The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0536, to abuse Satan again

After the defeat, Piccolo immediately chased after the Realm King God, trying to solve the confusion in his heart.Piccolo predicted that he should be the Great Realm King who manages the entire universe.But the answer from the attendant Jiebet shocked Piccolo.It was actually higher than I expected, or it was a legendary character, the king and god.No wonder I feel that the separated dimension is too far away.

He said that there are important things to handle on Earth, and I hope that Bikbu will reveal his true identity.Piccolo nodded and returned to Wukong and his team with a wry smile.

"Bick, what's the matter with you? With your current strength, it should be easy to defeat him." Tianjin Fan looked at Piccolo strangely, and it was strange that he would directly admit defeat.Nie Kong was unable to make him surrender, but now he took the initiative to give in to a stranger.

"The dimension is too far apart, I can't shoot him. If you meet him, you can admit defeat." Piccolo's answer made them even more confused.But no matter what they asked, Piccolo kept silent.

Then it was the turn of Nie Kong VS Satan. It was the most anticipated game for ordinary audiences.

"Nie Kong...Nie Kong..." The two words resounded in the venue, showing how much the audience expected Nie Kong's performance.Compared to Nie Kong, the voice calling for Satan to cheer seemed cold.Although Satan has a certain influence, Nie Kong is a hero who saves the world after all.

"Damn it, you can take advantage of it now and see how I teach you later." Satan, who was already standing in the ring, became even more angry after watching the audience's performance.

Nie Kong sighed, how can Satan be so stupid.He now somewhat understood Sharu's mood at the time.Killing such a Satan is simply dirtying his hands.In the world of Trunks in the future, Nie Kong has even taught him.At that time, I didn't understand the world, so I didn't think there was anything.

Satan threw the cloak in the air, revealing a few angular muscles.He posed to show off his toned figure to his heart's content.The two Vidili turned their heads and whispered in a low voice: "Pretend not to know him, pretend not to know him, Dad is really ashamed."

"Haha...stupid Satan, he hasn't woken up even now." Klin covered his stomach and almost laughed.

Tianjin Fan's head was sweating, but he didn't expect that Satan didn't wake up after Sharu's incident.

"It's really hard for Nie Kong. It's him who is an idiot when he meets an opponent." Piccolo sympathized.If he was splitting tiles again, I guess he could not help but kill him.

"Oh... Satan is very fighting spirit, and it looks like it will be another exciting battle. Now that the two are ready, the fourth game will begin now!!" the referee announced excitedly.

Hearing the sound of the start of the game, Satan jumped into the air and turned 360 degrees before appearing in front of Nie Kong, throwing his right leg out of Nie Kong's head.This was the handsome posture he had been thinking about for a long time, and wanted to use it to defeat Nie Kong.

Nie Kong simply avoided Satan's flying kick, and hit his face severely with his right fist at the open door.The audience can see the distorted cheeks of Satan who was hit.

His mouth seemed to be crooked, and his two black eyeballs were about to protrude, showing the pain he was suffering.

With a bang, Satan slammed into the wall of the Budokai in the backstage of the rest, and then sank inside.Two blood stains came out of his nose, and the marks of Nie Kong's fist appeared on his face.No extra actions, simple and straightforward.The World Fighting Champion was a joke in front of him, it was weak.

"Dad..." The two Vidiri looked at Satan and sighed.They didn't stop, they just hoped that after receiving Nie Kong's lesson, they would repent and become smarter.

"Nie Kong knocked down Mr. Satan with one move..." After the deathly silence, the people around shouted in surprise.Sure enough, he was the hero who defeated Sharu. It was amazing. The world champion was really vulnerable in front of him.

"It's amazing..." Satan's eyes flashed in shock as he felt his scattered body.But many people looked at him, how could he give up so easily.He stood up pretending to be relaxed, his puffy face with a serious expression.

"Not bad, really qualified to be my opponent, it seems that I am going to play seriously."

Satan's words are very awkward, and they are really desperate.For this kind of person, Nie Kong wanted to wake him up severely.

"In this case, now it's my turn to attack." Nie Kong gently moved his body, moving in front of Satan at a speed acceptable to ordinary people.His right hand turned into a machine gun, and it hit Satan's strong body.

Satan has no ability to avoid it at all. He only feels pain in the heart from every part of his body.He cried out in pain, and only now did he understand how terrifying Nie Kong was.

Without waiting for Satan to admit defeat, Nie Kong threw him out of the ring.After a series of blows, Satan's face has become so swollen that he looks almost inhuman.

"Okay...very powerful. Mr. Satan didn't have the spare energy to fight back and directly hit Nie Kong in the ring. He is indeed the hero who defeated Sharu, who has won the championship of the martial arts club twice. The game ended and Nie Kong won. "The referee said in general.

"Let me say, how could Mr. Satan be Nie Kong's opponent? The difference between the two is too great." The audience talked a lot, but most of them showed relief.They admired Nie Kong more than before.If Nie Kong can use the vitality bomb, it is estimated that everyone on the earth will willingly give him vitality.

Bidili breathed a sigh of relief, and was happier seeing Nie Kong defeating his father.If Dad continues to be stupid, both of them will feel ashamed.With Nie Kong's current strength, dealing with Satan is simply bullying.But being able to fight against the stupid and arrogant Satan, he felt quite happy.When watching Dragon Ball before, Nie Kong often saw him upset.

After the fourth game, it was the turn of some weak players.Although they are better than ordinary people, at most they are at the level of Satan.

Finally skipped three games, and now it is the turn of the battle that most attracts Tianjin Fans. It is the battle between Goku VS Vegeta, two Super Saiyans. They can't imagine how exciting it will be.

Seeing the two moving energy groups preparing to fight, the God of the Realm smiled thicker.

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