The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0532, peace

"Saru's anger disappeared. He really defeated Sharu." Piccolo watched Saru's forced Goku surrender, and then after comparing Nie, he could be seen to be tough.

"Now it seems that he is the strongest in the universe." Wukong stared at Nie Kong with his eyes, with a strong fighting intent inside.Perhaps Wukong has already learned that Super Saiyan can be developed again.At this time, he is approaching the peak of Super One, perhaps he has already explored the primary level of Super Two, no wonder he will have a strong fighting spirit.

Compared to Goku, Vegeta felt even more embarrassed.Thinking about what I just said, Nie Kong's performance is almost like a slap in the face.I thought I had surpassed him after practicing, but now it seems that the gap has widened.

"The challenger that emerged...he defeated Sharu and saved the world. I thought Satan had a better chance of winning, but unexpectedly, unknown players defeated Sharu."

The reporter of the live broadcast was so excited that it was difficult to control, and his voice trembled.His microphone was shaking, but countless people on earth who longed for peace felt the excitement from his voice.

In front of the TV, the high-pitched voice of the reporter reached thousands of households.All the people on the earth with televisions cheered.Especially in the cities destroyed by Sharu, the surviving people cried with joy!On the streets of the city, in the quiet and peaceful villages, people cheered and were completely immersed in the changed sea.

The camera lens stared at Nie Kong, who stood in the air like a god.His outstanding appearance, strong physique full of power, appeared in human sight on television.Suddenly, countless girls went crazy, they desperately want to know his name and everything about him.

With a cheerful atmosphere, filled with joy, Sharu died, and everyone seemed to smile happily.

"It's amazing." The young Vidili looked at Nie Kong defeating Sharu, looking so handsome.Worthy of being the future husband of his own choice, the man who is always talked about by the future himself.

Standing beside the two Vidiri, it was Satan with a slightly ugly expression.Compared to the other excitement, his expression seemed a bit out of place.

"He must have resorted to blindfolds. Satan should be the one who defeated Sharu."

The two 18ths were more delighted than anyone else, Nie Kong eliminated their threat and protected them.

The reporter explained passionately, and all the people on the earth cheered. The death of Sharu means the end of this war.In just ten days, Sharu brought the tragedy like hell to the earth.

"The powerful arrogance that burst out the day before yesterday is really him." West Realm King Xing, Realm King sighed.Wukong is strong enough, but he is much worse than him.

From the Saiyan who invaded the earth at first, the evil Frieza, the man-made man born from evil, to the powerful and inexplicable Sharu now, he has defeated one after another powerful enemy, and he has already become the strongest in the universe.

The realm king couldn't believe how could human beings reach such a level.Compared to what he looked like a few years ago, there is no change at all.So the King of the West was very confused as to which race Nie Kong belonged to in the universe.

In front of the TV, Bouma, who coaxed Brahman, looked at her husband in the TV with a blurred look.

"Little Bula, how handsome your father is, he is the hero who saves our planet." After nearly ten years of company, Bouma's feelings for Nie Kong are like those of an old age, becoming more and more profound.

Buma was happy to be able to give birth to their children to Nie Kong.Looking at the sleeping little Bra, Bouma smiled sweetly.

The gray-headed Satan hides behind the two Vidili in tatters, and stares at the beloved Nie Kong with a pair of envious eyes.Because he is the world's number one martial arts tournament champion after Monkey King, Satan's reputation has not fallen much.But the same.Now watching a little-known little person save the world, Satan felt a little unacceptable.He is a world-famous fighting champion, but he has no chance of beating Sharu to be famous.

As if feeling the gaze from him, Satan felt that he looked at him.Satan seemed to think of Nie Kong's blindfold, and his whole body was excited.He was hiding behind the two women, shrinking his body.

Nie Kong waved in the direction of Satan, and the two Vidili rushed towards him happily, hugging his arms one left and the other right.Seeing how his daughter liked it, Satan felt as uncomfortable as swallowing dozens of flies.

The flame of his jealousy burned more vigorously.My daughter has never acted like this to herself.

After killing Sharu, Wukong and the others invited Nie Kong to find the Dragon Balls and revive the humans who died because of Sharu.Nie Kong did not refuse. He ordered Wukong and the others to gather the dragon balls and gather at the Temple of Heaven.The first thing he had to do was to take the four girls and completely destroy the Sharu embryo that Dr. Gallo was cultivating.

After doing it, he took two Vidili directly with him, and two No. 18s appeared in the Temple of Heaven.Since the two Piccolo merged, Dandy is now the deity.After his improvement, Shenlong can realize two wishes.Maybe after a period of time when the technology is mature, he can have the ability to realize the three wishes like Polunga.

"Come out, Shenlong!" Wukong called to the seven sparkling dragon balls.

The clear sky was immediately covered with dark clouds, and a huge dragon appeared in front of them amidst thunder and lightning.

"Who is calling me, I can realize his two wishes." Shenlong said with majesty.

"Resurrect all the humans who died due to Sharu." Wukong said without hesitation.

"It's very simple. I have fulfilled your wish. Now tell me your second wish." Shenlong's eyes flashed red, and then he said again.

"Leave me the second wish." Nie Kong said.

"Oh... Nie Kong, do you have a wish to realize?" Wukong asked curiously.

"En, it's very important. Shenlong, please turn all the mechanical parts in her body into human-like organs." Although it has been pushed, the number 18 is still a human being.

Shenlong was silent for a while, and continued: "Well, I have replaced the mechanical part of the bomb in her body with human-like organs, but the energy furnace cannot be converted with my energy. If nothing happens, I will leave."

Like No. 18 ten years ago, Shenlong could not transform the reactor of unlimited energy.But its existence does not affect the activities of human beings, on the contrary, it will bring them powerful combat effectiveness.There were tears of excitement flashing in No. 1's eyes, and a warm current appeared in her chest, and she felt relaxed and comfortable all over.

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