The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 055, start to absorb

I was a little busy today, so the update was late, sorry everyone!!

"That's a large-scale attack, he... how could his superpower skills have such a terrifying power?!" Ultimate Monster's wide-eyed eyes were full of puzzlement, and the terrifying face with this expression looked a little funny.

"As a Digimon, you will never understand. Even without evolution, my strength can be greatly improved through practice." Nie Kong has super skills for condensing the soul, and the power of the soul will naturally change as the cultivation level deepens. Strong.

"Hmph, even if your superpower skills are strong! I don't believe you can continuously use this ability, but I am different from my chaos fire but there is no limit!" Ultimate Monster quickly recovered after being surprised, but with a pair of eyes But it was full of hideous killing intent.

"Flame Hell!" The evil super-hot hell fire overflowing from the heart of revenge can not only eliminate all skills, but also burn the enemy to ashes!

The black and red flames spread again before disappearing for a while, filling the space of several hundred meters around.

"After fighting for so long, this battle is over! Although I can't continuously use moves to resolve, but my superpowers are more than just a mere move. Look at my soul blade!!" Nie Kong didn't do anything. Worried by the flames in front of him, the soul power on his body began to condense, and a mysterious energy wave like water waves centered on Nie Kong's scarlet pupils, rippling towards the ultimate monster.

Wherever the Soul Blade goes, whatever is touched by this energy, the flame that can eliminate all skills, without exception, neatly opens a wide road out.

"What's that?" Ultimate Monster felt a panic in his heart, but just after sensing this bad premonition, the blade of the soul that cut through his flame hell pierced into his body.

Unspeakable pain swept across the body of Ultimate Monster.A big question popped up in his mind, just a super skill, why could it hurt one of his dignified Seven Demon Kings.

"Roar!" After his deafening roar, the hideous eyes of Ultimate Monster finally lost all their looks.His consciousness was shattered by Nie Kong's Soul Blade, and his huge body lost support and control and fell to the ground!

"Huh, it took so much effort to finally solve it." Nie Kong's spirit also seemed a little sluggish, and half of his mental energy was spent in the battle against Ultimate Monster.

"Let's try now, can you absorb the anger of one of the seven sins he controls and perfect my blood whip of sins!" Thinking of this, Nie Kong's spirit was shocked.

Before the Ultimate Beast was transformed into the data and dissipated, the blood whip of sin in Nie Kong's hand pierced the Ultimate Beast's body like an indestructible spear.

"Ultimate King of Beasts!!" At this time, the three Digimons, the Celestial Beast, the Satan Zombie and the Sea Monster, who were fighting against the three females of the Flower Fairy Beast, saw this scene, and were scared to death!

"Holy bow and arrow!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, the wings on the left glove of the Celestial Beast opened to form a bow and arrow, which was used to draw the bow.A light arrow full of huge sacred power pierced the body of the sea monster in an instant.

Jia'er was not to be outdone, and the demon blood whip in his hand slapped Satan's zombie beast at once, but Jia'er's strength was still somewhat different from that of Satan's zombie beast.The devil's blood whip hit him, only to knock him back a few steps.

Had it not been for the fallen bone claws of Satan's zombie beasts, Jia'er would have been defeated long ago.Because Jiaer is a vampire, the body is not composed of data.

The strength of the wounded Demon Beast and Hua Xian Beast is not much different, and the two women are fighting fiercely in the air.At this time, when the monster girl was stunned, the flower fairy beast punched the monster girl into the air.

But apart from the sea monsters that were killed, the Satan Zombie Beast and the Monster Girl Beast didn't fight back at all, but looked at Nie Kong stupidly.The three women also stopped fighting, staring at the most important person in their hearts.

As Nie Kong pierced the blood whip of sin into the body of the Ultimate Monster, the huge body of the Ultimate Monster unexpectedly appeared from time to time, as if it would disappear all at once.

"He... he's devouring the data of the Ultimate Monster King?! Isn't he afraid of death? The Ultimate Monster King's data is full of one of the seven sins-anger!" The zombie Satan beast said in shock.Even the Digimon in the dark zone, if it encounters one of the seven sins, it will be disabled even if it is immortal.

When the blood whip of sin penetrated into the ultimate beast, he felt countless negative emotions from the blood whip into his body, and he was not under his control at all!

Originally, his plan was to seal this sin into his whip and perfect his trick.But with the introduction of these forces, he only felt that an unknown fire began to emerge in his heart for no reason!Anger, the uncontrollable fire of anger was about to swallow his reason.Destroying everything, destroying everything he saw, there was only one thought in his heart.

"What a horrible power of sin, can't I control this power at all." Nie Kong's consciousness gradually blurred, he knew that if he didn't do anything, he would completely lose his mind!

"No, you can't let the power of these dark sins melt into my soul! If these sins melt into my soul, although my soul power will greatly increase, it is estimated that I am not me!"

Nie Kong knew that his state was dangerous at this time, because those powers had been completely integrated into his body, and he was approaching the Nigongwan on his head.And as all the power entered his body, the huge body of the Ultimate Beast disappeared without a trace!

"He really swallowed the Ultimate Beast!" Yao Nv Beast resisted the pain and got up, staring at Nie Kong's face blankly.At this moment, she couldn't raise the thought of resisting Nie Kong at all in her heart. The only hope was that she could follow his side.

The dark area is like this, it is always the weak and the strong, which is completely different from those who would rather die than fight to the death.Because in the heart of the monster, friendship and love have not yet begun to sprout the bright heart.

Maybe if the witch beast has these thoughts, then the witch beast is not the witch beast at all, but the celestial beast!But everything will change, and after repairing with Nie Kong, they will simply fall out of the scope of Digimon.

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