The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0611, help Meigan take a bath

The park is indeed very close to the villa. Five minutes after passing through, I saw two huge houses standing on each other.The one at the front is surrounded by beautiful flower beds.However, the terrifying creature in front of it scared the two or three-year-old Meigan to cry on the spot.

It is three or four meters high, like a big tree.But it is not a tree, but a rhizome with the same flower.The blooming flowers are like piranhas, with a big mouth of blood in the middle.

"Ah...Are you afraid of Sirino? Don't worry, it only blooms on Preandas, the most rare flower in the universe, it's very beautiful." Lalaxuan said happily.

"That's a gift he has chosen to give to Nie Jun. He said it likes it. Watering and feeding are all made by himself." Lalatian thought.

Lala's taste is very unique, how can ordinary girls' Meikans agree.She turned blue and shook her head, for fear that her big mouth might swallow herself.

"She was just talking about the Planet of Plantas. Could it be that she is an alien?" If she hadn't seen Lala wearing the school uniform of Cainan College, she would definitely feel that she was kidnapped by an alien.

Back at the villa, Bula looked strangely at Lala holding the baby and asked: "Speaking of Lala, she is..."

"Did you say Meigan? She is a child who lost her way in the park. I happened to meet her when I came back from buying soy sauce. I brought her back by the way." Lala said normally.

"But the lost child should be sent to the police station." Bla said silently.

"Is that so?" Several question marks appeared in Lara's head, looking very puzzled.There is no such idea in her mind.

"If her parents find out that she is missing, they will definitely be very worried. Forget it, wait for the brother to come out and see what he says." Bula said casually.

"Well, as long as Nie Jun is there, she will definitely help her find her parents." He nodded his head sharply.

Meigan didn't object. One was that she was not wearing any clothes, and the other was that her body had become too small and it was difficult for her to go home alone.And he became a child, will his brother recognize himself when he comes home?Thinking about it, she suddenly felt a little scared, how can she get back to the original state?Fortunately, I met Lala and provided her with a place to stay.

Before returning to the original state, I can only stay here.And the girl in front of her is probably an alien, maybe there is a way to help her recover.

Nie Kong quickly prepared dinner. When he saw the baby in cute clothes in Lala's arms, he was a little speechless.After hearing that Lala picked it back privately, he had the urge to vomit blood.

"After dinner, let's take her to the police station. With the help of the police, I believe she can find her parents soon." Nie Kong nodded and said.

"But, but she has just called, saying that she is going to live with us temporarily, and tell her family not to worry." Bula Gu was very speechless looking at Mei Gan who was eating dinner with relish.

"Little sister, do you know where you live?" Nie Kong looked at her warmly and asked.

"I know, so it's okay." Meigan said milkily.Bra's brother takes care of his sister.But my brother, on the contrary, has to take care of him.Thinking of this, Mei Kan felt a little envious of Bra.Which sister doesn't want her brother's pampering?

"Well, stay here for the time being tonight. Tomorrow you will show me the way and I will take you home." Nie Kong nodded, but didn't care.Since her parents dared to agree to her living in a stranger's house, why bother.

Through their conversation at Nie Kong's dinner, Meigan learned that the handsome boy in front of him was called Nie Kong, a physical education teacher from Cainan College.The two girls in front of them are students from Class A of Cainan College.

She thought it was a coincidence that she was in the same class as her brother.After hearing it, her fear slowly dissipated.Since he is a classmate of his brother, he should be considered an acquaintance.

"Wait for you two girls to take a shower, by the way, help her wash." After eating, Nie Kong, who was cleaning up the dishes, reminded the two women.

"Hey, Jun Nie, I have no experience in bathing a baby. How about Jun Nie accompany the three of us to wash together. Bula Jiang said that Jun Nie helped her bathe since she was a child, so she would definitely take care of the baby." Lala pouted Said the mouth.

"Yes." Blachan nodded his head vigorously.

"In this case, you two should wash it yourself. You really need to take care of your children's bathing very carefully." Taking care of the child Nie Kong is already familiar, after all, he has already become the dad of two children.Taking a bath for the child is a commonplace meal.

Blame was disappointed, so he missed the days when he took a bath with his father.Now that I have grown up, my father has become much more restrained.Hmph... It's obviously treating me like a daughter, damn it.My purpose is to make my father treat himself as a girl.Come, dad, just push me.

"Oh..." Meigan exclaimed, he...he wants to bathe himself?Although the body is in the state of a baby, the mind is already eleven or twelve years old.No, it should be more mature.

Lala pouted her mouth, but she grabbed Bra by herself and slipped into the bathroom.The plan failed, Nie Jun refused to accompany her in the bath.

After taking care of his affairs, Nie Kong was about to take a bath before going to bed.When he came near the baby girl, he skillfully held Meigan in his arms with both hands.

"Okay, baby, let's take a shower."

"Ah..." Mei Gan looked at Nie Kong stupidly, he really... really wanted to wash himself.She has no right to object, she has fallen into Nie Kong's spacious arms.

Warm water is already in the bathtub, so you can soak in it by simply washing your body.He has experienced several Japanese two-dimensional worlds and has mastered the Japanese bathing method.

He first stretched out his hand and unbuttoned the clothes covering Meigan.Her petite body appeared in Nie Kong's eyes, without missing the slightest.Bai Huahua's body has a baby-like smooth and tender skin.

Mei Gan Qiao blushed, but she couldn't help it.Watching Nie Kong take off his clothes, revealing his sturdy body, Mei Gan was even more flustered.For the first time in her life, she clearly saw the boy.

Putting Meigan on the stool in the bathroom, he took out the shower cap and put it on Meigan's head. Nie Kong began to help wash the hair.The shower cap has the function of preventing water from seeping into the child's eyes, which is very convenient.

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