans gathered in a large room in the Magnum Capsule Research Fortress.

For his own reasons, other planets may be ruined tragically, and Wukong seemed very distressed.But he didn't have any countermeasures. After thinking about it, he could only come over and see what countermeasures Nie Kong had.

"What is this?" Klin saw a huge circular object parked in the middle of a warehouse with an area of ​​several hundred meters. From any angle, it was a huge flying machine.

Nie Kong led them into the front of the round object and introduced: "A very powerful machine, it is a spaceship that can go to space."

"Spaceship!?" Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the huge machinery in front of them in disbelief, and then full of surprises.With it, they can go to Namek.

"As expected, it is Nie Kong, such a powerful machine can be made!" Monkey King and Klin rushed into the spaceship with enthusiasm, watched it in a circle, and exclaimed.

"More than that, it can control 1 to 1000 times the gravity inside. If you practice through it, it will increase quickly." Nie Kong pressed the button and increased the gravity to 10 times.

In an instant, with the exception of Ke Wukong, the others were crushed to the ground by huge gravity.It seems that it is impossible to adapt to ten times the gravity for a time.Only Piccolo can hold on.

"It's no wonder that Nie Kong, your strength has improved so quickly, it turned out to have its help. It's amazing, with it, we can start practicing on our way to the universe." Klin said excitedly.

Piccolo's eyes gleamed, and he seemed to want to cultivate through it.After ten minutes of getting used to it, they can barely stand.

"It's a pity that it can't be given to you. I created it for the purpose of taking Bouma and her daughters out. Besides, it can only serve as six people and cannot hold you at all." Nie Kong refused directly.

"Nie Kong, you kindly reserve a few places for us. Or, do you build another one?" Wukong pleaded with eagerness on his face.

"It takes a month to build one. It is impossible. If you want, you can ask Shenlong to create exactly the same one." Nie Kong offered his own opinion.

"That's the case, thank you. Friends, in order to become stronger in the future, let's go collect Dragon Balls." Wukong didn't wait for Klin and the others to say, dragging them quickly and disappearing into the West Capital.

With strong combat support, they only took half a day to collect dragon balls from all over the world.Calling the dragon to come out, their wish is to transform a spaceship with exactly the same function.

The wish is very simple, and Shenlong readily fulfills Wukong's wish.Two brand-new spaceships stand in the warehouse of the research fortress of Bouma’s house.

When going out into outer space this time, Bouma strangely refused to go together, saying that there was very important research.The other two women are looking forward to it, how could they miss the opportunity to accompany Nie Kong on the adventure.

In a day’s time to prepare, all the fellow travellers will go back and prepare the things needed for space travel, such as changing clothes, daily necessities, and food for survival.

In the early morning, everyone arrived.Nie Kong taught Piccolo how to operate it, and then asked Wukong to contact the Realm King to obtain the coordinates of Namek.Prepared well, they started the spaceship.

There was a loud noise, and even the entire West Capital shook.Two sturdy fire snakes spewed out, accelerating the two huge spaceships.

Silently watching the spaceship disappearing into the sky, Buma's pretty face flashed a happy smile.Nie Jun, when you come back, I will give you a great surprise.It's hard not to be with you for a few months, but I firmly believe that all the hardships will come without you.


With the budget of distance, it will take nearly two months to reach Namek.It can be seen that there is an insurmountable distance between the Earth and Namek.

In the spaceship, Wukong and the others are trying 11 times the gravity.They practiced day and night, and they were desperate.Hard work comes at a price, and they can detect the increase in strength.

Although the spaceship cannot isolate the area to practice, the four Tianjin Fans reluctantly followed Wukong's footsteps to increase the multiple of gravity.If they cannot bear it sometimes, they will go back to the bedroom to rest.

Compared with Wukong's hardship, Nie Kong is comfortably watching the beautiful space outside the cabin with the two girls.Qiqi is full of curiosity about new things.She is now half a scholar, and she often studies strange things in the world.To be able to leave the earth to accompany her husband on an adventure in the universe is very exciting for Kiki.

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