The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0613, charming

"Ah..." she yelled in a low voice in panic, how could she provoke her to recover at this moment.If... if he is sober, how should he face him?Just thinking about it, Mei Kan felt blushing.It was embarrassing and embarrassing.

Sleeping with him in the same bed was purely an accident, and her clothes shattered due to her enlarged body.She didn't blame Nie Kong, he was not wrong.But how should I face him?Although it was an accident, how could what happened last night be obliterated?

If she can, she really wants to keep her child.In that state, she was able to face Nie Kong freely.

Just as Mei Gan arched and secretly left his embrace, when Nie Kong opened his eyes, the two eyes met each other instantly, and Mei Gan blushed and bounced.

"Could it be that you are Meigan?" Nie Kong looked around and found that Meigan in baby state had disappeared, and she appeared in front of her in the form of a loli.The effect of the young skunk was gone, and Meigan finally returned to its original state.

"I...I... don't know." Due to the panic caused by being too shy, Mikan's words were uncomfortable.It's over, he has discovered his identity.She said those words in a panic, and then fled Nie Kong's bedroom.

But where can she escape? Meigan, who is undressed, can only stay in the living room with a bath towel and head buried.When I see Nie Kong, the pretty face will always burn like fire.

As time passed, the two women began to wake up, and they came to the hall in their pajamas, and were surprised to see the "strange" Lori Meikan appeared.

"you are?"

Faced with Lara and the others who are also girls, Mei Gan smiled bitterly and finally told them what happened one by one.

"Is it caused by a young skunk? That's how it is." Lala suddenly realized.Later, Lala thought that Nie Kong was bathing with her in the water last night, and something H wouldn't happen.

Bula pressed Mei Gan on the sofa and asked Nie Kong if he had done too much to her.

Meigan's face flushed red, and she stammered and shook her hands and said, "" Except that she didn't really push it, she had done everything she needed to do.The beauty of last night was deeply embedded in Meigan's memory.

"Huh... if so, I will help you teach your brother a good lesson." Blah nodded with his hands on his hips.

Nie Kong worked so hard to find a suitable dress for Meigan, and she hurriedly escaped from the villa.Before leaving, Lala happily cried out and told her to come and play often.Looking at Nie Kong, who was smiling and saying goodbye to her, ripples appeared in the lake that was originally calm.In the future, it seems that I have to maintain my original life, and it seems that there is no hope.

Meigan didn't return all night, but Li Dou didn't worry about her phone call.

"I'm back!" Although a little tired, it was indeed Meigan's voice.The door twisted open, and a somewhat flustered Meikan appeared in front of Li Dou.

"Mikam, you're finally back, I'm going to die of starvation." Li Dou, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Mikan, waiting for Mikan to come back to make breakfast for him.

"Li Dou, you should learn how to cook by yourself." Seeing Li Dou's unwillingness, she hated iron and steel in comparison with Nie Kong.Most of them are older brothers taking care of younger sisters, but the situation in my own family is reversed.

"I tried it last night, but the cooking I made is so terrible." Li Dou shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect cooking to be so difficult.And why is the food made by Meikan so delicious?

"Wait, I started to prepare breakfast and lunch." Meigan looked slightly disappointed, perhaps because he was expecting too much.Li Dou's appearance, it seems that there is no possibility of change.

"By the way, Lidou, do you know someone named Lala?" Meigan suddenly asked aloud when he stepped into the kitchen half a step.

"Hey... how do you know that classmate Lala who has just been transferred from our class? Quietly tell you that classmate Lala is an alien." Li Dou excitedly said.

"It's really an alien and your classmate, is there a teacher named Nie Kong?" Mei Gan continued to ask.

"Well, Nie Kong is the physical education teacher in our class. It's Meigan, how did you know about them?" Li Dou said in surprise.

"It's okay, I occasionally ran into them yesterday and chatted a few words." Mei Gan rushed into the kitchen in a hurry, and did not continue questioning.It turned out to be true, he is really his brother's teacher...

Li Dou's eyes were confused, and he found that his sister Mei Gan was a little different from before.

Compared with Meigan, Lun is much unlucky.If possible, Lun is very willing to exchange experiences with Meigan.How happy to be able to do such an intimate thing with Nie Kong.

In the end, Lun, who was a child, cried and searched half the city, and it took half the night to finally catch the young skunk.Fortunately, she was restored to her original condition when she returned home, otherwise she might be seen by others.

Originally intended to use it to prank Lara, Kerun was not sure to control it.Tragic Lun discovered that the props she worked so hard to prepare were wasted.The change of the battle plan can only temporarily stop the prank on Lara.

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