The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0625, Xilinu became a human

No wonder Mestia is called an S-class dangerous planet, and the plants inside are full of dangers.The soul fire of plants there is much stronger than plants on other planets.Most of them have eyes and mouths, and are omnivorous.

After Mengmeng's questioning, their branches stretched out and pointed to a certain position, which was exactly the destination Nie Kong and the others were looking for.In the vast scene, numerous plants are like welcoming guests.

"I'm not mistaken, isn't this the extremely dangerous Mestia star?" Nana dumbly looked at the scene before her, feeling very shocked.And Mengmeng knew the plants' thoughts very clearly, she knew they were afraid of Nie Kong.Being able to get his father's recognition, the brother-in-law is really hidden.

Lala had long been accustomed to Nie Jun's power, and she was not surprised by the nerves.It seemed that she had obtained the hope of saving Xilinu. She excitedly took Nie Kong's arm and hurriedly set off to the place where they were pointing.

After half an hour's journey, they finally came to the so-called lucky berry tree.Its roots are like the tentacles of an octopus, capable of wriggling.The shape itself is very similar to a round spinach, but it is strange that the body is very weak and upside down like Shilinu, without any energy.

By talking to it, Mengmeng learned that it was due to lack of moisture.After Nie Kong poured water from the Dingtian Ring to it, the leaves on its top began to glow green, regaining its spirit.The most surprising thing is that its branches began to bloom, and quickly became full of apple-like fruits.

"Ah... Could it be that lucky berry, did it come to fruition?" Ramen said with surprise.

"Squeak..." Its roots pointed to its own fruit, as if to say something.

"That's true, and it said thank you for our life-saving grace, if you want it, just take it off. Great, Shilinu is saved." Mengmeng happily translated after hearing its words.

"Thank you, Mr. Lucky Berry." Nana squinted and cheered.

"Since we have found the fruit, let's go back to Earth as soon as possible. I am very worried about the situation of Xilinu." Nie Kong said.

"Oh..." The girls excitedly surrounded Nie Kong, and began to teleport from the star of Mestya to the villa.With positioning, Nie Kong can return to his own coordinates no matter how far away.

When they returned to the flower garden of the villa, Nie Kong and the others found that the sluggish Xilinu suddenly burst into a bright dazzling light. What happened?Their gazes were all focused on Xilinu's body.After the bursts of light dissipated, Silino who appeared in front of everyone was completely withered.However, at the original position of the flower, it actually produced a red fruit about one meter in size.

Could it be said that Xilinu's variety is the type that can bear fruit?

"How could it be withered, Xilinu's blight should last a few days." Mengmeng said with a frown.Since Mengmeng couldn't talk to it, she thought it was dead.

"Is it too late? I couldn't feed the lucky berries to Sirinu." Nana said regretfully.

"No, Xilinu is not sick." At this time, Nie Kong finally discovered that the soul flame in the fruit was brewing.Although its rhizome was withered from the outside, all the breath of Silino's life was absorbed into the fruit, as if it was about to contain a new life.And this life possesses the vigorous vitality comparable to human beings, it is definitely not sick, but evolution.

Nie Kong just came to a conclusion, suddenly there was a cracking sound.I saw the red fruit hanging on the withered vine, cracking from the middle like a broken egg.And this gap is getting bigger and bigger, reaching the critical point, until the fruit is divided into two halves.


The small figure jumped out of the fruit, and Gu Lulu's eyes scanned a circle.When he found Nie Kong, he threw a happy smile into Nie Kong's arms.

Nie Kong felt a familiar sense of vision, and the singing of each other's baby came in his mind.Your sister, Xilinu, do you think you are a gourd baby, unexpectedly popped out of the fruit.

"Ah..." After a while, everyone was dumbfounded.I saw the girl who appeared in Nie Konghuai, who was probably a two-year-old Loli.The long green hair hangs down, and on top is a six-petaled pink flower.She didn't wear any clothes, she was fat and lovely.

Who is she?Is it really Xilinu?

"Xilinu..." Nie Kong whispered in disbelief.

She seemed to hear Nie Kong's voice, she raised her lovely head and looked at Nie Kong and whimpered...

"She really is... Xilinu, I didn't expect to be like this..." Mengmeng had already communicated with her and learned the specific situation.

"It's so cute." Lala stretched out her hand, and then Xilinu stared at her for a while and then laughed and got into Lala's arms.She was also very close, rubbing her chest with her cheeks continuously.Although Shilinu is a little girl, Lara, who has developed so sensitively, feels a little soft.

"Um... as cute as Bua when he was a child." Perhaps he recalled Nie Kong's memories, and he chuckled in memory.

"Hee hee, if I can have children with Nie Jun in the future, I think it will be as cute as Xilinu." La Ramez thought.

"There are plants in the universe that I didn't know about. It's really full of all kinds of life forms." Looking at Xilinu in front of her, Mengmeng said with a sigh.Although it looked like a fairy, who could have expected that very rare plants could develop this kind of change.

Things went beyond their dreams' expectations, and they ran to Mestya for nothing.And the villa has a new member.For this newcomer Petal Princess, they all like her very much.Every time they make various actions that cause trouble, Nie Kong and the others are often confused.

After the performance of Xilinu, her wisdom is equivalent to a three-year-old child.But compared to ordinary babies, they are much more lively, hardly know what to worry about, and smile all day long.

When Haruna and the others came to Niekong Villa as guests and knew that she was Xilinu, they were even more shocked.

Fortunately, she hadn't grown up, otherwise she would definitely be as beautiful as a fairy who harmed the country and the people.

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