The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0623, Nana's confusion

"Really, tell me about your master's characteristics. I'll help you find it." Nana stood up and said with a wry smile.

"Really, you will become a good wife in the future. The most memorable thing is that the owner has this gentle and kind taste." Ma Long said with a bow.

But it was the standard nose smell of a dog, how could Nana understand it.Besides, in the eyes of a dog, the owner is generally kind and gentle.

"Talk about the characteristics of human beings, I have the ability to find people by taste." Nana said angrily.

"Um...If you say this, the master is worrying about love. She seems to be very concerned about a male teacher named Nie Kong." Ma Long said without a word.

Originally, Nana felt that her head was big, so she was always in love.After hearing Nie Kong's name, he was refreshed.Besides my sister, are there any other girls who like him?

"Ma Long...really, it's great that you're okay. Huh, and Xiao Nana?" A familiar voice reached Nana's ears, and when she turned around, she found that she was the sister's friend Haruna?

She looked at Nana in surprise, but she didn't expect to meet Lara's sister here.

"Ma Long's owner is Chuncai, and the girl who likes Nie Kong is Chuncai?" Nana looked surprised, and she was shocked to discover the secret.

Seeing how wet the two were, Haruna roughly guessed what happened.She smiled and specially invited Nana to her apartment and changed into clean clothes.

And Nana wanted to know the truth, so she nodded her head and agreed to her invitation.When she came to the apartment where Haruna was staying, Nana took a hot bath and changed her clothes.Haruna took the wet clothes and washed them.

"Wow, my clothes used to fit well." Looking at Nana in a light yellow dress, Haruna had the urge to hug her, too cute.

"I really trouble you." Nana said embarrassedly.

"How can you say that, if it weren't to save Malone, you wouldn't have become such a virtue." Haruna gently offered a cup of hot milk tea and smiled at her.

"Thank you." Nana took the milk tea, and then stared at Chun Cai.She actually liked Nie Kong, which really shocked Nana.

"What's the matter?" Haruna asked strangely as Nana stared at herself.

"Um... I don't know if I should ask you something." Nana said hesitantly.

"Just ask, if I know." Gentle Haruna never knew to refuse.

"Chunca, you like Teacher Nie Kong." When Nana jumped out, a stormy sea was set off in Chuncai's heart. She stammered: "Well...Why do you know about Nana?"

"I have the ability to talk to animals. It was Malone who told me Haruna likes him." Nana said, pointing to the Boston Terrier who was enjoying drinking milk.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is Malone! idiot, can I talk nonsense about that kind of thing." Haruna's face red ears grabbed Malone and shook it vigorously.The secret in my heart was discovered again, and Haruna was ashamed of herself.And it was Lala's sister who found out, how could this be good?

"Ah... don't worry, I didn't tell anyone. I just want to know, what exactly do Haruna and the emperor sister like him? Love is really inexplicable." Nana said in confusion.

"The good part of the teacher is that when I am with him, there is a warmth that fills the whole body and feels at ease. His gentleness, you don't understand." Haruna looked forward to something, seeming to miss something.

"Warm and relieved, I really don't understand those things at all." Nana said, tilting her head.

"As long as you stay with the teacher, sooner or later you will understand." Haruna smiled.

"Then you like him, don't you tell him directly, is it worrying about the emperor?" Nana asked strangely.

"That's the case, Lala is my very important friend. From my standpoint, I really can't cheer for her. If Lala knows how I feel, maybe I can no longer maintain the way I am now." Said with disappointment.

"Well, I will hide it for you." Nana nodded.

But if you hide your feelings, can you still be regarded as a true friend?Haruna was hesitant, and her heart was a little confused.She felt that among friends, she should not be able to conceal that kind of sentiment.

But if she gave up liking Nie Kong, she really couldn't do it.After gritting her teeth, her eyes slowly regained firmness.Maybe I really want to confess my mind to Xiaojing as Xiaojing said.

"It's really troublesome to be in love," Nana muttered.

After the clothes were dried, Nana said goodbye to Haruna and headed for the villa.She has gained a lot from the walk, and she understands Chuncai's heart.

After returning to the villa, they found the emperor sister and they were sitting in the living room waiting for her to return.

"Really, Nana, how can it take so long for you to take a walk? Come here, the breakfast Nie Jun prepared for you has already kept you warm." Lala opened the lid, revealing the hot table top food.

"Hehe...Yes, brother-in-law knows that we haven't eaten hot food, so I specially keep you warm. Come on Nana, eat while it's hot." Mengmeng said gently.

"It's fine when you come back, you're hungry," Nie Kong said gently.

"Brother-in-law..." She stared at Nie Kong blankly, and suddenly a warm current surged into her heart.She suddenly understood what Haruna said to her just now.Is that his tenderness.

With a silent hum, she came to the table and buried her head to enjoy the warm food.Debby Luke's food is terrible, and checking for poisons will cause the food to become cold.The three sisters have been eating those foods since they were young.

Nana thought it was very delicious when Nie Kong made the breakfast.However, he does have his advantages.Anyway, I will continue to get along, I have time to observe him slowly.

To get the emperor sister, you must first get her approval.

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