The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 063, advent

The Huang Family of Hong Kong, China, was founded by the Invincible Oriental, one of the three Pluto kings. It is not only the largest local gang, but also the group that leads all the monsters in China.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife!" In the enchantment of the Huang Family Headquarters, I saw a girl wearing a Luo skirt from the Qing Dynasty more than 100 years ago, working hard to practice.But this weird costume looks a bit strange in comparison with the surrounding modern buildings.

Her skin was very white, as pale as the demon beast, without a trace of blood.Although her face is not as charming as a demon beast, it is more pure and lovely than her.

"Yeah, I used it for success!" The moment the girl swung her hand knife, the big tree in front of her unexpectedly broke into several sections.The Bengyue Dimensional Knife was originally a technique to remove objects, not to bring objects to other dimensions.It opens the dimension in the object like a space ring, and separates it disorderly, making it impossible to connect as before, achieving the effect of cutting.

This trick is one of the three masters of the three kings of the East, the undefeated invincible ingenuity, with a strange and unpredictable attack ability!If you don't have certain strength, you can't avoid it at all.

"Oh, Lingling is a pretty talented girl, she can inherit the old man's unique skills! In this way, the old man's skills will not be buried." Sitting on the roof of the villa in the distance, one eye wears sunglasses and her skin is wrinkled. The old man was somewhat delighted to see this scene.

But before they were happy for long, a strange darkness appeared at the place cut by the Bengyue Dimensional Knife.The darkness is getting bigger and bigger, and it will almost become a black hole!

"This is... a black hole? Is it possible that Lingling's Bengyue Dimensional Sword has reached the highest stage of opening the space barrier?" Dongfang Unbeaten stood up in surprise.

"What's the matter, my Dimensional Knife shouldn't reach this level." Lingling stepped back in shock, not daring to approach the black exit that suddenly appeared in front.

At this moment, a large group of black smoke emerged from the black hole!No, this is not black mist, but a huge group of bats!

"This strange monster, what kind of monster ran out?" Even Dongfang Unbeaten, who had lived for hundreds of years, couldn't understand that the Bengyue Dimensional Sword that his granddaughter accidentally used would appear such a strange scene.

"My day... I can finally come out alive!" When the two were stunned, a hearty and cheerful laugh came out from the sky.

The two looked in the direction where the bats gathered, and saw that the bat in the sky turned into a man.This person is no one else, but Nie Kong who came from the Digimon world.

Scarlet pupils, silver hair fluttering in the wind, and Nie Kong's handsome and evil appearance are enough to attract any young woman in a boudoir.

"Is this shape a vampire? But apart from Zhu Ran's family, how could there be such a powerful vampire in the world? Could it be Lingling's Bengyue Dimensional Knife, which happened to be released from a different space?" Dongfang Unbeaten guessed well. It was precisely because of the little space cut by Lingling's Bengyue Dimensional Knife that Nie Kong descended into this world.

"Who are you? Why are you in the barrier of our house?" Lingling looked at Nie Kong in the sky warily and put on a fighting pose.Intuition tells her that the man in the sky is dangerous.

"Girl?" Nie Kong also noticed the beauties wearing weird costumes below, and his heart moved.Originally, he was consuming all the energy of the body in the dimensional channel. At this time, he was weak, and he wanted the blood of a few virgins to restore his own energy.

"Haha, you will understand who I am later." Nie Kong didn't directly answer Lingling's question, and the figure floating in the sky quickly rushed towards her.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife!!" Huang Lingling yelled, not afraid of Nie Kong, and directly swiped at Nie Kong.But unfortunately, nothing appeared.Lingling's Bengyue Dimensional Knife is not proficient, and she can't use it successfully every time!

"How come, my Bengyue Dimensional Sword failed?" Huang Lingling was a little dumbfounded.

"Want to scare me, I thought it would really be Bengyue Dimensional Sword." Nie Kong was relieved, feeling that his body was not unusual.He quickly walked around Lingling's back, and his right hand encircled her slender waist.

"The smell of blood smells so good. It looks like a virgin. I'm so lucky." Nie Kong lowered his head and gently smelled her snow-white neck. He couldn't help but stretch out his fangs before Huang Lingling could react. Stabbed in her neck.

"Well, it hurts! What do you want to do to me?" Huang Lingling felt a pain in her neck, and she lost her strength little by little.

Following the entrance of Huang Lingling's blood, Nie Kong felt that the blood in Huang Lingling's body was not as warm as an ordinary human girl, but out of his coldness, but it contained a lot of energy.

"It's delicious, the refreshing taste is better than eating ice cream!" Nie Kong took a few big mouthfuls, and as the virgin blood turned into energy to replenish his body, his vampire body began to recover.

"Where is the vampire, what do you want to do to my granddaughter?" Standing on the top of the Huang's villa, Dongfang Undefeated, seeing Lingling in danger, could no longer hold back.The body that looks aging is unexpectedly agile.

Nie Kong only felt a flower in front of him, that is, a short old man with wrinkled skin appeared. Looking at Nie Kong, he felt very dangerous.

"Asshole, asshole! Just suck my blood, dare to take my first kiss." Huang Lingling's cold and pale face unexpectedly showed a rare blush.She struggling to get out of Nie Kong's arms, her eyes glared at him.

"Lingling, my grandpa will vent your anger for you. As long as I'm still alive, I will never allow others to bully my family!" Dongfang Unbeaten pulled Lingling back, staring at Nie Kong with cold eyes.

A powerful and compelling aura was uploaded from the small old man who seemed to be in the soil at any time.

"Invincible in the East? Bengyue Dimensional Knife? Is this the world of the cross and the vampire?" Nie Kong heard the name of the old man in front of him, coupled with the moves the girl just called out, and finally understood which anime he had come to. In the world.

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