The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0597, the ghost Xiaojing appears

"The voice is getting closer." Wei has no more leisurely care about Haruna's movements, and she is already pale.Nie Kong held back his laugh, not intending to tell the truth.It's actually quite interesting to watch the girls look scared.

"Get out of here..." With the sound of aggressive footsteps, a strange voice resounded directly behind him.

The women looked back shudderingly, and the mannequin specimens and a pair of skeleton specimens often seen in the biology class were standing staggering behind them.

"Ah...I'm going to be dizzy." The two girls, Li Sha and Wei Yang, hugged each other, and then their eyes slowly closed.

On the contrary, Nie Kong felt that Chun Cai in his arms was stiff, showing a pretty face due to excessive fear.Unexpectedly, Chuncai would be so cute, Nie Kong snickered.

"Eh...Where did the sound come from? It's weird." Pulling the stretched hand off the skull's head, he looked inside curiously.

"Too...too rude, go back soon." Wei wanted to laugh, but the atmosphere was too heavy for her to laugh.

"Hey, give me your head." The human skeleton swayed and bumped into the human specimen on its left side.The two monsters fell into a ball with a bang, shattering to the ground.

When many green hairball-like creatures got out of the model, they started to run away.

"Eh, why did you stop it?" Lala beat the broken model with a pity.

"Be careful, Lala." Bla suddenly took her right hand and pulled her in front of him.Along with the loud bang, a huge one-eyed octopus appeared at the place where Lala stood.It looks like a tentacle monster, with only a huge head and many tentacles without suckers.

"Weird... monster."

Looking at the monster that appeared, Yui's body was already shaking.She didn't have the time to care about shamelessness, and desperately squeezed into Nie Kong's arms with the two girls of Chunca.Nie Kong's body is very broad, just enough to accommodate two women.

"Nah! Nie Jun, are we going to eat takoyaki tonight." Looking at the octopus, Lala looked like she had dinner, her eyes flashing green.

Nie Kong has the urge to vomit blood, pulling your taste is really heavy.

"The long one is too unappetizing, let's get rid of it." Bla frowned.

"You actually said you want to destroy us, do you think you are our opponent?" After the one-eyed octopus monster spit out human words, he finally reached out to the two girls.Five or six tentacles rolled toward the three women at a tricky angle.

"Look at my turn around the rope," Lala said softly, and threw a rope toward the octopus.

The rope hovering in the air seemed to have life, flexibly and automatically bound the big octopus together with the stretched tentacles.

"Hehe... there is no way to escape, let me give you a final taste of the last swing of the bat." Lala's hands turned into baseball bats, and then the three jets ejected flames.

The terrifying blow directly blasted the big octopus.Accompanied by a loud bang, the scattered octopuses disappeared, and weird humans with circles of eyes appeared.No, it should be said that it is an alien.

The explosion awakened the unconscious three women. They opened their eyes and found that the monsters and ghosts in front of them had disappeared, and they patted their chests with lingering fear.

After discovering his state, Yui's cheeks are red and cute.She hurriedly pushed Nie Kong away, covering her chest with her hands in a panic, " are you doing when you are in a mess, you are too shameless."

The girls looked at her weirdly, and only yelled when they reacted.His head was smoking.She covered her cheek, ashamed.

"By the way, there are a lot of monsters," Lala said strangely.

"How is it possible? They are clearly visitors from the universe." Lun looked at them and said with disdain.

"Then it's not a ghost, it's great." Haruna's tight fear finally dissipated, and Qiao Lian regained her former spirit.

"Why are you here?" Lisha took a few steps back, but didn't remove his vigilance.

One of the werewolf-like aliens explained why these aliens were entrenched in this old school building.After they were removed from their hometown, they were forced to wander in the universe and finally came to Earth.Without a job, I can only live in an empty house in the old school building.

"So, is it scary to pretend to be a monster in order to protect the residence?" The voice filled with magnetism had a familiar feeling.The black shadow slowly became clear, and the mature and charming Yu Jie appeared.

"Miyamon-sensei?" The girls were very surprised, why did the teacher appear here?

"Are you the famous Dr. Mito in the universe?" The aliens were surprised to see the beauty that appeared, and the mouth grew into a zero shape.

"It's really a headache, then I'll introduce you to work." Pressing her temple, Yumen Mukuko shook her head helplessly.In any case, these aliens need to be settled, and it is impossible for them to live in the old school building forever.She has a wealth of contacts and knows many aliens.

All the aliens are very happy that they will have a new job, and finally they will have a bright future.

"Great, everyone has found a job. In this way, I can also be quieter." The faint laughter suddenly reached their ears, and a white shadow appeared behind Nie Kong and the others.

The sudden sound made them all turn around.But what appeared before them at this time was a kimono girl with long purple hair floating in the air.And beside her, there were two cyan flames floating.If she wasn't a little weird, she would really be a very cute girl.

"Ah, ghost." Chunca, whose fear had dissipated, saw the scene in front of her and fainted directly into Nie Kong's arms.The ghost really appeared, and the rest of the lisha and them were all shaky.Lala came to the girl ghost with great interest and looked at her curiously.

"Forget to introduce yourself, I was Jing who died here four hundred years ago." Jing yawned and said softly.The ghost girl named Xiaojing has a great and Nadeshiko temperament.

"My name is Lala." Lala, who saw the ghost for the first time, was very excited after seeing Xiaojing.

"My name is Nie Kong, and I'm the school's physical education teacher." Nie Kong's soul fluctuates, it turned out to be her.

But Nie Kong's soul power was too strong, she looked at Nie Kong with a little awe in her eyes. However, Ding Tian Jie's little irresponsible faith power overflowed, but attracted her like drugs.

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