The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0516, Vegeta becomes Viagra?

The fat man sneered, and was next to him for an instant, and kicked him in the stomach.

"Boom." The whole figure of Monkey King fell from mid-air at a swift speed, falling into the deserted land everywhere.There was a loud noise, and then the dust covered him completely.

The five of Tianjin Fan and the others were dumbfounded. How could the Monkey King, who had the upper hand, be suddenly and strangely defeated by the other party? Did Wukong deliberately want to be beaten?

"What the hell is going on?" Klin asked silently, looking at the dust on the ground.

Piccolo's face also flashed with a confused look, and he frowned slightly: "Damn, what the hell is Lao Sun doing? How can the speed and power be reduced so much?"

The robot on the 19th took advantage of the victory and pursued it, almost instantly rushed into the smoke and dust that had not completely dissipated, and went straight to the place where Monkey King fell and launched a fierce attack.He stepped on Wukong's lower abdomen with his right foot, his eyes cruel and ruthless.

Wukong screamed, covering his right chest with his palm in pain, trembling all over.

"Damn it." Sweat soaked his clothes, showing how painful he was.Only he knew that his heart was about to burst.Like an overloaded machine, with every popping sound, the body will suffer great pain.Wukong clenched his fist, barely wanted to support himself and stood up, but he couldn't lift any strength, and completely lost his previous powerful confidence.

The cyborg sent out a powerful ball of energy at will, straight out, and the target was the Monkey King who was suffering.

"No, we have to go and save the old grandson." Although Piccolo speeded up his movement as much as possible, it seemed too late to intercept the man-made attacks.The energy bomb fell silently and exploded in Wukong's body.

There was a loud bang, Piccolo's eyes widened.In the smoke and dust, they didn't know whether Wukong was alive or dead.

"Kakarot." Vegeta, who regained health after eating fairy beans, happened to see this scene in front of her.He was angry, the killing intent in his eyes seemed to materialize.With his roar, the golden arrogance spread out.

"En?" The No.19 robot suddenly noticed a horrible air, and he looked across.I saw a golden meteor hitting at high speed at No. 19 who thought he had killed Wukong.

"Vegeta... Vegeta turned into a Super Saiyan. I thought only the peace-loving Goku could transform." Klin was surprised.

"You are looking for death, Kakarot has only me worthy to kill him." Vegeta's fist exploded with brilliant brilliance, blasting his metal cheeks.Cyborg No. 19 suffered a blow from Vegeta's anger, and the whole person shot out for a kilometer, crashing through two mountains.And on his cheeks, he could clearly see the electric current overflowing.The power of Vegeta's blow had already damaged the No. 19 robot.

While Vegeta was fighting against No. 19, the Piccolo who rushed to appeared in Wukong's position.When he saw Wu Kong who was still alive, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.Looking at each other, I saw a trace of comfort in each other's eyes.

"Wukong, what happened?" From the appearance of Monkey King, it can be seen that his pain is obviously not caused by the injury of the artificial man, but from his body.

"My heart hurts. It's... my own toxic heart disease broke out." Monkey King took a breath and barely spit out a few words.

Piccolo suddenly thought of what Bouma from the future world said three years ago, but he did not expect that Goku would have a toxic heart disease.But the medicine to fight it has been developed, Bouma should have already told Wukong to take it.

"Old Sun, haven't you taken any medicine?" Piccolo asked seriously.

"I... I used to feel very healthy, so I didn't take the special medicine immediately. Now... I put it... in a drawer of the spaceship and forgot to bring it."

"Huh... take Kakarot and leave, this guy will leave it to me." Vegeta didn't change her proud tone, her indifferent face showed a hint of impatience in her eyes.But at the corner of the eyebrows, you can see a bit of cheerfulness, perhaps seeing Wukong safely.

Klin nodded, carrying his friend on his back and quickly left the battlefield and sailed to the spaceship that was staying at Gohan's house.

"So strong!" Piccolo has been watching the battle from the sidelines. He witnessed this scene with his own eyes and felt from the bottom of his heart how terrible the Saiyan bloodline is.After the transformation, the combat effectiveness has increased nearly fifty times.

Looking at the blond image of Goku, Piccolo knew very well that Vegeta would be a terrifying warrior after he mastered how to transform into a super Saiyan.

But Bik and the others were even more horrified by the girl who came with Nie Kong. She actually defeated such a powerful artificial man faster than Vegeta.And the energy that just broke out makes them feel small.

"The cyborg is nothing more than that, hurry up and use your real power!" Vegeta hung coldly in the air, scorning the fat cyborg who had lost his freshness.

"Asshole, give you a taste of my power." The robot roared, regardless of the difference in strength, and rushed directly to Vegeta.To Vegeta, his movements were like a snail.

Between the lightning and flint, Vegeta dodges to avoid the fierce punch of the android.There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and the strength of his whole person suddenly exploded.With a cold shout, both hands pinched their arms.

With Vegeta's force, Cyborg No. 19's hands were directly torn off violently, and he could not even absorb energy.After losing his arm, he thought of losing 80% of his energy, like a lamb to be slaughtered.Now he, even dumplings can kill him.

Electric sparks flew everywhere, and a crackling sound rang out.The robots of the mechanical department have no flesh and blood, only machinery inside.On the 17th and 18th, the human body is directly modified, which is equivalent to a real human being.

"Huh..." Vegeta dropped a gas bomb casually, piercing the metal shell of the android.In the explosion of the'Boom', the humanoid No. 19 turned into plumes of burning black smoke and evaporated into air.

After cleaning up his opponent, Vegeta wanted to show off his strength.But seeing that Nie Kong and the others had already solved their opponents, his eyes burst into flames of fighting spirit.With such a powerful force, it is no wonder that the proud he wants to challenge Nie Kong and wash away the humiliation of defeat a few years ago.

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