The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 060, direct Nie Kong

The celestial beast leaned against Nie Kong, a faint scent from her body, coupled with the moving cheeks, it was indeed someone's irresistible charm.If the flower fairy beast is the kind of innocent and romantic elf, the perfect combination of the demon beast and the coldness, the female beast that day is a combination of holiness and nobility, but it is so bold and open in front of Nie Kong.

"I will practice with the monster girl first to improve my strength, and then when I practice with you, the more benefits you will get! Don't worry, the master will not forget you." Nie Kong had a plan in his heart.Although his strength has also improved after absorbing the Ultimate Beast, the effect of the improvement is definitely not as obvious as that of the monster girl after double repair, so the Celestial Beast was left at the end.

The demon beast has been in the dark area for a long time, relying on her own strength to improve to full body, the strength is naturally stronger than the flower fairy beast and the celestial beast that evolved by the badge before!Moreover, Nie Kong's strength has also been improved not long ago, and the energy that bursts out during the double repair of the two really surprised Nie Kong.

"No wonder, that celestial beast is so powerful, it can actually defeat me, it turned out that the master helped her. Humph, let's see how I get revenge in the future."

Nie Kong seemed to be able to see that the soul in his body turned into drops of golden liquid, flowing smoothly in his soul space, and then tightening in the Nigongwan.

The qualitative change of soul power still made Nie Kong feel an unprecedented feeling.Although he didn't use his eyes to see, he could still see the sights of several meters around him.

Nie Kong knew that this was the so-called spiritual consciousness.But the coverage area is really too small, only a few meters.But Nie Kong was already very happy, because he was only practicing to the first half of the first level of the Goddess Cultivation Technique.

Throwing his consciousness into the Dingtian Ring, Nie Kong also discovered that the Dingtian Ring had grown from the original tens of kilometers in length and width to more than 1,000 kilometers in length and width, which was more than ten times larger.It is simply from a small island to the size of a province.

The demon beast under her whimpered, and her body also emitted a faint black light, as if it were preparing to evolve.But after a few flashes, the black light disappeared suddenly, and it seemed that the energy was still a bit short.

The celestial beast watching the battle nervously looked at the beast that seemed to be evolving, and when she saw the light of evolution disappeared, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you evolve like this, I will be really sad in the future."

"Master, it's a pity. I'm almost able to evolve, can we practice together again?" Feeling that Nie Kong has released from her body, the demon girl beast's tone is filled with infinite regret.

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