The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0534, the world king god appears

Three years later, the World's No. 1 Budo Club has attracted attention from all over the world, and many strange faces have appeared on Papaya Island.

Suddenly, the originally orderly meeting place suddenly became noisy.Countless people crowded around a middle-aged man with curly hair like instant noodles and appeared at the venue. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the support of everyone.He was wearing a white coat and a golden medal-like belt on his waist.

"It's Mr. Satan, a world-famous fighter. I didn't expect that he would also come to the competition this year. It seems that this world champion must be him."

"It's a pity that the hero who saved the world 7 years ago disappeared, otherwise there must be a regular match."

Everyone talked about Satan, and most of them spoke highly of him.It seems that Satan's ability to fool people has improved a lot.He has not become a hero to save the world, and he has such a reputation in the world.

"Huh... that idiot actually came to participate in the game, it's really horrible." Vegeta, who had just arrived at the venue, looked at the pretentious Satan, and his tone was full of contempt.With only a dozen scum, Vegeta feels that he can beat him by blowing his breath, but he is clever and thinks he is very powerful.

"Haha...I think he is quite funny." Behind Vegeta, Wukong in a red robes flashed strangely.In the stunt of teleportation, he can cross any distance.Following Wukong, Piccolo in white cloak robes; Leping Klin in tortoise robes; wearing green pants and full of capable Tianjin fans.

Their combat effectiveness has increased a lot, and the most powerful Tianjin Fan has exceeded 10 million.But Klin and Leping are much weaker, only three million.The potential of Piccolo after the fit is very powerful, exceeding 5 billion.

"Only Goku, do you think so. I haven't seen him in 7 years." Klin said with a general feeling.

Although Klin is still short today, his face shows the maturity that a middle-aged man deserves.He is in his thirties, and he is getting old when he was thirteen.The same is true for Leping, he looks even more mature than Klin.

"Vegeta, you are much better." Wukong said with a smile.

"Kakarot, you finally appeared. After seven years of practice, I must defeat you this time." Wukong was Vegeta's second opponent who wanted to defeat, and Nie Kong was the first.Seeing Wukong's appearance, Vegeta's blood seemed to burn.

All the pedestrians in the front of the road left them to jump off the road, seeming to feel the breath of Wukong and the others.

"It's a familiar scene!" Sun Wukong sighed. In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and many martial arts clubs have been held.Fortunately, with the company of their partners, they can persist in practicing.

"Nie Kong, he should have said he is coming." Piccolo scanned the audience, but did not find Nie Kong's shadow.

"Don't worry, since he has agreed, he will definitely come. I think he has become stronger after seven years. I really look forward to the moment when I fight him." Wukong said excitedly.

"Anyway, let's sign up and talk about it." Tianjin Fan suggested.

Wukong and the others nodded, and a group of people appeared aggressively at the registration office.Just as Wukong and the others signed up, the surrounding atmosphere immediately became noisy like a vegetable market.The people who had surrounded Satan rushed to somewhere like a tide.

"Yes... the hero who saved the world appeared. I didn't expect him to participate in the world's number one martial arts conference."

"Yes, yes, 7 years have passed, and his appearance has not changed at all."

All the gazes present turned to the majestic figure in the middle.It seems that he is getting attention, it is a matter of course.He is a great hero who saved the world, and he is outstanding to attract people's attention.

Accompanied by 8 women, and her right hand is carrying the little hand of a cute little girl.In such a fragrant scene, the men around looked at him enviously, wishing to replace him.The girls were also crazy, and they showed their love to Nie Kong with red hearts.

Although they were flocking to Nie Kong, they seemed to be repelled by soft power, making them unable to get within two meters of Nie Kong.This weird scene gives people a mysterious aura.

The players who lined up behind began to talk about the fact that the extremely powerful hero actually came to participate in this martial arts meeting. Who on earth is Satan better?

"Asshole, you stole my limelight. Since you participated in the martial arts conference, then I will show you some color in the competition. How can your blindfold escape my eyes." Satan was angry. Looking at Nie Kong, he was stubborn and didn't believe that Nie Kong and the others were great.But because they often use tricks to fool people, they think that Nie Kong and the others are the same.

Nie Kong looked at Wukong and the others, his eyes were smiling.It seems that the game will be very exciting, and Wukong's progress is unexpectedly fast.

Vegeta remained silent. He couldn't wait to show his progress over the past seven years. Although he knew that Wukong and Nie Kong were also improving, the militant blood of Saiyan made him even more excited.

Because of Nie Kong's particularity, he avoided the trouble of queuing.Even the staff of the Budo Club welcomed Nie Kong and the others warmly.As a hero who saves the world, Nie Kong received the treatment he deserved.The most convenient is that Nie Kong can skip the preliminaries and advance to the quarterfinals.

The player lounge of the World's No. 1 Budo Club became more and more loud as the number of players registered, and the only thing that caught Nie Kong's attention was the two figures hiding in the corner.

He was surprised to find that there was a person's soul power that was as strong as the first level of his imperial goddess cultivation technique.This is already very powerful, after all, this is just the world of the second dimension.

"Master Realm King God, it should be a few of them. They can provide Majin Buu with powerful human beings who can break through the seal." In the competition venue, a man with white hair and red skin said to a short, neutral man with white hair.He has a weird hairstyle, only hair growing in the middle of his head.

"I have already noticed that they contain super energy that I have never seen before." The little East Realm King God silently stared at Wukong and the others, with surprise in his tone.He did not expect that there would be so many powerful people on a small earth.Especially Wukong, he can perceive the terrifying energy in Wukong.

"We need to stop Buu's recovery, no matter what the cost."

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